So,.........who's the best conference?? This is a must read!!!


Go the Bulldogs!
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Huge UGA fan here, but I sure as hell was a UF fan last night as they represented us well. Could there have been any better way of showing the country who the best conference and team in the country was???????
Herbstreit said it yesterday on ESPN radio. “Ya know. This game hasn’t had the hype as I thought. Ya know. Maybe the BCS needs to think about that the next they get ready to renew their contract.”…………….ok, dumbass………1<SUP>st</SUP> of all, FOX simply runs circles around ESPN/ABC as far their overall production from the broadcasters down to the story production. Second of all, DUMBASS……….. don’t give me that crap!!! That is pure proof you guys try to manipulate things. If u haven’t figured out what I’m talking about, it’s simple. ESPN hasn’t hyped the BCS games at all. I mean, come can we please get a F’in countdown for next year’s Rose Bowl already? That just made me sick to my stomach. If u look at the way ESPN/ABC ignored the BCS bowls, it’s obvious they did it in an attempt to hurt the affect the BCS hype so BCS will be compelled to sign w/ them next time.
OK……………..on to the game…….and other thoughts on this………..
I was sick of hearing, “Well, look at Florida’s close, ugly wins against S Car, UGA, Tenn and loss at Auburn, etc……..Where was this offense all year for Florida and how did OSU’s offense tank so bad after running up numbers all year. I don’t get it. Blah, blah, blah.” Those guys actually get paid for their opinions, damn it!!!???!!!??? HELLO!!!! They were playing SE-f’inC defenses all year long, week in, week out and OSU was playing the friggin juggernaut that IS the great Minnesota and Northwestern teams. And don’t give me that crap, “Well, look at Vandy.” Yeah look at e’m. They had YOUR Michigan squad down to the last 7 minutes within one score. And THOSE kids actually have to have great SAT’s to get in. I don’t give a F what anyone says. Vandy would be a bowl team nearly every year in the Big 10, Pac 10 OR Big 12. So, while OSU was playing the Minny, N’W, Illinois, UF was playing, LSU, Auburn, Arkansas, UGA, KY, Bama, S Car…..yeah, I know. You’re getting tired just thinking about it. Imagine being those 18-21 year-olds having to get up for that every Saturday being beaten and bruised every week.
Yeah, that’s EXACTLY what us SEC fans were absolutely SCREAMING at the TV’s when all the EXPERTS could talk about before and after the USC loss was how playing 4 tough games in a row might have an effect on USC. We have to do it EVERY week. Oh yeah and believe it or not, most of SEC fans have alotta respect for USC because they know their conference is pure crap, so they make as tough a non-conference sched as they can.
I mean, did you see the OSU players after the 1<SUP>st</SUP> 10 minutes of the game when they saw defensive tackles running Troy Smith down from behind. And I feel for those players. I really do. I have nothing against them. I feel bad for them. They had no idea what was coming. They really didn’t know how strong and fast these boys from down South were.
And don’t give me that, “OSU had 51 days off and UF only 36.” Well, little girls, that’s YOUR fault!!!! Play a conference title game, damnit. Plus, what’s the difference between 4 weeks and 6 weeks. Also, if the OSU coaches didn’t have sense enough to run enough full-speed work-outs………..but, oh wait that wouldn’t have done any good anyway.
Plus, Tressel was 4-0 on 40 days + of rest, just not this night…whatever…….
Yeah, and did u notice how UF really got intimidated by all the “home” OSU fans that, by the way, had a 2-week headstart on buying tix (I think I threw up when I can’t who said before the game they saw who the true conference fans were)???????? Here’s a clue. They don’t get phased. They play in it every week. In fact, most SEC teams LOVE playing on the road cuz they know the fans are gonna be absolutely nuts and there’s nothing better than to shut them all up. I mean, come on…the Big House…..110,000 fans loud………whatever. They’re place is like going to a tea party…..OSU….same thing. PSU is the only place that rivals SEC atmospheres.
And the confidence of UF…..BEFORE THE GAME……….. Meyer was asked on the way to the sidelines, “Boise played great in here last week. What do u guys need to do to pull off the upset?”……..Meyer……quick grin….. “Just wait to see our guys play tonight.”
OSU……0-8 against SEC teams in bowl games….including 0-2 against those same crappy Gamecocks that UF nearly lost to.
UF ABSOLUTELY knew they were better, stronger, faster. Just look at their comments after the game. That wasn’t smoke. They really knew, just like the rest of us SEC folks.
And I really feel bad for Troy Smith. He lost millions last night…..and all because he was built up so much against all the slow defenses up there. He’s such a great kid and prolly will still find a place somewhere in the NFL, but he just lost millions last night being exposed. And again, I have nothing against the players. They all seem to be great guys.
OK….I know what you’re thinking…………but how about Wiscy and PSU beating 2 SEC teams. Wisy, I’ll give u all the credit in the world – and I wonder, geeee conf title game against the great Tressel and OSU??????????….guess we’ll never know……Wiscy, u beat one helluva team in Arkansas, BUT……they are truly a 1-sided offense and they showed if u stick 9 and sometimes 10 guys in the box, u can stop anyone on the ground. And THE hogs have ABSOLUTELY no offense whatsoever…..and Mustain’s mommy and those o/ Freshmen from his school – their parents – caused the controversy at QB that troubled the team……..and Tenn…….whew….where do I start. Well, actually that’s simple. Any SEC fan will tell u that once Tennessee is out of the SEC race, their players just tank and honestly, they quit.
Last night…..all the soft coverages from OSU, going for it deep in their own territory, etc. Once they saw just how strong and fast these guys were, they were literally intimidated and knew they were the lesser team.
And I don’t wanna hear “Well, if Teddy Ginn……….” Well, ok let’s look at the difference here. Just UF DB Reggie Nelson – God rest his mother’s soul - said after the game…, “He needs to be playing in the SEC.” Here’s the point. He’s the ONLY player OSU has that could really match up w/ SEC speed. UF…..well, they have playmakers all over the field.
Cowherd just made a great comparison. It’s kinda like if u had 8 job interviews in 1 week and the next month u only had 1. About the 5<SUP>th</SUP> one in that string of 8, u just won’t be as sharp and focused. U just won’t. Well, the next month u’re gonna have plenty of time to prepare and get focused. That’s the difference between an SEC schedule and sorry……….any o/ conference in the nation. OSU had 2 interviews – Texas and Michigan. UF had interviews just about every week.
Ok, here’s my conclusion. You see guys, the reason, we take it so serious down here is the stereotypes we will fight for centuries to come………… “those backwoods, redneck Southerners…..” Sorry, folks the days of everyone down South living a trailer w/ the barefooted wife and hair curlers while the hubby worked at the gas station we all work hard all week and go the shindig in the barn on the weekend……………….”……………… attention here. They NEVER existed!!! Yes, decades ago, there were some folks that did live like that in the South. Movie producers and the media thought that would sell tix and have plastered that all over the airwaves ever since. Gimme a friggin break. What, there’s no mobile homeparks in Muncie, Indiana or Cleveland, Ohio? And I certainly don’t think that one oil rig comes w/ home ownership in the state of Texas. Well, this is one way we can slowly change that ever-pervading thought deep ion the back of Americans that don’t live in the South that no matter what………..the South will ALWAYS be a step behind everyone else.
Note: None of this is a vent against any poster on here. I love this place. This is just me “venting against the world.”
Thanks, Gators!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and another thing............damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just think about it.......what if UCLA would NOT have beaten USC in 1 of the bigger upsets in a while o/ than Boise maybe....although much love to ya're fighting some of the same battles we always will......what if USC won that game?????????????

Then USC would have been the 1 plastering OSU last night....maybe not as bad, but who knows. By the way, if they did play, it would have been a scorefest. USC's defense isn't near the product ESPN fantasizes about. UF wouldn't even have been in the same discussion. It really wouldn't have sprouted all the conference discussion because I believe the majority honestly knows the PAC 10 is USC and everyone else. It really brings out the intuitive questions I have been begging for for years. We're all hearing it today in the media and will for a while. And then it'll come up again late this summer. Hell, SEC Commissioner Mike Slive, one of the staunchest BCS supporters, has already stepped up to the plate and begun what hopes to be a long line of former bowl system guys that will finally realize that evn if they still only think about lining their own pockets - the bottomline is - they'll make even millions more w/a playoff system. Imagine if these games led to some kinda quarters w/ LSU/Boise...Louisville/UF, etc...........the hype and the money made would be insane. There are just too many questions that are wandering around in folks' heads now that could only be answered in a playoff...............Wouldn't it be an all-SEC title game w/ LSU and UF...would USC be in the title game where do Michigan and Wisconsin stand now.........Wiscy w/ that sched chocked full of San Diego St., Bowling Green etc.....Michigan...Ball St.........what??? about where Boise would finish.....could they be "The mirale in Glendale"???.......would Louisville or Rutgers or WVU be in the mix.....where would they fit in....the questions go on and on...........

Those fatcats are thinking about that right now. I guarantee u if any of them have a brain, they went to sleep last night w/ sugarplums lined in green.

The Florida Gators and the Boise St. Broncos may one day be remembered as the "Pioneers" who changed the ending to every year's great story of College Football.....a playoff.

From the bottom of this Dawg's heart,.......thanx guys............
Bro they didnt understand what I meant yesterday When I told em " You boys are gonna need BC powders tomorrow".. I can ship em if they cant buy em
Austin, while I admit that it gets old fast going through these threads, I do remember you disrespecting the SEC in a few threads. Do you have more respect for the conference now?
Hey man, no homering here at all.................

If last night doesn't show the country, when will it wake up??????? If there was a playoff as in NCAA hoops and bases, I just wonder exactly what the landscape of national titles would look like???

Friggin A..................

USC, Texas, Oklahoma we'd welcome u guys in the SEC...U MAY BELONG...and Texas is a stretch cuz when they play someone that'll fight back when they bust them in the mouth.....they just don't compete well. In o/ words, despite what ESPN/ABC say about them, they are "closet panzies." They can dish it, but just can't take it.

Sorry fellas.........I'm just pissed. And no, it hasn't clouded my judgement.

Every o/ team in this country has to REALLY get up for 2 maybe 3 games. I say everybody. What I really mean is the top 15 or so teams. So, u've got all these teams playing a bunch of tune-ups only to get ready for the 2....MAYBE 3 games they really have to get up for. Meanwhile, u've got the SEC that gets their brains kicked in every week. One, because the country doesn't know it or see it cuz ALL ESPN/ABC is hyping are their games.....non-SEC - for the most part. Then, it's just SEC teams literally beating up on each every week because they are the best in the country. One team may have 4 losses, but put them on a nuetral field.....because everybody always wants to talk about mythical nuetral field games......and they'll kick a 0,1,2 or 3 loss team all over the field.

Take Vanderbilt for instance......the "worst" team in the SEC. They had Michigan on the ropes until the final 6 minutes of the game. Vanderbilt would be a perennial bowl team in the Big 10 or anywhere. This year in the Big 10, for instance, they'd be no worse than 8-4, no questions asked. No, I'm not cdrazy. Just been watching the college football landscape for a long time and I've just been sick for a long time.

This is not just a pissing contest......"We're better than you" kinda thing. This is a subject we feel passionate cuz of issues I talked about in my thread today and THIS...................when it comes down to season's end and there are a couple teams fighting for that BCS bowl spot......u better believe the team from the best conference is gonna get in 9 times outta 10.

Bank it...........u heard it here.........when the playoffs do long as it is an 8-team or more playoff, the SEC will own ATLEAST 60% of national titles.....................
Thank you Moon

While not in the same calm manner I have been trying to wake up the world since LSU was raped of the true title feeling by the USC "AP" job.
We (players included) would have loved to play USC one or two weeks following the game. Thats how confident our team was. The hype around Oklahoma and USC that year was insane. Same situation LSU had to back in because Hawaii won etc etc. Then what happens boom Auburn gets shafted going undefeated in the SEC (title game too) WTF so USC can blowout another overrated Oklahoma squad out.

I feel you 100% and I love the way you put it in a fair and nice manner.
They dont seem to understand any of my methods. :)
Stacks, besides Nebraska who is going to step it up in the North? Iowa St? nah, Missouri? Maybee.. Colorodo? No. Kansas and Kstate will be better but I think Nebraska and Missorui are the only two legit ones from there..

The B12 South is going to be good; OK, Tex, Ok ST, A&M, Maybe even TT..

SEC will counter with competitive teams on the West with Auburn/LSU/ARK/Alabama and on the East with Flor/UGA/Tenn/So Car/Kentucky
Austintx_05 said:
love the homers

Austin give credit where its due, you didnt pick the right side, your were not as good as you thought you were and that makes you wanna make snide comments,,,leave it alone ok:shake:
Austintx_05 said:
love the homers
Austin has yet to say which conference is better.. He said earlier they werent, then never backed it up.

TROUTMAN---undercover memeber this guy is a know-it-all class 1-A top choice DICK! no one cares about last night anymore so get over yourself and your one bet you one all year pal...not sure if you noticed but we at CTG bring good info to the table and not this bullshit your bringing disagreeing and calling people out. please change your attitude and contribute in a mature way. thanks
1. I already gave credit to Florida as they deserved it.
2. I stated I was wrong.
3. I do think the SEC proved that they were the better conference this year.
4. ABCS - I was wrong about Florida being outmatched in every position.

I was wrong, you were right.

Ok. I never claimed to be perfect and it was just 1 mans opinion. I still finished +14 units on the season and can definately be satisfied with that.
TroyStacks said:
TROUTMAN---undercover memeber this guy is a know-it-all class 1-A top choice DICK! no one cares about last night anymore so get over yourself and your one bet you one all year pal...not sure if you noticed but we at CTG bring good info to the table and not this bullshit your bringing disagreeing and calling people out. please change your attitude and contribute in a mature way. thanks

Im not sure I understand your remarks Troy, I dont have a covers account. I dont post there and I randomly read other threads on that site. I dont understand where this unprovoked hatred has come from. I have only posted my plays for my sake, not anyone elses, I did pretty well during the Bowl Season and I "one" a few games and finished above 50%. I dont really care if anyone follows my picks, I rather them not, I just want to beat myself, My units are rather small and I just do this stuff as a hobby, not a way to generate funds, just a way to stimulate my brain. I dont know what I did to ruffle your feathers but you have me all wrong. All I have heard from certain members is how Fla sux this and Fla sux that, then they blow out OSU and some people dont want to admit they were wrong or made a bad choice, some people want to make excuses or try to shift the attention to someone else who is being a homer. Everyone is a homer, everyone has teams that they love and this is why sports are so fun to watch and follow. I am sorry that you are sour at me but what did I do, maybe you should practice what you preach about providing useful knowledge and not revert to calling names and acting in the very childish manner that you have deemed as unappropriate. The world is filled with hypocrites and apperantly this forum is no different.
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Oh gosh, I've got to apologize for something I just realized. Yesterday I talked about Vandy being the worst team in the SEC. I must've been on crack......Miss St wins that award. Vandy is usually the cellar-dwellar. MSU has just been awful the past few years, a little unusual for them. I really think some folks need to read my post from 5:30 pm yesterday. I AM saying the SEC is so far ahead of EVERYBODY!
And I think it may be something teams/fans from every o/ conference will never be able to understand that. I don't disrespect any o/ conf or their fans. I just think it may be something that'll never be realized unless they were to play in our conference a year or 2. The S Carolinas and Kentuckys of the SEC are damn good teams. People just don't realize it because they finish in a lower-tier bowl most seasons because of their 8-4ish record. I mean. Come on people. This season, UGA, Tennessee, Bama all had "down" years. Well, as a UGA fan I can tell u us going 9-4 was like a dagger, but at the same time we know life in the SEC will ABSOLUTELY NOT allow you to go 10-2, 9-3 every year. Just won't way, no how. Hell, look at USC. Even though they're 1 of the few teams out of the SEC I think could consistently compete down here, had to cheat to do what they've done...........and Pac-10 fan......don't u dare ask what I'm talking about. Where there's smoke there's fire. Mr. Bush was certainly not the only fishy - hell, not fishy. They cheated, damn it!!!!! When will they be brought down????? It will be a cold day in hell before ESPN/ABC allows that to happen cuz they're such a major play in their ratings. Gosh, I just went off on a tangent, but anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just know that it may never be felt by o/ conference fans what we go through ever year..........and Distopia, you're right. The coaching is crazy............Tubberville, Richt, Spurrier, Saban, Meyer, Fulmer....I don't include Miles......he's good, just not great.........he's kinda like a middle class man that was given the mansion on the hill. LSU always seems to do things in games that're just dumb, inconsistent things. Most SEC guys know what I'm talking about........and they're simply coaching things.

Trout.....agree???? I think he's great w/ college kids, don't get me wrong....just not near as good as the talent he puts on the field. And, man I feel your pain.

Guys, Trout hit it on the head and I said it yesterday. It's not us just sticking out our chests. We just fight to make sure what happens to Auburn and LSU in recent years..........never happens again............