Stalking the Monday Umps, weather, etc.

Hollywood Beaker

Stalking the umps
Reynolds was in Cle
West was in Mia
Hickox was in NYM
DiMuro was in Cin
Hudson was in Phi
Bill Welke was in Bal
Little was in TB
Gibson was in ChiW
Bellino was in KC
DeMuth was in StL
Carapazza was in SF
Fairchild was in SD
Cuzzi was in Sea
Carlson was in LAD
Diaz/Timmons was in Hou (not sure about this one as Lance Barrett replaced Timmons in the rotation on Saturday and everyone else moved up one spot)
any chance we can get a guess on the Toronto roof status? looks like there's some thunder/lightning in the area while I want the roof open for a Jays play
Rain in Toronto is probably finished for today. However, still overcast and roof is closed right now. And will probably stay that way.
Roof open in Seattle. Roof status in Toronto is still up in the air (no pun intended). If I could put money on it, however, I'd be betting that it'll be closed.
i am not sure, but i think i read that it messes with the knuckler if they open shortly before the game, but could also be the other way around.
It's the other way around. The humidity gets trapped in the stadium and messes with the knuckler

Gregg Zaun just stated how stupid it was for the Jays to open the roof with Dickey on the mound. He then went on to say that they got lucky because it was so humid outside due to the rain during the day. So, what I'm getting from this is that the humidity helped the knuckleball move around more.