Soccer rule question


Fly, Eagles, Fly!
Why can a gk leave the box to retrieve a ball outside the box, and dribble back into the box and pick it up? Isn’t that basically the same as a same team back pass which is an infraction? Seems like this should not be allowed. Am I wrong?
Cant do it if it's a back pass from the feet

But otherwise ya, it's always been the rule
Yep. I know that rule. But a keeper leaving the box to retrieve the ball with his feet and dribbling back into the box then picking it up seems just like a back pass to me?
Yep. I know that rule. But a keeper leaving the box to retrieve the ball with his feet and dribbling back into the box then picking it up seems just like a back pass to me?
I guess I'm just used to it

Dont mind it, theres other rules I'd change it anything
Oh I’m not super upset about it. Just saw a keeper do it in a game today so it got me thinking.
I think the back pass to the gk rule was introduced to prevent time-wasting (see Liverpool back in the day), and what you describe isn‘t going to happen easily or often enough to cause another such issue with time-wasting
I think the back pass to the gk rule was introduced to prevent time-wasting (see Liverpool back in the day), and what you describe isn‘t going to happen easily or often enough to cause another such issue with time-wasting
Good point. Didn’t think of that but yeah, not too often that a gk gonna risk dribbling into the box