sorry cleveland.....


Creep - Dee oh double gee
Alan Hahn is reporting that a possible three-way blockbuster trade could be completed soon. The Knicks, Warriors and Clippers may be on the verge of a deal that would involve Jamal Crawford, Zach Randolph and Mardy Collins being traded in a cap-clearing move that would see the Knicks bring in Tim Thomas, Cuttino Mobley and Al Harrington.
The Clippers would land Randolph and the Warriors would receive Crawford.
All three of the players New York would acquire have contracts that expire by 2010 when LeBron James, Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh will be free-agents.
The Knicks could be pursuing a plan to clear two maximum salary slots for that summer's free-agency period.

He's as good as gone.

He's got bigger plans for his life/career than letting it rot away. That's what it will do in the mid-west. Sorry pal.

first of all he wouldn't be letting it rot away in the mid-west because he travels almost every other day, and he's already one of the bigges stars in the world...i doubt he's going to rot away even if he wound up in toronto. second -- it's home to him. third -- he's not going to leave a championship team to play with a bunch of gimmick stiffs. my .02. can't believe how obsessed the media is with this. i mean, isn't DARKO a free agent that year too????
So the knicks end up with someone like Brandon Jennings or Stephen Curry in the draft this year...

theyve already cleared up enough space to have two max level guys in 2010

Bosh and Lebron in NYC in 2010?? Should be scary...
its pretty funny how defensive cleveland fans get. LeBron is good as gone, yet they honestly convince themselves that there is no way he would leave.
i'm not paranoid or nervous or defensive. what is funny is how every god damn trade any team makes is because lebron is leaving cleveland. it is so beyond logic to think that the two are correlated. there are 18 teams that have enough space to bring in lebron. who gives a shit...why does that mean he wants to leave? wow, knicks are now "officially" trying to make a run at lebron ?!?!? you mean another nba team besides the cavs would want lebron on their team?!?!?! oh nooooo!!!! everybody in cleveland panic...this is big news. give me a fuckin break.
i mean this is getting so stupid..we are talking 2 years ..jesus christ,seriously....and on top pf that he isnt going to new york..if its anywhere its brooklyn....but the bottom line is lebron wants to be in cleveland,or else he wouldnt bother playing these games mentioning leaving..he wants to scare the hell out of gilbert and ferry and make sure the pack talent around him...on top of that,since high school ive never seen him have as much fun as he is having now,with mo,and boobie, and delonte and andy he is having a took him 5 yearsto get to that pooint for him to start over would be stupid.....his fucking 44k square foot house isnt even finished being built yet, he wants to raise his kids in northeast ohio, and what hes not saying but behind the scenes he is loyal as fuck to this community...he has akron and 330(are code) and a bunch of shit tattooed all over him, him risking pissing off the whole state of ohio and losing respect from all these fans is deep down more important tehn a few million bucks, and dan gilbert has made it perfectly clear saying hes not worried about losing lebron, other teams should be worried about us getting their superstars and has more money then most owners and the onlypersonwe have signed in 2010 is hickson..these thread are just getting retarded
Jalen Rose said last night on Sportscenter that Bosh and Lebron are going to be in NYC to revive that organization in 2010. He sighted credible sources. I am not big on rumors but I think this one has legs.
just a hunch but for the knicks to make these moves to clear cap space im sure there were some behind the scenes talks ad lebron has at least hinted in being pretty least
Stern is gonna fix the draft for them. just watch. no doubt in my mind they get a top 3.
You cleveland guys kill me

too easy to get yall riled up

So...2010's New York Knickerbockers look like this:

PG: Steve Nash (Free Agent as well...signs for the MLE to get back with D'Antoni and win a title)
SG: Stephen Curry
SF: LeBron James
PF: David Lee
C: Chris Bosh

Bench: Nate Robinson, Danilo Galinari, Wilson Chandler, 2010 Top 5 Pick, Random Cheap Veterans who are falling over themselves to get on this team
Of course it wont matter because by that time Thad Young will have made his mark as the best player in the history of the NBA and will be on his way to leading the Sixers to their second of four consecutive titles and there aint a damn thing the King can do about it!!
Thats funny dude..

funny how everyone else see's the writing on the wall, cept for these Ohio guys.
can everyone else please tell me when the world is going to end also? its been a question on my mind for a while now.

or how about who is going to win the ncaa tourney...that'd be cool too

why would you want to know when the world is gonna end?

would you want to know how much time you have before you die if the doctor's could tell you today?
i'm not paranoid or nervous or defensive. what is funny is how every god damn trade any team makes is because lebron is leaving cleveland. it is so beyond logic to think that the two are correlated. there are 18 teams that have enough space to bring in lebron. who gives a shit...why does that mean he wants to leave? wow, knicks are now "officially" trying to make a run at lebron ?!?!? you mean another nba team besides the cavs would want lebron on their team?!?!?! oh nooooo!!!! everybody in cleveland panic...this is big news. give me a fuckin break.

Not correlated? LMAO

Homey. These trades aren't just correlated to LeBron James, they were explicitly made with LeBron James in mind. You are, for some reason, denying reality.
You cleveland guys kill me

too easy to get yall riled up

So...2010's New York Knickerbockers look like this:

PG: Steve Nash (Free Agent as well...signs for the MLE to get back with D'Antoni and win a title)
SG: Stephen Curry
SF: LeBron James
PF: David Lee
C: Chris Bosh

Bench: Nate Robinson, Danilo Galinari, Wilson Chandler, 2010 Top 5 Pick, Random Cheap Veterans who are falling over themselves to get on this team

That 2010 pick will be the Jazz's pick.

Who loves the Knicks' trades most in the West?

Probably Utah.

The Jazz own New York's draft pick in 2009 or 2010. The Knicks will retain the pick in the 2009 draft if it falls between No. 1 and No. 22 in June, but the pick is fully unprotected in 2010, which means it could be a very good one, given the Knicks' clear intent to keep their roster as frills-free as possible until the league's free-agent bonanza in July 2010.
King James is as good as gone IMO . It became clear IMO when he sported the Yankee cap at the Indian game few years back. Gotta say I was shocked by that . We all know he wants the spotlight of a big city and NY is it .

If the Knicks get this organization straightened out they will be a player for Lebron. Who doesnt want to call MSG home ?? The other thing is Jay Z is his idol and will be bringing the Nets to Brooklyn or so they say . I cant wait till Brooklyn gets a pro team again but still want to see it happen before I get excited . By see I dont mean contractual agreements I want to see the complex being be built .

Should be interesting when it happens and I hate to see SuperStar players leave a small market team because its bad for business . However this may be an exception . Kobe can stay in LA for all I care ....
Bron was a bandwagon fan growing up, Yankees, Cowboys, Florida State

---Bron Bron thinks big, i.e. Warren Buffett stating he wants to be one of the richest ppl ever, ect. Bron wants the big stage.

New York is as big as it gets. Sure he's thought about it.

I think Bron also feels some loyalty to Cleveland. I heard Steven A. Smith say Akron isn't Cleveland so he has no loyalty. Bron still goes to high school games around the area, I think he likes being Ohio born and bred and know doubt it is a factor of leaving his hometown.

.....This is simple. Does Ferry and management have a CHAMPIONSHIP winning team in place by 2010.

BRON WANTS championships, he understands longevity of a career, and his time is neering if he is going to get the # he desires. Gilbert and Ferry will have to changed the team with something fairly big like a Mike REdd......roster now is not championship level.

Couple more years of not getting past the eastern finals that should become clear.

----Cavs better start winning big or making changes before 2010. Or Bron will go to where he can, and on a bigger stage.
It can be Boozer's case all over again. Cleveland was desperately hoping he will stay, but despite his promises, he left for the bigger contract. LeBron isn't even denies he wants out. He sends little hints every time to the Cleveland fans that they better not get attached to him too much. If Cleveland doesn't win the title this or next year, why would he stay? The money? Cleveland in best case scenario will be able to equal other teams offers. The market? Not even funny. The chance for the title? Why would LeBron think that if they haven't won it so far, it would change?
Not correlated? LMAO

Homey. These trades aren't just correlated to LeBron James, they were explicitly made with LeBron James in mind. You are, for some reason, denying reality.

i realize that. no shit the trades are to clear cap space with lebron in mind. i was saying that it doesn't mean that he's going. there's something that everyone else seems to forget about. he has to actually WANT to leave. just because they made a trade with him in mind doesn't translate into him leaving. there's another step that has to happen, so i think it's retarded to always make that the focal point of the trade like it's some imminent event about to take place. like i said more than half of the league has the space. he's been to the finals already and has his best team right now...i highly doubt he's going to want to leave home to start all over again with a bad team. usually when the "writing is on the wall" and everyone thinks something is going to happen two years away, they're wrong. especially when it involves the best players in the sport. i never for one second thought that kobe was leaving and everyone else saw it as a forgone conclusion. just absolutely stupid and ridiculous. i realize this is completely different, but it's equally ridiculous for different reasons.

the reason why cleveland people get fired up is because of how stupid the majority of our fans and media are that are adding fuel to this fire. they're like a dooshbag jealous boyfriend who constantly thinks his girlfriend is cheating on him and hounds and stalks her until she finally does because she's so sick of hearing about it. it's such a tiring story this far in advance it's way out of hand. if anyone think lebron has made his decision this far out in advance, i don't know what to say. i just completely disagree with that. nobody makes career decisions 2 years away because it is contingent upon so many factors. of course everyone wants him, but i just absolutely disagree with who the frontrunners are, and haven't heard opinions that i agree with that would be reasons cleveland isn't the frontrunner. but by all means, everybody obsess and dream and make videos about it. or move on from the subject and talk about it when the time comes.
you think lebron wouldn't wanna play alongside chris bosh in madison square garden? you think playing in new york wouldn't catapault him to the next level internationally? The guy wants to win championships but he wants to be the most famous person on the planet too. In new york with another top notch free agent he can go along doing both.
enjoy your last year and a half.

Still, it's not about the Nets or Knicks becoming a realistic destination for LeBron. It's about the fact that James, who this past season averaged 30/7/7 on a bare-bones team at age 23, could hit the open market. Fine, Kobe won't be the greatest player ever until he wins another three rings. James could never even make the Finals again, and if he keeps up like this, any rational person would stick him in that conversation.

Talk about a cosmic event—with that summer in sight, cap space isn't just a number. It's currency that, however indirectly or improbably, links an organization to a truly Association-altering possibility. Without any definite sense of where James would go, or how he might fare there, we're left with the mere symbolism of it: A basketball player whose abilities strike fear and awe into all, and who has only just begun to define himself, will suddenly hover over us mortals and make a decision. A decision that, coming from him, has all the weight of passing judgment upon the earth.

On the court, LeBron is already the worker of miracles, the angry god of the Old Testament, the mortal with divinity in him. Symbolically, he's the Messiah for this sport, the Chosen who has made a special pact with the basketball gods. The increasingly vague and fiery allusions to 2010 paint him in another role: The Apocalyse itself. Take it from someone who has watched all of Left Behind at least three times, and read a few scholarly studies of the End of Days.


The way in which all teams seem trained on this future, where the liberation of LeBron looms like a Bibical prophecy that predicts great upheaval and uncertainty, merely reinforces his larger-than-everything standing in the league. Kobe, for all his mastery of the game, remains just the league's best player; when he appeared to be on the move, all you heard about was how fucking good he was. LeBron is something bigger, possibly unknowable, and truly awesome in the minds of all but the dumbest, deafest, and blindest basketball observers.

If you think I'm overreacting, or mischaracterizing, tell me: Why does everyone want to get under the cap for 2010, even if they don't have a prayer of landing LeBron? It's because, even if they're not Cleveland getting its sports life set back 2,000 years, or a major market team with a real hope of luring him away, all teams can feel it in the air. It's their duty, their fate, to get their affairs in order and stand in line, so great are his powers on and off the court, so potentiall transformative of all they survey.

Most likely, nothing will come of it. But the shiver that "LeBron: Free Agent" sends through the league works on a far deeper, more primordial level than the reality in which they typically operate. 2010 is The Reckoning, when for a month or so one man will be bigger than any team, franchise, or even the entire league. That's something only MJ can claim to have done, and he never had this kind of leverage or limitless at his disposal.


Still, it's not about the Nets or Knicks becoming a realistic destination for LeBron. It's about the fact that James, who this past season averaged 30/7/7 on a bare-bones team at age 23, could hit the open market. Fine, Kobe won't be the greatest player ever until he wins another three rings. James could never even make the Finals again, and if he keeps up like this, any rational person would stick him in that conversation.

Who wrote this crap? No rational person would ever throw Lebron into conversation with Kobe, let alone the greatest basketball player, and athlete of all time.

He's a man-child, a beast, a statistical fantasy explosion. But he's going to peak earlier than most b/c of his frame being this size since he was 15 or 16... he won't be doing what Kobe is doing at 30...

And his style is not sexy... like Kobe or Mike's.

Maybe if Lebron wins 3 rings then we can talk about him vs. Kobe. Him vs. Mike in any conversation? Please.
you think lebron wouldn't wanna play alongside chris bosh in madison square garden? you think playing in new york wouldn't catapault him to the next level internationally? The guy wants to win championships but he wants to be the most famous person on the planet too. In new york with another top notch free agent he can go along doing both.
enjoy your last year and a half.

Lebron cares as much about his image, and his popularity as he does winning. He knows he can have both of them better somewhere else.

He wants to be a billionare... and you just can't manage that out of Cleveland. Like I've said before... you wouldn't STILL be buying Michael Jordan's had he played on the Cavs. Jordan's logo itself wouldn't be worth over a billion dollars.
That being said, I'm not sure it has to be New York.

If the kid realizes he has more money than he could ever want, and doesn't want that pressure... there's no reason to think he doesn't stay.

It all comes down to what type of person is he? Most would not want that type of pressure.
you think lebron wouldn't wanna play alongside chris bosh in madison square garden? you think playing in new york wouldn't catapault him to the next level internationally?

i've made my opinion pretty clear on both of these things. these points aren't anything new, and most people seems to think he's definitely going to new york and that's fine; you are all entitled to your opinion. "most people" have been wrong many times before. we'll see how it pans out.