Stay Classy, Junior Galette


Beacon of Calmness
247Sports@247Sports <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 28m28 minutes ago</small>
Video surfaces of #Saints player allegedly striking woman with belt: …

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I can't tell what is going on in that video, so I am withholding judgment. I don't approve of Ray Rice's actions after hitting that woman and how callous he was.... but she attacked him first in my opinion, he hit her once as she lunged at him. Sorry, he shouldn't have received the punishment he did. I call bullshit on the whole Ray Rice thing.
I can't tell what is going on in that video, so I am withholding judgment. I don't approve of Ray Rice's actions after hitting that woman and how callous he was.... but she attacked him first in my opinion, he hit her once as she lunged at him. Sorry, he shouldn't have received the punishment he did. I call bullshit on the whole Ray Rice thing.


Guy is a POS....Goes back to his Temple days

He also has a video of him sayin he wasnt hurt, only his wack ass chain was hurtin his pectoral muscle(someone sayin "fuck sean"...assumed to be SP.... can be heard in the back from another vid)

guy had 12 sacks one season and the paid him

cut bait

fuck this dude and his woman beatin self
So is this him in video or not?

Obviously his attorney is gonna say it wasn't him but they did pull the video....just curious...