Somewhat funny


Not all those who wander are lost
1 game today has big over refs
Memphis at Knicks
This would normally be an automatic under
They also favor the home team so if the Knicks actually want to win a game they could
I am not convinced they want
to win a game
Lets just pass on this game
I am tossing out Celtics and OKC as they are involved to some extent in the Superbowl and have a under history
I am making 1 bet. Clippers
Reasoning Toronto is horrible this year on Sundays while the Clippers are very good on Sundays plus the refs look bad for Toronto.
I could argue for the over here as the Clippers tend heavily to over b-b but the refs do not look good for that. This Super Bowl Sunday business puts me off. Light day
small bet
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Having a hard time staying away from the total in the knicks game....watched them on Friday night and they are just so bad offensively, they played hard but just don't have the parts to put points up against a decent defensive effort....think I'm going to try a knicks tt under 101 as I can't see them getting there against a grizz d that is effective most nights