Stalking the Thursday Umps, Weather, etc.

Hollywood Beaker

Stalking the umps
Umps we know:

NYY: Randazzo
StL: Porter
Wsh: Joyce
Tor: Guccione
TB: Baker
Oak: Nauert

Umps we're stalking:

Drake was in Min
Diaz was in ChiW
Iassogna was in KC
Bill Welke was in ChiC
Blaser was in Col
Marquez was in Arz
Emmel was in Atl
Hirschbeck was in Tex
Schreiber was in LAD

Games we're stalking:

Alan Porter is an atrocious home plate umpire. Calling shit that isn't close as strikes. Game still going over, but his strike zone is awful.
Just going by what the SNY announcers said, but they called the first base umpire "Iassonga" on the close play at first just now. I don't know for sure, and they could be wrong, but I know how it goes with these guys sometimes.

Nevermind. They just showed his close up in HD. It's definitely Iassonga behind home plate.
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