Stalking the Monday Umps, weather, etc.

Hollywood Beaker

Stalking the umps
Bellino IS in TB

Scott was in Cle
Hernandez was in NYY
Wegner was in Det
Knight was in Pit
Bill Welke was in Wsh
Kulpa was in Phi
Randazzo was in Bos
Holbrookwas in KC
Meals was in ChiC
Joyce was in LAA
Foster was in Oak
Fairchild was in Col
Carapazza was in SD
DiMuro was in Mil
Fairchild in StLoo

Layne showing in SD. This might be wrong, though. Part of the crew showing is wrong at least since they have Hal Gibson at 3B but he was just in SD on the weekend.

i have a friend at the Diego game. if he's not too shitfaced to advise me later on the ump, i'll try to work it in if i can...