Stalking the Tuesday umps, weather, etc.

Hollywood Beaker

Stalking the umps
Umps we know:

NYY: Blakney
Cin: Bucknor
Tex: Carapazza
Hou: Cooper
ChiW: Estabrook
Col: Hamari
SF: Hernandez
LAD: Ripperger

Umps we're stalking:

Ted Barrett was in NYY
Barry was in Det
Davis was in Atl
Tripp Gibson was in Oak
Kellogg was in TB
Morales was in Bal
Nelson was in ChiW
Vanover was in StL
Wegner was in Arz
Welke was in Phi
I keep telling myself get a book and study it. Sooner or later just a real time problem
Trigg looks perfect to walk on Texas. Hamels has been very bad but not so bad at night and he is getting an excellent ump tonight
Possible fuckery afoot in Cincy. has O'Nora behind the plate and no Bucknor (who was at 1B yesterday) to be found. Segal seems to have taken his place on the crew and placed at 2B. Oy.