Stalking the Tuesday umps, weather, etc.

Hollywood Beaker

Stalking the umps
Umps we know:

Phi: Davis
SD: DiMuro
Oak: Eddings
ChiC: Little
Cin: Meals
Tex: Miller
StL: Timmons

Umps we're stalking:

Baker was in Atl
Blakney was in Sea
Cederstrom was in ChiW
Cuzzi was in Tex
De Jesus was in SD
Fairchild was in NYM
Gonzalez was in KC
Guccione was in Oak
Hoye was in Mil
O'Nora was in TB
Porter was in StL
CARDS -1.5
C-Mart never started w/Timmons but .5 whip in 6+ inn relief

HF and o:streak = 4 and line < -150 and season > 2014 and SG > 1
SU: 25-10 (1.86, 71.4%) avg line: -180.2 / 167.7 on / against: +$789 / -$894 ROI: +12.5% / -25.5%

RL: 22-13 (0.36, 62.9%) avg line: 120.1 / -133.6 on / against: +$1,334 / -$1,574 ROI: +37.2% / -33.3%

OU: 12-20-3 (0.29, 37.5%) avg total: 8.0 over / under: -$983 / +$675 ROI: -25.6% / +17.4%
Nola w/Davis


Holland w/Davis

Davis 1.23 whip in 2017 (#88)
Davis 1.27 whip in 2018 (7 gms)
Last edited:
Vargas w/Meals

Castillo w/Meals


Meals 2017 whip 1.36
Meals 2018 whip 1.20 (7 games)
Hellickson w/Dimuro

Richard w/Dimuro


Dimuro 2017 whip 1.31
Dimuro 2018 whip 1.23 over 7 gms.
Jay's closer Robert Osuna was arrested this morning, that has to be a major distraction to the ball club.

Looking at Pommeranz and o8 also. Serverino is coming off a CG against Stros...110 pitches.
Jay's closer Robert Osuna was arrested this morning, that has to be a major distraction to the ball club.

Looking at Pommeranz and o8 also. Serverino is coming off a CG against Stros...110 pitches.

I'm personally on the M's but the Osuna thing has nothing to do with it. I honestly don't subscribe to the "distraction" theory. But that's just me perhaps.
I'm personally on the M's but the Osuna thing has nothing to do with it. I honestly don't subscribe to the "distraction" theory. But that's just me perhaps.

Yea I don't buy into distractions but I'm assuming he not available? Not having their closer could be a problem!!
Bah. Tripp Gibson in SD, not DiMuro. They must have changed things on yesterday's boxscore later in the game since they had DiMuro listed at 1B for the better part of the game. :(
Yea I don't buy into distractions but I'm assuming he not available? Not having their closer could be a problem!!

He's taken a leave while the team does their own investigation. They've even already changed Osuna T-Shirt Day on the weekend to Solarte T-Shirt Day.
Nice hit on Mariners. I'll buy into distraction if it's unforeseen and in this case, I think it caught them off guard.