Stalking the Friday umps, weather, etc.

Hollywood Beaker

Stalking the umps
Umps we know:

ChiW: Blaser
Tex: Hamari
KC: Nelson

Umps we're stalking:

Blakney was in StL
Culbreth was in Bos
Davis was in Cle
Dreckman was in Wsh
Hernandez was in Sea
Iassogna was in LAA
Rackley was in SF
Timmons was in Cin
Tumpane was in Hou
Welke was in NYM
Wolcott was in Mia
Woodring was in Arz showing Wolf (not on our list) in Seattle with Blakney (on our list) at 3B. Plausible but will see if it changes before gametime.