St Pete

TK -105 Rahal - got the numbers swapped at minimum

the chevy Honda play is Daly -115 Rossi but have never bought into he's going to be that guy so no damn way. Mark me down on that till proven

it it was the only play that jumped so guess that's it

wonder if the newgarden v Dixon is the matchup they have in mind for the year till they ant do it anymore

no Hildebrand is shameful

Munoz +110 RHR is interesting from chevyhonda angle as well. Interesting for sure but a pass

my darkhorse would be Helio +750, he's due luck more than anyone in the paddock
80% of the course has been repaved and Penske team working on aero set ups and Power finds the wall in turn 10. Smashed the rear but could drive it to the pits. Well that didn't take long
Newgarden just got squirrelly so they don't have the balance they need and Power is already patched up and heading back out.
And Newgarden loses his ass end in turn 10 as well but finds the run off. Marco leads with 20 minutes left. I wanted to say Marco leads because I might not get to do that again this year.
Think I'm going to watch racing rather than wager on it this weekend.

Good Luck , Bud :cheers3: :shake:

thanks again Wise. Not a fan of the segment racing in NASCAR at all, but they didn't ask me so that falls in the whatever category. Dixon and Sato both brush the wall but no biggee. Honda exceeding my expectations but we will know shortly when they qualify. Practice 3 results St Pete practice 3 results.pdf

Going to to take a while to get used to Dixons new livery after all these years

Apparently Mario is so tired of watching Marco that he's strapping the helmet back on

View attachment 42318

RHR said his brake pedal went to the floor. Confidence level has to be about zero after that. Hinch had his lock up as well. Could be a cluster today. I'm done, good luck with whatever action you have today. Cheers.