Starting to have a plan


Not all those who wander are lost
No time to study so far but think I am going to be paying a lot of attention to Milwaukee, Philadelphia and the Padres.
I am sorry but the plan is super secret.
It is possible it has something to do with payrolls
SF vs Brewers an extra 109 million for example but till NBA is done ???
Its possible that betting against very poor teams that are playing bad is unfair but-----
Then again other fades might be Anaheim. I think they are paying Weaver 18 million a year. Very smart operation.
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It's so secret you are posting it on a gambling forum before it is complete........ and from the sounds of it, really even started.
Amazing lack of a sense of humor. Until more patterns emerge based on day rest and other tools I will make simple bets. Milwaukee is a likely target. I think Anaheim is likely to have a bad year and will be looking to fade them. I will make reasonable plays.