Stalking the Monday umps, weather, etc.

Hollywood Beaker

Stalking the umps
Barksdale was in Min
Bucknor was in Mia
De Jesus was in Phi
DiMuro was in Cle
Drake was in Tor
Everitt was in Wsh
Hamari was in Hou
Johnson was in SF
Layne was in KC
Marquez was in Bal
Reyburn was in Bos
Scheurwater was in ChiC
Tichenor was in LAA
Tumpane was in Pit
West was in SD
Was just noticing that we haven't seen Clint Fagan or Paul Emmel behind the plate this year. Emmel's last time was near the end of last season. Fagan hasn't called balls and strikes since late-July of last year. Hmmm.