Steve Nash -- Head Coach, Brooklyn Nets

Wow... very interesting signing...
Wonder how Kyrie and Nash will manage... at least the fact that Nash is Canadian should help with Earth is flat theory of Kyrie :)
So nice to see a bit of thinking outside the box... there is a limit of times you can play musical chair with NBA coaches and promote yet another promising assistant coach (that just join the musical chair game with NBA coaches)...
The last time Nets sign hall of gamer PG to coach (Jason Kidd ) didn’t end well, of course Kidd don’t have the superstars that Nash have now, but Nash has to deal with the egos of these superstars.......

Nets were playing uptempo this year with both Atkinson and Vaughn.....will Nash implement the 7 second plays from his Suns days? I’ve read where in today’s standards, the 7 seconds would be ranked somewhere bottom 15 in terms of pace....

Like Divol faces is better than the musical chair......
Does that mean we have to start cheering for the nets?

why that? i freaking hated him when he played (not really his fault, the ppl that overrated him made it that way, mvp in a league with kobe and shaq my fat ass!) , pretty easy to continue doing so now that he coaching 2 more guys i cant stand!!!
Wow... very interesting signing...
Wonder how Kyrie and Nash will manage... at least the fact that Nash is Canadian should help with Earth is flat theory of Kyrie :)
So nice to see a bit of thinking outside the box... there is a limit of times you can play musical chair with NBA coaches and promote yet another promising assistant coach (that just join the musical chair game with NBA coaches)...

i thought Lue was the easy, obvious, and right choice, suppose kyrie and kd like nash. i know kd has worked out with nash a lot, no secret who making the calls on this team.
He seems like a super nice guy. His style will fit the two divas well. Imagine it will be a modified D’Antoni / Kerr hybrid system.

as i said my dislike of him has everything to do with how others rated him, not anything about him. im sure the divas not only signed off but probably made the decision. kerr didnt have any coaching experience either and that worked out pretty well, of course having curry running the show makes life a lot easier than kyrie!! lot of pressure, that team is freaking loaded, they should be the favs to at least come out the east next year.
i dislike him getting mvp's i dont think he deserved, i dislike how much i think ppl overrate him. as a person i dont have any problem with him.

Over rated? Yikes. Why do you feel he was over rated? He’s a top 5 all time PG, no?
haha, this is pretty funny I thought he was all about soccer now

Speaking of soccer......heard this from an ex coworker.....

During off season in his playing days ( which is summer ) Nash would play soccer in a city park in NYC. Believe it’s Grand Park by Chinatown Grand Street train station.

Coworker don’t have pictures to show proof......
i thought Lue was the easy, obvious, and right choice, suppose kyrie and kd like nash. i know kd has worked out with nash a lot, no secret who making the calls on this team.

LUE? Why? He got the job cause of Lecramps No?
Over rated? Yikes. Why do you feel he was over rated? He’s a top 5 all time PG, no?

I don’t think so, and there no chance he was more valuable than Kobe when he won those mvps. Lot of Point guards could have done similar things on that all offense no defense suns team imo. Somehow guys get extra credit for being white me thinks. And not “raping” bitches I guess, lol,
ESPN’s resident racist in charge, Stephen A Smith has concluded that Steve Nash got hired with no coaching experience because of white privilege. El oh el. How did he possibly explain it when Jason Kidd was hired with no coaching experience? Was that Kidd’s black privilege? Stephen A is a fucking clown.
ESPN’s resident racist in charge, Stephen A Smith has concluded that Steve Nash got hired with no coaching experience because of white privilege. El oh el. How did he possibly explain it when Jason Kidd was hired with no coaching experience? Was that Kidd’s black privilege? Stephen A is a fucking clown.

we agree on that one! Lol.

you know damn well kd and kyrie made this hire or at very least signed off on it. So Stephen A punk ass should take it up with his black brothers if he don’t like it!!
ESPN’s resident racist in charge, Stephen A Smith has concluded that Steve Nash got hired with no coaching experience because of white privilege. El oh el. How did he possibly explain it when Jason Kidd was hired with no coaching experience? Was that Kidd’s black privilege? Stephen A is a fucking clown.

That was enough for me to listen again Stephen A . Had the exact same thought about Kidd's hire.
LUE? Why? He got the job cause of Lecramps No?

prob got the job cause bron but I thought he did very well once he had it. I’d have thought he be a good one to deal with Kyrie. Not that I think anything wrong with the Nash hire,I think he be good, just surprised.
Bottom line. A big reason and probably the main reason Nash got the gig was because of Durant and to a degree Kyrie, no other agendas in place.

All the noise on social media because of the current climate is exactly that, noise with a touch of bullshit.

Bottom line. A big reason and probably the main reason Nash got the gig was because of Durant and to a degree Kyrie, no other agendas in place.

All the noise on social media because of the current climate is exactly that, noise with a touch of bullshit.


Of course. But for ESPN to allow Stephen A to go on about it being white privilege is beyond a fucking joke. No one decided to push back at all and ask what he said when Kidd was hired? It was the same team for fuck’s sake, it should have been mentioned, at the very least.
By the way, here’s a list of other coaches who were hired with no previous head coaching experience. Jason Kidd, Ty Lue, Derek Fisher, Doc Rivers, Mark Jackson, Isaiah Thomas, and Magic Johnson. Must have been their white privilege huh?
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It was player privilege, the two stars had the final word. Truth.

Sean Marks not that type of dude. As liberal as they come.
Lue gonna be the Sixers coach.
Nothing on earth can convince me, that Lue is a better coach than Brown...
It is some kind of circle closure, with Lue's iconic moment of Iverson stepping over him in Philly :)
I don’t think so, and there no chance he was more valuable than Kobe when he won those mvps. Lot of Point guards could have done similar things on that all offense no defense suns team imo. Somehow guys get extra credit for being white me thinks. And not “raping” bitches I guess, lol,

Except they didn't do similar things... ever... until nash did

The 05 mvp over shaq was a no brainer, the one supposedly over Kobe was when Kobe had about a 60% usage rate, of course his counting numbers were gonna be good, lebron should finished 2nd anyway
Kind of curious what Vaughn did to lose this job when he didn’t have KD or Kyrie, and half his team wasn’t in the bubble? Then again, not sure what Atkinson did to lose it either?

maybe Nash works out, maybe not, just a bad look when teams get rid of coaches not due to their performance.
Kind of curious what Vaughn did to lose this job when he didn’t have KD or Kyrie, and half his team wasn’t in the bubble? Then again, not sure what Atkinson did to lose it either?

maybe Nash works out, maybe not, just a bad look when teams get rid of coaches not due to their performance.
Vaughn is staying in as an assistant, and it's all superstar decisions, kd loves nash, they were super tight according to all the warriors beat guys
Kind of curious what Vaughn did to lose this job when he didn’t have KD or Kyrie, and half his team wasn’t in the bubble? Then again, not sure what Atkinson did to lose it either?

maybe Nash works out, maybe not, just a bad look when teams get rid of coaches not due to their performance.
I think Atkinson did amazing job... We will see how things will look next season, with everyone healthy plus Nash...
Really interesting to see how Nash and Kyrie get along. Very big fan of Kyrie, but he isn't the player that makes players around you better, while Nash was all about that...
If he would get 10% of the extra money players around him got, with him padding up their stats... He could have bought an island :)
Except they didn't do similar things... ever... until nash did

The 05 mvp over shaq was a no brainer, the one supposedly over Kobe was when Kobe had about a 60% usage rate, of course his counting numbers were gonna be good, lebron should finished 2nd anyway

that cause they wernt put into that offense that at the time was incredibly fast paced with defense as a huge afterthought. a offense that made jeremy lyn relevant!!! obviously nothing anyone says gonna change anyone else mind on the subject but im incredibly confident there a whole bunch of pg's that could have been inserted in his place and did similar if not better things. certainly couldnt have won any fewer championships or had less finals appearances since i never recall seeing him at the end. no clue what exactly we claiming he did that was so special? i do think he be a fine coach and anyone acting like race had anything to do with the hire is a moron since as i said we all know who the 2 guys were largely responsible for this hire were!!

it blows my mind ppl act as if there any doubt kobe was more valuable. kobe won rings, nash did not.
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to be clear i dont hate nash, he was a fine player with a great handle. this just what inevitably happens anytime i get into a discussion about him i sound like i think he a bum or something which isnt the case, it just i feel as if he gets vastly more credit that he deserved, topped off by those 2 mvps which a joke of a award that mostly a popularity contest anyways. if the award was legit jordan and bron would have way more of them along with kobe. greak freak winning it this year further validates my claim, take bron off lakers and are they even a playoff team? i doubt it, meaning he the obvious most valuable player!! pretty sure bucks could make it and get bounced out the playoffs just the same without freak.
they were talking bout this race shit on the radio this morning and the thought occurred to me everyone should stop pretending they want equality if it now to the point you not allowed to hire a white guy!!!! not to mention dont nets have a track record of hiring some black coaches? they not allowed to try anything else? then threre the ultimate point that ive already brought up, we know damn well kd and kyrie made this call so how the hel caqn anyone yell "white privilege" when the 2 black stars made the call?!!
they were talking bout this race shit on the radio this morning and the thought occurred to me everyone should stop pretending they want equality if it now to the point you not allowed to hire a white guy!!!! not to mention dont nets have a track record of hiring some black coaches? they not allowed to try anything else? then threre the ultimate point that ive already brought up, we know damn well kd and kyrie made this call so how the hel caqn anyone yell "white privilege" when the 2 black stars made the call?!!

Barkley is the man.....he not afraid to call out Stephen Azz Smith......