Stalking the Tuesday umps, weather, etc.

Hollywood Beaker

Stalking the umps
Umps we know:

Hou: Baker
ChiC: De Jesus
LAA: Hamari
NYY: Hoberg
Phi: Holbrook
SF: Johnson
Bal: Ripperger

Umps we're stalking:

Conroy was in Mia
Cuzzi was in Det
Davis was in Tor
Diaz was in LAD
Fairchild was in LAA
Gonzalez was in TB
Guccione was in ChiC
Hoye was in Bal
Meals was in Arz
Miller was in SF
Nauert was in NYM
Randazzo was in Col
Timmons was in Min
Nola w/Holbrook
Scherzer - surprisingly no appearances w/Holbrook

Holbrook 1.43 whip 2017 (10th highest of 92)
Holbrook 1.30 whip 2018

Scherzer at Cit Bank
Rematch from last week's duel...should be a good one.