Stockton vs. Canada - UFC


Fairway to Heaven
Who do you guys have tonight? Diaz has never been finished, but in my opinion hasn't fought nearly the competition GSP has. Really interesting main and co main event. Diaz does a great job hyping fights by saying stuff that makes no sense. Besides the Aldo fight and the Hunt vs. JDS fight this has been one that I've been looking forward to. Really hoping Georges just doesnt pull his typical bullshit and lay on him for 25 minutes.

Either way theres a 100% chance Nick fails the drug test.
Well I just want a good fight, I'm sure Diaz is going to party it up in Mtl since Stockton is quite depressing.
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Fuck GSP, Go Diaz!!!

Gotta go for the hometown guy from the 209. It's a longshot for Diaz to win, especially if GSP gives us his patented boring fight, but Diaz can brawl and take punches. I fucking dare GSP to stand up and trade blows but if he's smart, he'd do what he usually does. But Diaz can get under people's skin. Should be a good one... hopefully.

I'm putting a small $50 on Diaz at +350.
Even though I'm Canadian, I really don't support an athlete based on their nationality, I want GSP to lose especially in Montreal.
I have always thought GSP fights are so uneventful, boring, but I get so much flack here and Canadians always find a way to say oh how can you say that he's the champ, look what he's done to the previous fighters, he beat them up real good, bla bla bla.

Fuck me. I've met GSP and don't get me wrong, he's a stand up guy and really nice, but I think a lot of his fans put him up way too much on a pedestal.

I'd love to see the asshole everyone hates, the bad boy from a shit hole town just go over to God's nest and take a major dump on it and shut everyone up.
i think gsp is everything that is good about mma. i hope he rips nicks' face off. just my opinion. lol

I have nothing against GSP, it's the crowds that follow him, when Serra totally shocked him it's like the crowd stood still. I'd love to see that happen again, it's just becoming boring to see the same shit all the time.