Stalking the Friday Umps, weather, lineups, etc.

Hollywood Beaker

Stalking the umps
Gorman IS in SD

Estabrook was in TB
Blaser was in Mia
Lance Barrett was in Mil
Wolcott was in Arz
Foster was in ChiC
Carapazza was in Sea
Hoye was in Cin
Tichenor was in Wsh
Reyburn was in Det
Rackley was in KC
Conroy was in Hou
Miller was in Oak
Little was in Phi
Schrieber was in NYY
I'll fix the date.

Beaks, let's leave open the possibility that this crew in Diego could be headed elsewhere. Might have just been filling in for one night while someone else finished up somewhere yesterday. These first two weeks are kooky scheduling-wise with the off-days scheduled in between days of series. Keep your eyes open and don't be surprised if Gorman somehow pops up in Anaheim tonight.

I'll fix the date.

Beaks, let's leave open the possibility that this crew in Diego could be headed elsewhere. Might have just been filling in for one night while someone else finished up somewhere yesterday. These first two weeks are kooky scheduling-wise with the off-days scheduled in between days of series. Keep your eyes open and don't be surprised if Gorman somehow pops up in Anaheim tonight.


Agreed. Definite possibility.
That's the first of the night games.

Rest of those available:

GORMAN should be in San Diego

Estabrook was in TB
Foster was in ChiC
Carapazza was in Sea
Reyburn was in Det
Rackley was in KC
Conroy was in Hou
Miller was in Oak
Schrieber was in NYY
RACKLEY should be behind the dish in Philly.
REYBURN in Cincinnati

SCHREIBER SHOULD be in Atlanta; Don Best is showing Culbreth, with Schreiber at 2nd. What a waste of a great OVER guy.
FOSTER in the Bronx
thanks for updating it rex.

as always appreciate all you guys work as it makes life easier for me..
CONROY in Phoenix.

Davidson worked the dish for that Game 3 in KC between Danks and Volquez; I had UNDER there. I'm relatively sure they just forgot to rotate the guys. Davidson should be at third tonight.

ESTABROOK in Milwaukee

I'm showing GORMAN in Oakland, which goes along with my earlier hypothesis.

MILLER in Anaheim. Ruins an OVER play there for me as well, shit.