Stallworth update

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
Because I know you care.

Though it's being reported that Donte is now a Patriot, that's not true. Nor is he a member of al Qaeda, either.

He has, however, been offered a contract by both NE and Philly.

But tomorrow he's going to visit the Titans, hopefully Pacman can show him the town, give him a sense of the trim he could be having in Hashville. Although you've got to wonder how good it would be for a guy in the league's substance abuse program to be on a team with Rainman. At any rate, then he's off to Miami (see the sentence above, substitute the name Marcus Vick where appropriate) on Thursday and Drew Rosenhaus says his decision on where to play next season will likely happen on Friday.
Truthfully, I'd rather see him in a pumpkin helmet holding a clipboard near Lake Erie, but only if he's willing to mentor Charlie Frye.

But that's just me being greedy.

If he's cheap, sure, but really, I don't see what he'd bring to the Birds. I know there's this love/hate thing with Feeley. Where we all love the potential he showed once upon a time and hate the way he flamed out in not one, but two organizations that really could have used him. And there's that fear that should he get into a game he's going to meltdown far worse than Donovan ever has and we're all going to want to go jump of the Ben Franklin bridge (which for me would actually take some doing seeing as how I'm on the other side of the country).

But there are two things with Green that I don't like. One, he wasn't young at the start of last season, he's no younger now, and now he's had a serious head injury. I'm sorry, the Chiefs can say whatever they want, but I didn't think that guy should have played again last season and he never looked very good when he did. Two, he wants a good deal of money.

Well, the Birds have better things to spend their money on.

The truth of it all is that only under very rare circumstances are you ever going to have a backup that's capable of coming in during the middle of the season and winning a SB like he was Jeff Hostetler. The Eagles had that last year, but once that guy shows up on the radar, if he's not already 40 years old and signed for the next season, he's gone and you're going to have to bring in somebody else to roll the dice with as a number two.

Really, I'd say 95% of the time or more, your starter has to win it for you. He has to stay healthy for you to win it all. That's the position the Birds are in, and if Feeley has to start the season for a game or two, or he has to come in for a game or two, the Eagles will be just like a lot of other teams, crossing their fingers that their backup doesn't screw it up for 'em.

Because the majority of the teams in the league only know what they've got on the bench when they go to it. Hell, I thought KC's season was over when they went to Huard, now he's going to be their starter.

Sorry to ramble, but really, I don't think the Eagles have the money to sign Green and, at this point, they've committed to AJ at the number two spot so if we're worried as fans the best we can do is pray.
Truthfully, I'd rather see him in a pumpkin helmet holding a clipboard near Lake Erie, but only if he's willing to mentor Charlie Frye.

But that's just me being greedy.

If he's cheap, sure, but really, I don't see what he'd bring to the Birds. I know there's this love/hate thing with Feeley. Where we all love the potential he showed once upon a time and hate the way he flamed out in not one, but two organizations that really could have used him. And there's that fear that should he get into a game he's going to meltdown far worse than Donovan ever has and we're all going to want to go jump of the Ben Franklin bridge (which for me would actually take some doing seeing as how I'm on the other side of the country).

But there are two things with Green that I don't like. One, he wasn't young at the start of last season, he's no younger now, and now he's had a serious head injury. I'm sorry, the Chiefs can say whatever they want, but I didn't think that guy should have played again last season and he never looked very good when he did. Two, he wants a good deal of money.

Well, the Birds have better things to spend their money on.

The truth of it all is that only under very rare circumstances are you ever going to have a backup that's capable of coming in during the middle of the season and winning a SB like he was Jeff Hostetler. The Eagles had that last year, but once that guy shows up on the radar, if he's not already 40 years old and signed for the next season, he's gone and you're going to have to bring in somebody else to roll the dice with as a number two.

Really, I'd say 95% of the time or more, your starter has to win it for you. He has to stay healthy for you to win it all. That's the position the Birds are in, and if Feeley has to start the season for a game or two, or he has to come in for a game or two, the Eagles will be just like a lot of other teams, crossing their fingers that their backup doesn't screw it up for 'em.

Because the majority of the teams in the league only know what they've got on the bench when they go to it. Hell, I thought KC's season was over when they went to Huard, now he's going to be their starter.

Sorry to ramble, but really, I don't think the Eagles have the money to sign Green and, at this point, they've committed to AJ at the number two spot so if we're worried as fans the best we can do is pray.

Like to see he Browns get GREEN. They have salary room.

Just stopped in for a minute guys. hello to all.:shake:
Like to see he Browns get GREEN. They have salary room.

Just stopped in for a minute guys. hello to all.:shake:

I am a bears fan but not one of the jackasses that are anti-cleveland. I like root for the Browns unless if they play Chicago...I agree with Joe that he would be great to mentor a young QB. I just do not think he is interested in something like that-when he could start at other places.
<TABLE class=tablehead cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=3><TBODY><TR class=colhead><TD width=65>WHO</TD><TD>INTERESTED</TD><TD>THE SKINNY</TD></TR><TR class=oddrow vAlign=top><TD noWrap align=middle>

Trent Green
</TD><TD>Greener pastures?
<Mar. 7> The Dolphins are one of a handful of teams interested in Green, writes's John Clayton. Green is looking at trade options because Kansas City is going through a transition at quarterback. Damon Huard re-signed for three years. The plan is for Brodie Croyle to be ready to start by 2008, but for that to happen he needs to be the backup this year. What that means for Green is he can either start or be the No. 3. If Green can't find a trading partner, he can certainly return and compete against Huard for a starting job with a reduced salary. Expect him to be gone. Green, who turns 37 in July, missed seven games in 2006 after sustaining a serious concussion in Week 1. Green finished the season with a 74.1 passer rating, his lowest since 2001.

Yeah, he might be able to start somewhere else--and if he does maybe he becomes my new version of Kurt Warner, always one hit away from out of the game and a guy I want to bet against because he's not where he used to be and it still doesn't register with him that he's past his prime.

I doubt he comes to Cleveland, hell, at this point I doubt they're smart enough to bring in someone like him to work with Frye.

Also, I was wrong above, today it's being reported that the Eagles did NOT offer a contract to Stallworth as reported yesterday. Instead they simply spoke to Drew R. about how they weren't the leak regarding the story about Donte being in the subtance abuse program. The also discussed if the Eagles would be open to a one year deal as opposed to a long term one. The Birds said they'd be interested in both.
I cannot believe that the Browns did not have a veteran backup last year. It amazes me that they had no one to tell Charlie how to become a good QB. Even if the answer is not Charlie, the veteran could have mentored the Derek Anderson. It seems as if this franchise always finds ways to set themselves back.....OIC....Only In Cleveland.

Yeah Warner and Green are like statues during this part of their hit and they are done.
Yes i totally agree they do need a mentor for charlie frye. He wasn't as bad as i thought he was going to be last year.

Is vinny Testiverde still available? jk, lol
Not only did they not have a veteran behind Frye, they didn't even have a QB coach with NFL coaching experience.

You want to talk about only in Cleveland, how far does your head have to be up your *ss to do something like that.

This, of course was after Trent Dilfer who they say doesn't mind the mentor role, refused to play for Carthon because he knew that guy was a complete moron and so Dilfer ran out of town.


And, in a related story, they're now talking to Jamal Lewis from the Ravens.

Somebody just put me out of my misery now, would ya?