

Pretty much a regular
Seeing a lot of love for the under in this game....can totally understand why you can love an under with Severinoballs and Price but....contrarian would be that Price has 4.79 era vs Yanks career, Severinoballs career vs sox 4.61.....Price 7.42 as a member of sox and 8.72 at yankee stadium (yikes)....this year Severinoballs has allowed 7 runs on 14 hits over 11 innings....Price has always struggled in big games and this is his biggest of the year.....two of the best lineups in the bases and they will both put their best out there tonight, game lined at 7 in the little league fences ballpark that the yankees call a stadium and allows as many homers as any i think.....under will be a hold your breath imho

On the side unfortunately this feels like a yanks win, Severinoballs has been a super stud this year and he got his bad game out of the way a couple starts ago and Price just seems to struggle in these big will be interesting and as tempting as that big dog money is with a high caliber pitcher going i think i'll sit and maybe get involved live if the games invites such a play....sox tt may be lined at 3, haven't looked yet but may go over that....maybe

Sorry, my bad on the line, saw a 7 earlier and thought that was the line, it now sits at 8.5 up from 8 at most places which makes much more sense
I wanted to get behind under but as you saying I just don’t trust price. Still got a lot of work to do on this one as I been rushing to find daytime action before 1st pitches. Gonna have a beer and see if I can find anything worth playing here as I’m not interested in laying the big price even tho again as you say that prob the winning side.
Want to have some kind of play in this one just to have action and watch...noticed Sev has been lights out at home and had a great game with ump
Really tempted to take a small crack at over. Don’t love it but at plus money it was really the strongest play I could come up with on this one. Certainly could be a pitchers duel. Maybe 50-50 type bet so trying to get as much plus as I can. lol. Wouldn’t touch if it wasn’t a stand alone Sunday night and I’m at home wanting to watch! Lol