Spinoff from question asked a few back...Hypothetical Draft


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Spinoff from question asked by the banned one back a minute ago...he asked if you wanted to start a franchise today, who would it be Howard or King James..

With a new chosen one being chosen to run the point for Jeebus H's team, I thought I'd throw this out there to see what ya'll thought...Mike./Mike were mentioning this in passing this morning...

If you were drafting w/ what you know right now and all three were available to draft, in what order would you draft:

King James, Chris Paul, and Dwight Howard.

I don't think my choices will be the consensus.

If I could pick now, I'd go:

1. King James
2. Dwight Howard
3. Chris Paul
Tough one. A dominant center would be nice since there are so few. But how can you pass on King James or CP3 running the show. I'd go

1. CP3 after watching what he's doing in these playoffs.
2. King James
3. Dwight Howard
You mean Brian from South carolina?


Heard kid lost most of his winnings from last few years lately in golf plays. So much for the tout venture.

Yeah, it really is for a kid that talks so much shit.

Hopefully he can try for that plasma again this fall in CFB. Go Bulldogs!
People don't piss me off very easily, but something about that kid the first month I was here, kinda got to me.
As for the topic at hand...

Very tough. I can answer more after I see what Chris Paul does this spring. He has been impressive so far. He's the best combo PG since Isiah. I just need to see him will his team to wins later in playoffs and stuff like that but he def has entered the discussion.
King James last. Guy is shooting 19% from the field and his jump shot still sucks. Look at how bad he is when he's not getting every call going to the rim. He goes from top 2 or 3 to a reckless fool. He's young and tremendously gifted...but...

Howard is 22... he's going to develop a more finess offense. He's going to be a 23-25 and 15 guy for the next ten years. No one up and comming at the 5 can hang with him.

Paul... is special. The best player in the sport right now... yeap... unstoppable and his shot is down becomming downright nasty.

I would go with...

Paul (people would now rather watch him than LJ)
Howard (big man will get a ring eventually)
LJ (o-v-e-r-r-a-t-ed)
As for the topic at hand...

Very tough. I can answer more after I see what Chris Paul does this spring. He has been impressive so far. He's the best combo PG since Isiah. I just need to see him will his team to wins later in playoffs and stuff like that but he def has entered the discussion.

Cop out.
King James last. Guy is shooting 19% from the field and his jump shot still sucks. Look at how bad he is when he's not getting every call going to the rim. He goes from top 2 or 3 to a reckless fool. He's young and tremendously gifted...but...

Howard is 22... he's going to develop a more finess offense. He's going to be a 23-25 and 15 guy for the next ten years. No one up and comming at the 5 can hang with him.

Paul... is special. The best player in the sport right now... yeap... unstoppable and his shot is down becomming downright nasty.

I would go with...

Paul (people would now rather watch him than LJ)
Howard (big man will get a ring eventually)
LJ (o-v-e-r-r-a-t-ed)
so you use two games for LBJ..interesting...his jump shot has been noted...he's also as fast as most PG's at 6'9, 260...
I'm just not a believer in him being Jordan of the 90s, the Kobe of the 2000s, etc. I'd rather have the flash and brilliance of Paul.... who doesn't make mistakes! 1 TO last night. Or the dominance of Howard who an average GM could build champions around!

LJ doesn't have a grace about him. Perhaps if we was used in a up and down offense or got the ball on the post I could respect him more. Watching him try to go 1 on 5 for the past few years has been hard. Watching him initiate contact every time and get calls is even harder to watch.
I'd still take him 3rd... and that's not a huge diss. That's over Oden, D Williams, D Rose, Beasley, Wade...
If you start a team, you have to start with Scott Hastings. Comedy in the lockeroom loosens the whole team up. That leads to execution on the court ;)
haha bar...hastings was in the paper everyday back in the day for his jokes.

1. LBJ-Best player in the game....to do what he has done with a shit coach and a shit supporting cast is unreal...wait till he gets a top tier running mate, he will be unstoppable...more so than he already is...people focusing on his last two games need to watch more basketball.

2. Dwight Howard- Will be a force for a long time..will be even better once he has a solid PG

3. CP3- great player, but can he keep it up? want to see more of him...this year he has been nothing short of incredible.
Hunt - Two Things - That woman's breasts are sloppy and disgusting... she's probably uglier than the players on the Pistons themselves.

I've seen too many of Lebron's games. Casual fans and friends of mine don't watch him and enjoy it. They say it's ugly, unorthodox, etc. The casual fan would rather watch Paul, or Kobe. That's why I'm not starting a team with Lebron.

His cast isn't the worse we've ever seen. I do not think he'd be doing much better if he was traded for Paul right now. Paul makes David West, David West and not Drew Gooden. Paul makes Chandler, Chandler and not some bum thrown away for cap space to sign an old Ben Wallace. Paul saved the career of Peja and Mo Pete... while Lebron has failed to make Wally, Gibson, Pavlovic really any better than they would be on their own.

I hate the way he whines, the way he bangs into people full steam and gets a call... and I hate the way the league portrayed him when they wasted a shitload of money and time doing so. He stunk it up in the finals last year as no one watched. Paul is the type of guy who brings casual fans back.

I'd still draft Lebron James 1st for a dunk contest.

You put Pau Gasol on the Cavs and they're still not going anywhere. He has great #s but those #s come from him wearing the ball out. Kobe/Paul do something with their opportunities... Kobe especially... amazing efficiency. Lebron has poor efficiency.. especially against good defense... wreckless, turnovers, and takes possessions off.

I'll give you this though. Mike Brown is ruining Lebron James. He's too busy trying to win now and not taking any risk. Lebron needs to learn how to play out of the post and comming off screens. He needs to complete his game and Mike Brown has no faith in allowing him to feel himself out. Imagine Kobe when he was 24 without Shaq and he got the ball at half court everytime.

James needs to become the constant threat that Kobe and Paul are... their teams coaches have put them in the best chance to succeed and grow... Lebron James can run an isolation...
I'll give you this though. Mike Brown is ruining Lebron James. He's too busy trying to win now and not taking any risk. Lebron needs to learn how to play out of the post and comming off screens. He needs to complete his game and Mike Brown has no faith in allowing him to feel himself out. Imagine Kobe when he was 24 without Shaq and he got the ball at half court everytime.

Quoted For Truth.

LayBron cannot fucking shoot.
Hunt - Two Things - That woman's breasts are sloppy and disgusting... she's probably uglier than the players on the Pistons themselves.

I've seen too many of Lebron's games. Casual fans and friends of mine don't watch him and enjoy it. They say it's ugly, unorthodox, etc. The casual fan would rather watch Paul, or Kobe. That's why I'm not starting a team with Lebron.

His cast isn't the worse we've ever seen. I do not think he'd be doing much better if he was traded for Paul right now. Paul makes David West, David West and not Drew Gooden. Paul makes Chandler, Chandler and not some bum thrown away for cap space to sign an old Ben Wallace. Paul saved the career of Peja and Mo Pete... while Lebron has failed to make Wally, Gibson, Pavlovic really any better than they would be on their own.

I hate the way he whines, the way he bangs into people full steam and gets a call... and I hate the way the league portrayed him when they wasted a shitload of money and time doing so. He stunk it up in the finals last year as no one watched. Paul is the type of guy who brings casual fans back.

I'd still draft Lebron James 1st for a dunk contest.

You put Pau Gasol on the Cavs and they're still not going anywhere. He has great #s but those #s come from him wearing the ball out. Kobe/Paul do something with their opportunities... Kobe especially... amazing efficiency. Lebron has poor efficiency.. especially against good defense... wreckless, turnovers, and takes possessions off.

I'll give you this though. Mike Brown is ruining Lebron James. He's too busy trying to win now and not taking any risk. Lebron needs to learn how to play out of the post and comming off screens. He needs to complete his game and Mike Brown has no faith in allowing him to feel himself out. Imagine Kobe when he was 24 without Shaq and he got the ball at half court everytime.

James needs to become the constant threat that Kobe and Paul are... their teams coaches have put them in the best chance to succeed and grow... Lebron James can run an isolation...

I agree with everything here, I used to think this guy was amazing but mostly from hearing people talk about him and seeing highlights of his dunks. I never really watched him until lately and agree with INspectdah, he looks like a football player trying to run people over, he would have been the best wide receiver in the NFL though or tight end that is for sure.

He is not smooth and is just a freakish athlete, truth is he is no Chris Paul or Kobe, those guys are smooth, smart, students of the game and basketball players with HIgh IQ's.

Lebron is just a freakish athlete, as I said I don't even think Basketball is his best sport, put this guy in the NFL and watch him? WHo would cover this guy? What DB? He is fast, strong, good hands, tall as hell, agile??

He does need a good coach around him to develop him and a good point guard also.

He will only go as far as his game evolves, its like a player like Dwight Howard he will never get better until he learns how to shoot free throws and have a outside jumper and have better moves in the post to score.

Comparing KObe and Paul to James is not fair at this point, these guys have flawless games, except for Paul's lack of 3 point shooting--

James has many flaws which the Celtics and SPurs last year noticed, he is easy to take out of a game because he is not that bright of a basketball player. WHen you play the best it is not about athletic ability, it is about SMARTS in any sport!

Don't believe me look at the Spurs they are not super athletic they play the system, Patriots were not super athletic, its the system. They system will always make super athletic players look like shit. Look what Celts are doing to Lebron now!

Lebron needs to quit the CAVS and join the Cleveland BROWNS. COuld you imagine WINslow, Braylon Edwards, Jurevicus, and Lebron as receivers??? tallest in NFL history for sure. Funny thing Lebron himself said he would be the best receiver in the NFL if he were to play there.
Since Kobe isnt on this list...I have to take Lebron. You guys gotta be kidding me if you take paul or howard or anyone else for that matter. This guy single handily took his team to the finals this year....and is best when his back against the wall.

This guy is what only 23 now, and is only in his 5th season...I say he wins more titles in his career than Jordan....and is maturation process with his team will follow along those same lines.
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Hunt - Two Things - That woman's breasts are sloppy and disgusting... she's probably uglier than the players on the Pistons themselves.

quite the opposite bro, if u only knew!
Taking a team out of the East last year was a joke. They had one team to beat! Can we get past that? They got swept... including 2 beatdowns in their arena. It wasn't a productive year for the franchise long term... just enough to keep Brown around for a few more years. So in essence, a bad one!
how old is he again? what position can he not play? name the next best cavs player quick....3....2....1....

CP makes everyone better becasue he is the floor general..

Lebron makes everyone better because he creates so many mismatches...and plays out of positions several times a game becasue his team and coach sucks.

Lebron needs that second guy, just like Kobe did/does and Jordan did.
IT is hard to compare all these guys because they all play on different teams.

Just do a little shuffle and you can see who is really the best--

Put Cp3 on Cleveland, and how good are they???

Put Lebron on Hornets? I think they are winning lots of games still with this team-- Lebron to Peja, West downlow, Chandler on D

Put Lebron on Lakers? I think they would still be a great team with Lebron.

Put Kobe on the Cavs? I think they are like the old lakers of 2 seasons ago-

Put KObe on Hornets- they are solid also, contendor probably

Put CP3 on Lakers- I dont think they are as good with KObe but still a very good team also
but as for the question,

hard to not go with lebron

if you choose CP3, you got yourself a point guard, now you gotta go find four more players to fit in the mix at certain positions

if you choose Howard, same thing, you're limited to what you can do

BUT if you choose lebron, you can get a core of players and just use lebron wherever the f you wanna use him, whereas with the other two, you can't really do that.
1.) JamBron James....like Jump alluded to earlier, 6'9...260...and he runs the 40 in 3.9? Thank you...

2.) Chris Paul (although I'd probably take him cause I like him better personally)

3.) Dwight Howard - Can't go wrong with a big man though

These 3 are gonna be great (probably add in Oden to the mix) to watch for the next 15 years :D
nropp - ummm cp3 has been able to create whatever the hell shot he wants. his ball handling skills and his quickness are far better than you think... if thats even possible, how do you not notice

this argument is about who would you build a team around isnt it anyway? thats the impression that I got.
nropp - ummm cp3 has been able to create whatever the hell shot he wants. his ball handling skills and his quickness are far better than you think... if thats even possible, how do you not notice

this argument is about who would you build a team around isnt it anyway? thats the impression that I got.

right and i said it'd be a whole helluva lot easier to build a team around lebron that paul b/c you still gotta get another four players to fill spots. With Lebron, you still gotta get another four players but you're not limited to a SG and a SF b/c Lebron can play those positions as well.

Draft Paul, then you HAVE to get a shooting guard or small forward.

Draft Lebron, you can go after whoever the hell you want at any guard position b/c aren't limited.

I know how good Paul is, just dont think he's more valuable than Bron-Bron.
Hunt - Two Things - That woman's breasts are sloppy and disgusting... she's probably uglier than the players on the Pistons themselves.

I've seen too many of Lebron's games. Casual fans and friends of mine don't watch him and enjoy it. They say it's ugly, unorthodox, etc. The casual fan would rather watch Paul, or Kobe. That's why I'm not starting a team with Lebron.

His cast isn't the worse we've ever seen. I do not think he'd be doing much better if he was traded for Paul right now. Paul makes David West, David West and not Drew Gooden. Paul makes Chandler, Chandler and not some bum thrown away for cap space to sign an old Ben Wallace. Paul saved the career of Peja and Mo Pete... while Lebron has failed to make Wally, Gibson, Pavlovic really any better than they would be on their own.

I hate the way he whines, the way he bangs into people full steam and gets a call... and I hate the way the league portrayed him when they wasted a shitload of money and time doing so. He stunk it up in the finals last year as no one watched. Paul is the type of guy who brings casual fans back.

I'd still draft Lebron James 1st for a dunk contest.

You put Pau Gasol on the Cavs and they're still not going anywhere. He has great #s but those #s come from him wearing the ball out. Kobe/Paul do something with their opportunities... Kobe especially... amazing efficiency. Lebron has poor efficiency.. especially against good defense... wreckless, turnovers, and takes possessions off.

I'll give you this though. Mike Brown is ruining Lebron James. He's too busy trying to win now and not taking any risk. Lebron needs to learn how to play out of the post and comming off screens. He needs to complete his game and Mike Brown has no faith in allowing him to feel himself out. Imagine Kobe when he was 24 without Shaq and he got the ball at half court everytime.

James needs to become the constant threat that Kobe and Paul are... their teams coaches have put them in the best chance to succeed and grow... Lebron James can run an isolation...

great post. I would take paul or dwight first, depending on how I think dwight will improve his FT and TO numbers. If he can work on that and be a little more aggressive and get more touches, he will win championships.

I guess I just convinced myself paul would be #2. after a great center, a great point guard might be the next most rare player to find. He can pass like jkidd/nash but he can score better than both.

lebron last. I do not believe. like some others have said, his numbers come from him having the ball in his hands for an insane amount of time. teams do have trouble guarding him, but I think when it really matters, teams will learn to shut him down. during the regular season a team isn't going to go all out making sure they stop lebron. in the playoffs, especially with time to adjust, I think he can be stopped, kind of like the celtics have shown, although these past 2 games are not common, but they do show flaws
Howard is definitely overrated bigtime. This guy IMO is not even in the superstar category.

Everyone in here is pointing out Lebron's faults? How about Howard's?
He cannot make a free throw. Is a terribe leader. Turns the ball over like crazy. He cannot pass out of double teams. He has no outside jumper? What exactly is this guy good at? Winning playoff games? NO he is all hype

Cp3 and Lebron is a tough comparison but I can tell you this much Lebron may lose to the cavs and take a lot of criticism. It comes down to what you have accomplished. If Hornets lose to SPurs in this series I think Cp3 should take 100% of the blame because he is the floor general and the star of the team. No other star in losses has the pressure BRON does. CP3 will go and say yeah we lost as a team, but if they win he will take all of the credit for sure.

You cannot compare all of these players vs each other. CP3's defense is also atrocious and directly cost them a game 3 win in San Antonio which could cost them the series.

I would say still Howard sucks bigtime and is very uncoordinated, Cp3 is pretty decent, but BRON is struggling and inconsistent and sometimes talked about how good he is, his situatiion sucks. HIs team sucks, his coach looks like an idiot and probably is very dumb.

Give Lebron Phil and see what you can do?

Jordan, Shaq, Kobe, they all had Phil

Duncan had POPS

Lebron has Mike Brown?? All the great ones had great coaches.

Look at Phoenix and Dallas had 2 championship caliber teams that fucked up every playoffs because of Avery JOhnosn and D'antoni

Is Howard under scrutiny if they lose to the Pistons, or cause they were swept last year?
CP3 would not take all the credit if we win this series... are you kidding me?

He always talks about his teammates and how they contribute. lol
unless my team was the brooklyn nets i would take paul or howard because LBJ is jumping ship to be with jay z
right and i said it'd be a whole helluva lot easier to build a team around lebron that paul b/c you still gotta get another four players to fill spots. With Lebron, you still gotta get another four players but you're not limited to a SG and a SF b/c Lebron can play those positions as well.

Draft Paul, then you HAVE to get a shooting guard or small forward.

Draft Lebron, you can go after whoever the hell you want at any guard position b/c aren't limited.

I know how good Paul is, just dont think he's more valuable than Bron-Bron.

isn't that the current situation they're in right now? i see what you're saying since hes able to play more positions though. guess i misunderstood you
dont you have to consider how easy of a teammate these guys can be. me thinks LeBron won't be much of a teammate until later in his career. Sure you can plug in superstar pieces around him but that doesnt mean anything unless you can build team chemsitry... something Paul can probably do with anyone if you give him a little while.
Yo Sammy...wait about 5 hours with Howard until he develops that killer instinct...

We'll love him then

CP3 and Dwight are in a league of their own when it comes to being respectable and classy images of the NBA
Yo Sammy...wait about 5 hours with Howard until he develops that killer instinct...

We'll love him then

CP3 and Dwight are in a league of their own when it comes to being respectable and classy images of the NBA

:cheers: No doubt about that one. 2 of the classier superstars in ANY sport.
isn't that the current situation they're in right now? i see what you're saying since hes able to play more positions though. guess i misunderstood you

agreed. when you have a franchise player at the PG or C position, it makes everything easier. On the other hand, if you have a great SG or SF, you still need a very good supporting cast. How many times have you heard "every championship team besides the bulls had a dominating center." sorry, but lebron is not jordan, so until then, I would take the position player that is more important, meaning dwight/cp3.

either way, whoever you take, they aren't going to win on their own. you need good coaching and a good team with chemisty and determination. I think chris paul is in the best position right now, obviously they have the best team vs. orlando and the cavs. dwight needs some more work and he needs a different style team to win. I don't think jameer and lewis are a good fit for him. they need a better assist guy at the point and more of a slasher guy at the SG. lewis with 3pt range helps spread the court, but idk if thats the best they can do
CP3 and Dwight have all stars on their team's. The #3 man on each team was on all star int he past (peja and r. lewis) Now, put CP3 and Dwight with the talent that Lebron has...being no talent on the team. The Cavs are what the Lakers were 2-3 season ago. Great player with no supporting cast. Lebron has all the tools to be a great player because of his size, speed and sterngth. Not to mention, Dwight is terrible at the FT line. A common trait he shares with Shaq. I dont know if CP3 will ever face a defensive player or team defense that can slow him down, but he has made Tyson Chandler a potential all -star and that guy sucked for several years. To start a team, I would rather have my player be able to handle the rock and get the shots at the end of the game. Lebon is a huge mismatch for almost anyone with his speed and strength. He edges CP3

The thing about Howard is he is basically as extremely gifted as LeBron . So that makes it a real tough choice bewteen those two. Not sold on Chris Paul yet. I want to see how he plays after being circled as the guy to stop for the next 2 years . Everyone seems to forget the pressure James has had to play with since the day he entered the league. Guys like Paul always excel because no one takes notice of them and there expectations arent sky high.. Take James out of Cle and I know he does much better. If Cle had a n offensive player worth a darn outside of LeBron maybe he wouldnt look so bad trying to carry his team every game and when game 90 rolls around it aint so easy especially when your facing better talent and the pressure of the playoffs. No matter how good you are tough to shine when its obvious your the only guy you have to defend. All great players having growing pains didnt Kobe and his I'lll shoot every shot attitude hold him back? Isnt it funny that when he got some help and a bench he exceled? Even Howard has Lewis and Turk much better then CLE options. Wow , souring on James just because people fooolishy expected Cle to play Boston well this series....

James and Howard are just freaks and would have yo be my 1-2....both high school guys...Paul went to Wake....what woul Paul be doing at 20 in the NBA? Not much......