

Captain of the Million Dollar Fund
Spurs -11.5

The absence of Grant Hill should be manifested by a blowout in San Antonio, tonight.

Spurs are making a push and are playing their best ball of the season right now.

The combination of revenge and a home crowd pleaser, Spurs should win by 20+ tonight.

Vegas is scratching it's head over the total. They have no clue where to start. Neither do I. Could be a 105-80 game or a 95-75 game.

Either way, Spurs win big tonight. Everybody's healthy and Orlando is without their star player.

As always, good luck tonight and remember.....
i have been makin my case for this game for three days...you dont have to convince me....go to the million dollar fund and help make them understand...lol
I like the play and will make it myself, not sure about whether this is a MDF play material but it's a good spot for the Spurs.

GL Flounder :cheers:
i have been makin my case for this game for three days...you dont have to convince me....go to the million dollar fund and help make them understand...lol

bro, flounder's the guy you gotta convince.

I like this play an awful lot too. Should be very ugly by mid 3rd, and the scrubs may not get in til mid fourth...

after the last game, the Spurs won't let this shit team back in...
I completely agree this is a great spot for SAS, but a possible look-ahead for revenge vs Houston 2m?
I LOVE my Spurs here. They were talking on ESPN radio wednesday that they shold cancel the rest of the season and let Dallas and Phoenix battle it out as to who wins the crown, conference that is. well, the Spurs are beginning the click and they will make their push right now. even commented the other day that after the all-star break it was time for them to turn it on. I hope Pop puts that quote up on the BB so the Spurs see it. Time for them to show they are right there as well. Not trying to take anything from Dallas or Phoenix, they have been very good. Just don't disrespect my Spurs like that
Good to see the Homers' perspective. I'm trying to talk myself out of this play. The more I look, the more I like.
I here you but I will fade them when the time is right!!! Just think this game is all about a team ready to prove they are still elite and another team that is going in the wrong direction. IMO, Vegas is even dictating a blow out with the line as high as it is.
Still, I'm waiting for the X-factor. Know what I mean?

You hit a ball straight down a narrow fairway. Hit is right on the screws, I mean flushed it, lookin' like a 300 yarder. It lands on a sprinkler head and bounds off, into the woods. (The X factor)

I'm watchin' the Suns game in the same way. If they announce at gametime that Marion is playin', I'm gonna pound it.

Same with the Stons. If they say Rasheed is playin', I'm gonna pound that one too.

There may not be this type of factor for the Spurs, and they're definitely due for a home court blowout. This looks a lot like one here, but I just can't pull the trigger yet.
I completely agree this is a great spot for SAS, but a possible look-ahead for revenge vs Houston 2m?

Hello I am new here and just wanted to chime in. I believe San Antonio will not be looking past this Orlando team. Remember last month when San An played Orlando and the game was supposed to go into OT but I think it was Grant Hill who alleyooped it to Howard with .2 second left for the 2 point win. San An will make Orlando look like Boston without Pierce.

Goodluck Everyone, Spurs -11 for me