Stalking the Tuesday Umps, weather, etc.

Hollywood Beaker

Stalking the umps
Umps we know:

Det: Hallion
Phi: Eddings
Pit: Everitt
TB: Gonzalez
Mil: Kellogg
Hou: Hudson
KC: Culbreth
ChiW: Ted Barrett
Col: Barksdale
Arz: Drake
Oak: Darling

Umps we're stalking:

Reynolds was in Det
Wolf was in Wsh
Winters was in Hou
Gibson was in Min
Davis was in LAD

Games we're stalking:

Atl/Wsh (DH)
SF/NYM showing Tichenor for game 1. Don't even know who it'd be for game 2 as Miller was moved from that crew to another one yesterday. showing DeMuth for Game 2 in Washington... 1b - Bucknor, 2b - Scott, 3b- Tichenor

i dont think this is correct though because they normally dont allow a hp ump in game 1 to work game 2 and vice versa... no idea though showing DeMuth for Game 2 in Washington... 1b - Bucknor, 2b - Scott, 3b- Tichenor

i dont think this is correct though because they normally dont allow a hp ump in game 1 to work game 2 and vice versa... no idea though

It's Baker