Stalking the Friday umps, weather, etc.

Hollywood Beaker

Stalking the umps
Umps we know:

Tex: Drake
Bos: Fletcher
Mia: Hallion
Wsh: Nauert

Umps we're stalking:

Tripp Gibson was in Col
Hamari was in Cle
Hernandez was in Oak
Hudson was in NYY
Mahrley was in Arz
Marquez was in Bos
Muchlinski was in ChiW
Reynolds was in StL
Scheurwater was in LAD
Welke was in Mil
Wolf was in KC
With Tripp Gibson and Hernandez left, and with Hernandez just doing a Seattle series, barring any fuckery, it's gonna be Tripp in Anaheim and Hernandez in San Fran. Will confirm when it's posted.
And there's the fuckery. :(

1. Holbrook in St. Louis; not Wolf.

2. Kulpa showing up in Anaheim. Will have to confirm this one much closer to game time.