Stalking the Monday umps, weather, etc.

Hollywood Beaker

Stalking the umps
Lance Barrett was in Min
Bellino was in Hou
Bucknor was in Det
Carlson was in Cle
Cooper was in Bos
Estabrook was in ChiC
Gonzalez was in Mia
Gorman was in LAD
Guccione was in NYM
Holbrook was in TB
May was in Wsh
Miller was in Cin
Winters was in SD
Torres was in Sea
Wolcott was in KC
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Jays/Royals game in Toronto may be PPD as there have been reports of ice falling from the CN Tower (which is right next to the Rogers Centre). No confirmation as yet.
Goman seems to like road teams but moderately bad history with Dallas. No real idea how this goes
Go Padres and thanks