Stalking the Monday umps, weather, etc.

Hollywood Beaker

Stalking the umps
Baker was in Cin
Barber was in TB
Davis was in SF
Diaz was in LAA
Fairchild was in Bos
Hamari was in Hou
Hudson was in Cle
Little was in Atl
Muchlinski was in Mil
Scheurwater was in Pit
Segal was in NYM
Wegner was in Wsh
Whitson was in Min
Wolf was in ChiW
Woodring was in Col
Gio w/Fairchild
Snell no app w/Fairchild

Fairchild 1.33 whip in 2018 (15 gms)
Fairchild 1.28 whip in 2017 (16th lowest out of 90 umps)
Verlander w/Whitson
Happ w/Whitson
Whitson 1.31 whip in 2017
Whitson 1.19 whip in 2018 (14 gms)
Can we get a under guy in stl please? :).. liked it so much I bet u8.5 -110 blind overnight anyways. Was hoping to get favorable ump and sell down to u8 for another unit but looks like it got pushed down to 8 anyways with no plus money.
Randazzo in Tex. not on list.

Hope this right, like him for the under and while i like this under I think it could be rather close as I have rangers scoring bout 6. Hamels hasn’t been so hot at home but think he goes 7 strong vs pads lineup and limits them to couple runs. Little concerned w pads lefty but figure if he not faring well the pen will be able to come in and limit damage.
Texas Hamels good with him. Under big under ref

This year, last year his k percentage was way low and his games averaged over 10 runs a game. Year before was lot closer to this one. Dunno if it was just luck of draw thing last year and he called a lot of gas can matchups or what? Def happy with him for rangers and under tho.
Hamels w/Randazzo
Randazzo 1.18 whip in 2018 (10th lowest)
Randazzo 1.41 whip in 2017 (18th highest)