Steelers Poem: Curse Of The Terrible Towel...


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Steelers Poem: Curse Of The Terrible Towel

It was a dark day in Steelers history. The Tennessee Titans crushed the Black and Gold this season, then stomped on the Terrible Towel. The Titans haven't won since. Coincidence?

Curse Of The Terrible Towel
A Poem By Dave Crawley

There is power, they say, in the towels that wave.
Like black and gold shrouds on the visitor's grave.
It's a mojo opponents should never neglect.
The Terrible Towel requires respect.

Then this! A deed unspeakably foul!
The Tennessee Titans defiles the towel!
Although their crass actions made Steeler fans wince,
You'll notice that Titan team hasn't won since.

They lost to the Colts. Then the Ravens came in,
A game <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
><st1:State alt=
</st1:State><ST1:place w:st="on">Tennessee</ST1:place> was expected to win.

But the curse of the towel gave <st1:State w:st="on"><ST1:place w:st="on">Tennessee</ST1:place></st1:State> shakes,
As they sank in a series of stunning mistakes.

Our Black and Gold guys had a much different story.
Santonio Holmes led the gallop to glory.
Fast Willie scored, and the Steelers were winning.
For the Chargers the torment was only beginning.

Third quarter. Alas, on the Bolts' only play,
Foote gives them the boot, and he takes it away.
The towels were twirling as Ben let it go,
And the much maligned offense was starting to flow.

That towel brings sorcery into the fray.
If you don't believe it, well, check out this play.
To add to the Chargers' grim feelings of dread,
A punt that careened off this poor fellow's head.

The message, of course, as we hooted with glee,
From the Terrible Towel: Do not tread on me.
A word to the Ravens. The moment draws nigh.
This is the reason you're still flying high.

The Titans besmirched it, and now to our glee
They will be watching this game on TV.
As you enter the confines where Steeler fans howl:
Beware of the curse of the Terrible Towel. <O:p></O:p>

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:cheers: HERE WE GO STEELERS HERE WE GO!!!!! :cheers:​
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:cheers: Puhlahmahlu 2008 :cheers:
on a different site in another terrible towel thread i wrote this:

with you on the towel M.S. i still have one of the originals. it was just a plain yellow "dish"towel with the words - terrible towel- on it. every couple yrs i get a new one. i have them hanging in my basement in different places of honor. all the newer ones say something like afc champ. or superbowl champ. or the likes. my original is still my fav. the logo that was printed on it is almost unreadable now from all the early use of it. my basement has 6 tvs set up on one wall so as to watch almost every game that is televised simultaniously. it is also almost shrinelike with all my steeler and wvu mountaineer stuff, some valuable and most only valuable to me and mine. as you can imagine , i also have several good luck talismans that i have gathered throughout my many yrs of being a diehard fan. every sat and sun my buds come over to watch foots and throw darts and drink lots of beer. the women laugh and think its silly when we allow them to come down to the man-cave and they see up to a dozen otherwise respectable adults waving and pointing good luck charms at 6 tvs but we KNOW that had we not done so our teams would have probably lost. if it aint broke, dont fix it!
part of me can see pitt harassing warner and co into several TOs and possibly blowing them out. another part of me can see a closer game. NO part of me can see the steelers lose this game though. it is the year of the black after all.... obama winning and inspiring the entire country, tiger woods rebounding after his injury, etc.. and feb is black heritage month with the good ole black and gold winning the sb with the first black head coach to do so.
good luck to all no matter who you go with,

ps, i was born in the south side hosp in pitt. my father had a doctorate in psyc. but was having a hard time finding a job in the pitt area. he spent about 2-3 yrs working in the steel mills before becoming the head psyc not far from morgantown in wv. i had steeler blankets as a baby and still do(not on my bed though). have always loved my steelers and mounties and always will!