Stalking the Monday Umps, weather, etc.

Hollywood Beaker

Stalking the umps
Culbreth was in Bos
Hirschbeck was in Det
Randazzo was in Mia
Joyce was in pit
Darling was in Bal
Fletcher was in Phi
Baker was in Atl
Porter was in TB
Blaser was in Min
Diaz was in Mil
Guccione was in ChiC
Nauert was in Tex
Cooper was in LAA
Barry was in Oak
Iassogna was in SD
Incidentally, the NYM/Min game is a make-up game for earlier in the season. Since the Twins are on the road start on Tuesday, I can see the possibility of Blaser and crew staying in the city to do the one game. Only snag I see with that, however, is that Blaser already did the plate for Minny on Thursday.
Really like the under there...can anyone tell me what Hirschbeck's o/u record is? I thought he used to be a fairly good under ump but I may be mistaken....

His 14-12 to the over this year. I don't think it's as much of an important factor as strike %, K:BB ratio or others. Regardless of what an o/u record might say, H is, and always will be, one of the best "under umps" around, IMO.
His 14-12 to the over this year. I don't think it's as much of an important factor as strike %, K:BB ratio or others. Regardless of what an o/u record might say, H is, and always will be, one of the best "under umps" around, IMO.

I haven't had a ton of success with unders using him in my career, but he loves ringing people up
i am betting some but done posting. Only picking off bad lines and/or mistakes and betting live. I had a couple of rough days last week, quit posting, then proceeded to win about 9 units the rest of the week (not posted) for another highwater mark of the year (and my life). Doyers bit me BAD ayer, and I am done with them for a bit as I can see a slump coming with the division in hand. Only game I semi-liked tonight was tampons
i am betting some but done posting. Only picking off bad lines and/or mistakes and betting live. I had a couple of rough days last week, quit posting, then proceeded to win about 9 units the rest of the week (not posted) for another highwater mark of the year (and my life). Doyers bit me BAD ayer, and I am done with them for a bit as I can see a slump coming with the division in hand. Only game I semi-liked tonight was tampons

just so you know, there are a lot of people who appreciate your insights (even without having to list the actual plays) that you post, win or lose. so i hope, for myself and the others, to see more of you in the future and thanks for all you've done :shake: