Sammy Meatballs

Sammy Meatballs? Never Heard of Her
I can tell one thing and it is that Dallas is living off past reputation and their past performances.

IN reality this team is not a good team at all, losing to Ok city in a blowout with no GREEN and no DURANT is hardly a surprise to me.

Losing to SPurs 5 of the last 6 games is also hardly a surprise--

TRUTH- DIRK is washed up- He can only score vs the Sacramentos, Ok City, the Raptors, all the good ELITE teams shut him down.
He is a just a SOFT jump shooter, he cant dribble, all he can do is shoot over smaller defenders. THey put a guy on him to suffocate him and he is done-

Dallas offense gets very little easy hoops, KIDD, HOWARD, DIRK and TERRY all they do is SHOOT Jumpers. Granted they can get the easy looks vs the shit teams, when they play a good team they go cold and get blown out-

The reason they cant beat the SPURS or any good teams is they suck at stopping penetration. T PARKER scored 37 on them and single handeldy beat them.

T Duncan can score inside, as he is a real post presence and a STAR--

This Dallas team is a very weak team, even though they win at home, they still dont beat the good teams at home--

Dallas D is very bad, they have no good center to clog the lane and Dirk is soft.

This team is very SOFT and weak mentally, they are basically just a better version of the toronto RAPTORS. That is what they are, a jump shooting team-

Ever notice how they are always up on teh road vs good teams by 12 or 13 in games and they routinely lose those games-

DIRK is done, he is not a star, he is pretty much useless vs good teams, because all he does is take jumpers, and he does not hit enough of them-

Plus in a real critical point of the game, when the heat gets turned on defensively vs him, he will just throw the ball away as he doesent handle pressure well. He constantly looks frustrated and is pretty much a quitter, he does not have the winnning attitude.

KIDD is also washed up, he stinks now and all he does is take 3's, he cant drive anymore either.

I expect the Spurs to easily win the 3rd qtr or 4th qtr tomorrow as they are much better than this shitty Dallas team. Spurs I think will finish strong and I expect Dallas to fold again with DIRK just getting manhandled by the SPurs D--

last game even BONNER was in Dirks face yelling at him and saying bring it on BITCH, and DIRK does not respond well to that- Garnett trash talked him last week when boston beat dallas and DIRk went south after Garnett screamed at him.

DIRK is mentally finished after losing in the finals to Miami, since he lost that finals his career is done, he has never been the same and is getting worse every season. As the league gets younger and more athletic players look for DIRK to be basically a player like a Kurt Thomas, a role type of player, he is not a STAR, he should never be compared to Duncan, Wade, Lebron, KObe, Yao Ming, Roy, he is so overrated and so weak mentally.

Point of the post is that the Dallas RAPTORS are not an elite team and will likely not beat any elite teams this season at home.

Playing at home means something vs bad teams, but when you play good teams it means absolutely NOTHING, as elite teams can win on teh road also. Look at last game vs Boston up all game and lose to Boston because Dallas just sucks in reality, they are built to shoot hot and beat Sacramento-
Dallas would be 82-0 if they could play Sacramento, and the Raptors, they seem to beat those teams handily over and over-
Dallas is a little better than average, but nowhere near as good as an ELITE team.

Sure they have revenge, but I dont believe in REVENGE and all that bullshit. Revenge is not playing, there is no player in the Dallas BOX scores named REVENGE who is going to score and get rebounds and assists--

So I think an expected outcome is a Dallas loss tonight vs Spurs---

However I am not sure how I am going to play this game, but I do know I will win on this game one way or another because I have already decided that I am winning,(ONce you convince yourself you can win) so now the question is HOW AM I going to win on it.
Calling Dirk washed up is just bat-shit insane, even for you Sammy.

He's had an incredible year and has single-handedly won several games for that team. They would be fucking LOST without him.
Calling Dirk washed up is just bat-shit insane, even for you Sammy.

He's had an incredible year and has single-handedly won several games for that team. They would be fucking LOST without him.

Trust me bro he is DONE, he is getting worse, has no more moves, cant dribble, doesent drive, doesent want contact, cant hit that 18 feet jumper at a high rate-

And he cant lead his team, he looks lost, the leauge has gotten more athletic also. He caught the league by surprise, now they know what he can do-

He is decent, but he is no STAR--

2 Players that everyone crowned as Great are BOSH and DIRK and both disappear when playing good teams.

DIRK had a shot to be great and to be a star, but he is done now--

WHen all you can do is shoot a jumper you are easy to cover and the results are showing now.

Look at the other stars in this leauge and look at DIRK, surely u understand that something is missing with him, and he is on the washed up alert list.

Wade basically bend DIRK over and gave it to him so Hard in the ass that DIRK has not recovered, he still walks with a LIMP after WADE just had his way with him.

Then the Warriors finished Dirk off, the exposed him as a CLUMSY guy who cant dribble, and they just stole the ball of him every time. They gave the league the blueprint how to cover Clumsy Dirk.
My biggest concern of DIRK is a willingness to LOSE- He is 100% willing to lose-

WHen I see KOBE and LEBRON play on the road they play with a FIRE, they look possessed, cavs were losing to Miami by 11, Lebron got hot started hitting 3 pointers and LEbron's face you knew he was coming back hard--

DIRK looks like a pussy and a BANK teller, he shows no emotion and says oh well I am a soft EURO and I get paid Millions, I have a stupid owner who fucked our whole team up, I will just chill and get paid millions and fuck it.
This is not a guy who can lead the team in late situations to win. He is a WEAK man, that is why they dont win.

Garnett yelled at him and I though DIRk was going to cry, after that DIRK sucked even though Garnett was on the bench with foul trouble 5 fouls, Garnett talked some Stree THUG talk to DIRk and DIRK mentally broke down , perhaps he had flashbacks of the Warriors or the WADE ass raping he gave??

In this league you cant be a STAR without being a LEADER--

BOSH and both DIRK are basically right hand guys, they would both do well playing with LEBRON, where they could be secondary guys. They are both weak men. Even Matt Bonner had this look in his eye and DIrk was just begging to get off the floor and to the locker room, you could see Dirk would pass it right away becasue the Red headed assassin Bonner was coming at him hard and pressing him and staring him down, and Dirk could not dribble around him and passed the ball away-
DIrk fell apart vs Spurs last week bigtime. He just could not take a good defensive team throwing hyper aggressive defenders at him.
RAPID Roger Mason even gave him a good rejection on one shot he tried to take.

But either way DIRK is done in the NBA- ITs official, cause i said so
I expect Tim "Dirty" Ducan to have a big game and pretty own Dumbpier down low-

I expect "Turbo" Tony parker to drive by Kidd all game long also again--

I expect the Red Headed Assassin to be open for 3 pointers--

"Rapid" Roger Mason will also do well in this game, he is money and has that nice Afro Curly Hairstyle going for him.

Michael "Crackhead" Finley was hot last game and should be ready for 3's--

I think "Depressive" Dirk Nowitski will not do well again as he is not a real star--

I think Josh "Horny" Howard is out with an ankle injury--

One player who is good is Jason "Scary" Terry, he can get hot late in games and is clutch and not a pussy.
you would be washed up too if you were hacked and double-triple teamed every night....he has absolutely no help from anyone.....kobe would be washed up without Gasol, bynum or odom......give him dampier,. diop(now bass), and a classless howard
Dirk's current season and career averages...

PPG: 22.6
RPG: 8.6
FG%: .471
FT%: .872
3pt%: .379
MPG: 36.5

where's the falloff?lolol
Spurs are just a better team...with more chemistry...a better coach...and THREE go to guys!....and now Roger Mason, my long lost brother!
Dirk's current season and career averages...

PPG: 22.6
RPG: 8.6
FG%: .471
FT%: .872
3pt%: .379
MPG: 36.5

where's the falloff?lolol


Dirk is having an excellent year. Kinda not noticed at all because it's the norm now.
yah i dont get what sammys saying here....dallas stinks...but dirk hasnt fallen off
god damn sammy i wish you would post more often. spend about 15 mins laughing my balls off every post i read of yours
This is do or die tonight for DIRK--

I think a fair test to see if he is washed up or not is this--

If Dirk cannot score more than 40 points tonight I think its pretty safe to say he is washed up.
This is do or die tonight for DIRK--

I think a fair test to see if he is washed up or not is this--

If Dirk cannot score more than 40 points tonight I think its pretty safe to say he is washed up.

So if Dirk scored against still one of the best defense teams (despite the increase of numbers by rival teams this year) 39 points, you will see him as a washed up player???? :36_19_2:
All good elite teams shut him down? Celtics won in Dallas but Dirk led the game with 37 points

But he missed all key shots down the stretched and was intimidated by GARNETT bigtime. Garnett yelled at him with some Brookyln street Thug insults and Dirk backed down. He should have punched that skinny head of Garnett or gave him a chest bump or pushed him back--

Instead Dirk stood there rattled and didnt do anything when GARNETT trashed him.

At that point the game was OVER- they could have just called the game right there. Boston fed off that and DIRK and Dallas crumbled because Garnett basically owned DIRK in the confrotation.
Boston was not losing that game and it was all because DIRK backed down-

Had DIRK fought back vs garnett the Dallas team would have fed off it and dallas would have won that game.
if he cant score more than 40 on the spurs? LMAO

Bowen guards Dirk better than just about anybody in a big game.

If Dirk score 10 points in a Mavs win...or 35 points in a Mavs loss....he's washed up? lolololollllll
if he cant score more than 40 on the spurs? LMAO

Bowen guards Dirk better than just about anybody in a big game.

If Dirk score 10 points in a Mavs win...or 35 points in a Mavs loss....he's washed up? lolololollllll

Its sad to see a guy just Milking his money and being selfish and not fighting back vs good teams. I expect a Dalls meltdown again in this game, as they cannot finish good teams.

Dirk is not a closer anymore, he is too soft, and his performance in the Olympics was a joke, he couldnt even beat Greece when he played for Germany.
Its sad to see a guy just Milking his money and being selfish and not fighting back vs good teams. I expect a Dalls meltdown again in this game, as they cannot finish good teams.

Dirk is not a closer anymore, he is too soft, and his performance in the Olympics was a joke, he couldnt even beat Greece when he played for Germany.

come on Sammy boy, you know this is team ball man, you can't say "he couldn't beat them", Germany isn't exactly a force you know. Dirk is not washed up, and this is coming from a Spurs fan.

Still think the Spurs are the superior team.
Dallas Tribune- Wednesday March 4th-


Obama resigning to pursue rapping career-
Britney Spears pregnant again
Recession getting worse

DIRK vows to score 40+ tonight-
Cuban up to his old tricks-

Story- Dirk has vowed to score 40+ points tonight after being called out online by a man that is known as Sammy Meatballs. Rumours have been circulating about DIRK being washed up at a prominent gambling site on the Internet. This site has predicted the demise of many players including the CANCER Allen Iverson.

Dirk " I am pissed off, enough of this shit, Sammy is going to eat his words" "I would like to stuff meatballs down Sammy's throat after I torch the Spurs.

Cuban " I don't blame Sammy Meatballs after the performance of my team, there is no desire and little effort on this team" "When that happens the star gets called out"

Duncan "We got Sammy and are going to double team Dirk so he doesent score 40-

Parker " Dirk is not the same player, he is slower and weaker now mentally"

Dirk "This is my career on the line, if I dont score 40, I may have to look at options of playing in the Korean league or the new Phillipines Basketball league.

Pops " If Sammy says he is starting to be washed up he likely is, so we wont be the team to let him score on us"

"Cuban up to his old Tricks"

Mark Cuban has went too far this time. It is clearly obvious he has conspired with Sammy meatballs a prominent poster as they together stirred the pot by posting that DIRK is washed up? Cuban a master of deception has been known to use such sneaky and clever tactics in the past. Cuban and Sammy are no doubt working together to fire Dirk back up and get him playing like the old DIRK.
Sammy Meatballs could not be reached for comment about his affiliation with Cuban.
I am not playing Spurs tonight----

Dont like the fact that Cuban called out the Dallas playersa and the fact that the Spurs have been known to mail in games if they get down early and play for the next game-

I will be watching and looking to bet it LIVE--

But i do think the motivation edge is with dallas, but wouldnt bet them though.

However I am not betting Spurs for anyone watcihng, but will look to get involved in this game in some capacity as it starts.
Even Sammy doesnt understand what he is saying with this one. Dirk is one of the best scorers in the league. He is washed up and yet has improved his statistics this year? I know the team is still below expectations but w/out Dirk they would be lost. He still is one of the best 10 players in the league. This thread is just insane
dallas vs. boston game

Dirk gave more than any guy could give....unreal performance for 48 minutes....he got no help!!! he is getting tired of carrying this team every night....nobody steps up....howard showed his potential last night, but he is done for a week now...he may show up again 3-4 games later
you guys are being harsh. Because of this, the next thread sammy starts and he is right- i think u all owe him a congratulations with a writeup. I'd imagine you guys would be pretty pissed off if you lost a bet, and go to the forum that is supposed to be mature and people are calling you an idiot. tough call sammy, Dirk was on a shooting slump before this. get em next game
Wow, the tags here are harsh.

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BTW, I dont think Dirk is that bad. His numbers might of dropped a tab, but which veterans can continue getting the EXACT same stats year after year?