So, what have we learned? - NFL Week 5

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
I think this week finally helped me pinpoint why the NFL has gotten so much more difficult in recent years—at least for me. As it's become a more QB-centric league, it has really made the shorter life-cycle of QBs not only more important, but teams less consistent overall.

Because the whole forum follows the Cleveland Football Browns so closely, I think they're as good an example of this as anyone.

Think of this for a second, the Browns start off the year with Brandon Weeden and after two weeks they're miserable. Their passing game is downright dog-shit and all that hype about them contending for the division title (albeit in a bad division) is washed away and they're re-cast as bottom feeders.

The vast majority of this, by the way, is because of their QB play. And you know this in large part because in that second week, they lose their QB to a minor injury. The very next week, they get a WR back with a new QB throwing to him and they look great on offense. And this is after they throw away arguably one of the better running backs in the conference.

My point is this, the lack of internal consistency makes it damn near impossible to 'cap the team against anybody else because they themselves are a moving target.

And it's hardly just one team.

Now Buffalo, who started the season with a rookie QB, will have a new QB next week. Tenny had a new QB today, Oakland had a new one last week. The Eagles might as well flip a coin to see if Vick will make it from game to game. And it's more than just week to week, it's turnover every year. Remember that Colin Kapernick wasn't even the starter in SF until, I believe, Week 10 last year.

The constant churn of QBs, combined with the QB being so much the focus, I think makes it harder to read teams generally before you even begin to cap them.

Maybe that's me, but I feel like this is one of the biggest reasons why the NFL has become more difficult. In part because you start with so few options weekly anyway. It's not college with a big board, you're looking at a dozen or so games. Some of those are going to have lines that make the game unattractive. Combine that with teams whose offense is unpredictable because of who's running it and ... hello losing tickets.

Anyway, to the games.

The Browns are 3-2 and in first place in the AFC North. I'm pretty confident this means that, somewhere, Tip is getting laid and Steed may finally have met a man who'll respect him in the morning. It's like a double rainbow, only, you know, of penetration. Ah, love ...

Of course, now the Browns will change QBs again. So the question is, will they suck again? I want to say no, but I can't guarantee it.

Were I Brandon Weeden I'd probably take the hint that I'd just have lost my job and quite possibly my NFL career but for Steny Hoyer tearing his ACL and take that opportunity to throw it around the yard because his run game is gone and Josh Gordon is back. HOWEVER, Hoyer is done for the year, and Cleveland hasn't made any move toward Josh Freeman or make any move of substance (Tyler Thigpen anbody). So maybe Weeden just falls back into where he was to start the year, which would be bad for all involved.

The Bills meanwhile, have done—for three weeks—exactly what we said in this thread they would do weeks ago. Consistently given up 20+ a game.

But how do you cap their games going forward not knowing what you're going to get from their offense?

All right, to games that should be—should be—somewhat straight forward. The Chicago Bears.

What the hell happened here? Every time I checked in on this game one of two things was going on. One, New Orleans was moving the ball. Two, the Bears were going nowhere.

I liked the spot for the Bears, I didn't like the spot for the Saints. It's not like the Bears turned the ball over all day. I don't get it. Why and how did NO just own this team today?

What does this say about the Bears?

And do we now believe in Rob Ryan and that Saints defense?

How do you go into Chicago, coming out of MNF, and essentially dominate the game without getting credit? You can't. You have to start talking about NO as legit.

I bring this game up first because this game, to me, was one of the most surprising today.

The game I probably paid the most attention to was the Birds game. Essentially, Joe watched the Giants so you didn't have to. You're welcome, America.

Here's what you need to know, the Eagles' secondary, if you didn't know it, is awful. It's slow and you can beat them over the top. It's hard to watch. If the Giants weren't banged up and were playing on the same page they'd have won this game by 10. But they aren't and they're not. They're a mess.

I don't see how you bet the Giants at all right now.

I also don't see how you bet the Jags right now, but I mean, if you do you are a not only a lonely, lonely person, but you're going to have to start a thread about how and why you would even think about it.

A spot play today for me that I liked, and that worked out roughly how I expected, was Cincy.

I lost with them in Cleveland last week but came back to them today. But what surprised me today is how neither team really put points on the board. I feel, I guess wrongly, that you can score on Cincy (this had to be skewed by that GB game). But why can't Cincy put up 20 points any more? What's going on?

What bothered me about Cincy is how they tried so desperately to give that game away late. Right now I have to put Dalton in the Matt Schaub category. He has the talent to throw to, both out wide and out of the backfield. And yet, the guy's putting up like 13 a game in the last two weeks. What the hell is with him right now?

With New England, at least for me, this was playing against what they did last week. Last week was one of those Brady games where he lights it up, on the road. Which is great—except when, like me, you bet the other side—but it was on the road, on MNF, tough spot for the Pats today. They'll get healthier and be fine.

Honestly, I think I might have more faith in them going forward than in Cincy despite the results from today.

Let's finish off the AFC North. I have no faith in the Blackbirds. Good win, really good road win, and they're a good character team. Meaning, I don't expect them to quit, but I still think they're rebuilding this year. And if they're playing a suspect defense—or a defense like Miami's that's missing a star—they might be worth a look if the number's good. Because Ray Rice is still good enough that he's going to open up the passing game.

What I saw none of today, however, were the Fish. Shark or anybody who watched this game want to tell us what we should know Miami right now?

Actually, the more I think about today the more it seems like spots really won out (other than in Chicago, that is). Think about Seattle. First off, I personally don't want to believe in Pete Carroll. But I feel like I'm wrong. I feel like he's making me believe in him whether I want to or not. That Seattle team is really good.

And, something not to ignore, Seattle travels well. That's so huge.

Thing is, today was a bad spot for Seattle and they still almost won. So impressive.

Meanwhile the Colts win again and the Trent Richardson pick gets higher and higher in the draft. I'm just sayin'. I've said it before, but I'll say it again, I like Andrew Luck. And this offense is solid. There's no way around it.

The thing that bothers me most about the Titans is that I was just getting to the point where I really liked this team. And then they lose Locker. And then Fitzy looks awful for half the game as his replacement. Again, new QB ... what the hell do you do with this team.


Meanwhile, Kansas City is who we think they are. Now, given Andy Reid being Andy Reid and given that their QB is Alex Smith, there's a real possibility they fade. But right now they're 5-0 and you have to respect it.

And I kind of think you have to look to bet it.

Another bad spot today? Detroit. Coming into Lambeau and getting GB after a bye. Here's the funny thing, last week I say I don't think you can put too much on Chicago's loss in Detroit. And now, today, I'm going to say that I don't think you should put too much into Detroit losing to GB today.

Let's see how that works out with Detroit heading to Cleveland.

Carolina/Arizona. Funny thing is, I had AZ in a contest play today, but could you really pick two teams that are more like each other right now? No, obviously Carson Palmer isn't $Cam Newton. But these two teams are steamrolling toward 6-10. It's like waiting for the sun to rise or BAR to rub one out in the bathroom on a lazy Saturday afternoon. It's going to fucking happen.

I mean, no offense to fans of those teams, but how the hell do you get excited about that game? Or, really, those teams?

Enough of that nonsense, let's do the TL;DR version:

Cleveland: No Steny Hoyer, will their offense shutdown now that Weeden is back in charge?

Buffalo: Manuel looked like the only thing holding them together before. Now what the hell do they do?

: Better than all the bad teams, and when they put it together, they can beat good teams—oh, and by the way, they're 2-0 against SF & Seattle.

: This team is really good. And they travel well. And they might be the best home team in football.

: Maybe the best offense since the Patriots team that couldn't stop scoring. They've played some terrible defenses, but nobody seems remotely able to stop them.

: Until further notice: When Homo throws more than they run, they'll lose.

: Man, I don't know. I didn't believe in them early & they proved me wrong. Was it all about Wake?

: Better than bad teams, balanced on offense, but tough to bet vs. good teams.

: They look like they know what they're doing on defense. Dalton though seems like he's still confused even though he has weapons.

: They look legit. They just do.

: They looked legit, then they lost their QB.

: Their defense is dog-shit. But Foles seemed like he could run their offense just as well as Vick—minus the designed runs.

: Terrible. They're not whole and they're not playing like it. Take away Cruz and that team might lose to Jacksonville.

: How do we relegate teams from the NFL to the BCS?

St. Louis
: If we relegate Jax, would St. Louis take their place? Probably.

: Have to be considered top tier and, surprisingly, largely based on their defense. That and Jimmy Graham. That guy's Jordan Cameron-esque.

: It's all falling apart.

: It's mostly falling apart, but at least Carson Palmer knows what the endzone looks like.

San Fran
: Remember when there was an OMG, WOMEN & CHILDREN FIRST CRISIS in SF? Yeah, that's over. They're good.

: They're like watching a sweater unravel. Slowly. But it's definitely happening.

San Diego
: They haven't started yet tonight, but I have this suspicion that their offense might be for real—and word is that the unsung story from last week's win was that T'eo actually played really well in his first game of the year.


The bye week teams from this week.

: Can they adjust coming out of the break or do they just suck?

Tampa Bay
: Do they quit? Probably not next week, they probably give it one go without Freeman in the room, but if they lose, at home, to Philly, then do they quit?

: It's a mess here, too. But they're a smart organization, they'll be back. After they go 5-11 this year.

: Pthpt, raise your hands if you have faith in this team? Before you answer, think of their QB and their defense.

That's what I've got for now.

Talk to me, Goose. Talk to me.

99 points. Are you kidding me? Funniest thing about it, too, I didn't watch it. Really because I didn't bet it.

To bring another thread into this one, tough to set a Den/Jax line under 30 at this point. They still may, but how could you possibly bet on Jacksonville next week.
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Pretty ridiculous effort by Cincy D...highlighted by this:

@CincyJungle: NE reached the Bengals side of the field on 6 of their last 8 possessions. The result: fumble, punt, FG, FG, punt, interception.
Just briefly in passing.

I don't see how you bet the Giants at all right now

Absolutely correct. I took them at two different prices and got burnt by this collection of hot steaming garbage. This team is done. Serious question to anyone who watched: At any point after the Eagles took the 22-21 lead, did you feel the Giants actually gave a shit at ANY point? Disinterested on both sides of the ball and that ship is beyond sinking.

Glad we were able to see a dose of the Cincy we thought we were getting.

KC is the good enough to play with anyone. That defense is the best the team has had since at least the DT/Neil Smith era. But this is a team that screams playoff fade. I am 5-1 on them this year and the one loss was a SU win but not cover against Dallas. They are really good, but this offense is not of the caliber of most top teams. It's really not close. Reid has done it with a light load for Charles for 3 quarters and then letting him pound away in the 4th. It's worked at the end of every close game. Won't win you a Super Bowl this year. But Oakland, the Schaubs and the Weedens visiting for 3 straight at home before Denver. Should be fun.

Chicago was a disappointment. Nothing on it. Just leaned Chicago and realized I was quite a bit off on them.

Went with Arizona today on a hunch that Carolina is a fraud and looks fairly accurate.

Houston should be 0-5. 1-4 at best.
Agree. Tonight was not about SF, it was about the death of Houston's playoff chances and 100% the death of its Super Bowl aspirations.
Yeah, it's impossible not to say that Houston may have just turned the corner into a bad team tonight.

Maybe that's over-stating it, maybe, but I'm not so sure.

Remember, this team could have easily lost their first two games. Maybe should have lost at least one of them.

So, maybe they should have beaten Seattle, but that's pretty much the point. Schaub is now literally throwing games away. Kap completed six passes tonight if I heard the stat right.

Why? Because he didn't need to throw. SF didn't really need to try. 24 of their 34 points were off turnovers.

And now Schaub has a pick six in four straight games. Impossible not to wonder if the wheels aren't coming off this team.
Joe, I gotta say...I don't love the idea of this thread because I think its a bit too reactive and it focuses on what we just saw and not looking at the big picture. However, there is not a better written, funnier, wittier thread on this site. This is a joy to read, and I'm kind of bummed im reading it now because its usually saved for my Monday morning shit.

I love your idea of Thigpen for the Browns. Think hed be 10x better than Weeden. But they may be thinking, ok Hoyers gone, were back in tank mode.

love your take on the eagles...any team with an offensive rhythm will blow them away.

giants and jags just can't play them

love the ravens next week...not to get smoked. packers will be a huge play for me

I still think San Fran is vulnerable to good teams. Houston is not one of them.

I think zona is one of those teams who will play the buccos close and play the good teams close...they just wont be blown out and they sure as hell wont blow anybody else out.

great stuff man
I really appreciate that, DW. Thank you.

It might also surprise you to know that I agree with you at least in part, about being too reactive.

I mentioned last week that I sat down with the schedule of each team and looked three weeks out to help put the games in perspective. For me it's really helped both last week and this.

Now, it hasn't made me any money yet. Last week I went 1-2 with a pretty serious moose, and today I went 2-2 (nice over, Matt Schaub, you dick), but on the whole the results made more sense than they have when I've been too focused on taking a week in a vacuum. Overall, save an outlier or two, there's been much more of a rationale to the larger picture and—if nothing else—I feel better about the season.

But that's me. And to your point, I think the single best thing this thread can do other than make jokes about Steed (which are extremely valuable, for the record) is provide a home for those tidbits and things people saw from particular games that can help the rest of us better fill out our own picture of individual matchups or the season on the whole.

For example, last week someone brought up how Peyton had seen this exact defense a week ago and he expected Denver to put up a ton of points. I didn't make money off that, but I definitely thought of it when looking at the game—and someone might have used that to profit.

For me I can say that I know I'll win money on some Chiefs games based on the participation in these threads by multiple KC fans.

All of which is my long way of saying I agree with you, bigger picture (for me) seems more profitable or at least what produces better results. And the more this thread can help that, the more successful it will be.

I agree with both sides of the argument. But I see at least a few alarming/surprising/etc. things per week that I think are important going forward. And I like to come here and share mine and read what I missed.

good stuff, yeah cap, i dont mean to be on the other side of any argument, i love this thread. i just think that our job as cappers is taking what we see in a given week and what we know about teams in general and use that info to cap next week. didnt mean to say i dont like the thread. its very valuable and frankly i cant imagine a CTG Monday without it
I learned tonight why so many people are rooting for Terrell Pryor. Because with him at QB the Raiders are fun as shit to watch.

He's kind of tough not to root for.
To that point, the Broncos are going to overshadow a lot, but the AFC West has turned from one of the worst divisions in football to a group of four teams you really don't want to play, at all, in the span of about 18 months.
i can't help myself, but i get a kick outta some of these QBs continually finding a way to fuck up.

romo goes off...has an incredible game...then loses it again late, with one pass/INT. and schaub, lol...a pick six in 4 straight. can we please make it 5 straight?

guess i just enjoy watching the train wreck...
Colts were my big bet of the week, I think we have to admit that they are a sneaky good team who can beat anyone. Well maybe not the Broncos but maybe..

Broncos are human. Their defense though??

Bears aren't going anywhere, OL still shit.

Saints are legit.

Carolina can't win on the road, poorly coached team.

Pats defense is pretty good, offense is avg.

JAX really is that bad. 0-16 looks like a very possible outcome.

What elsE?
Paul Dehner Jr.@pauldehnerjr<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px; right: 15px;">3m</small>
How many regular season 300-yard passing games have there been since #Bengals, Mike Zimmer last allowed one? Answer: 154.

Paul Dehner Jr.
<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">1m</small>

Even more, there have been 27 instances of 400-yard passing games since Zimmer, Bengals last allowed a 300-yard passer.
Went with Arizona today on a hunch that Carolina is a fraud and looks fairly accurate.

I had them in a contest play for almost this exact reason. Something about Carolina feels way off. It may be the coaching, but I have no faith in this team. Cam will win a game or two simply on talent, but at this rate that looks just about good enough to go 5-11.

How many regular season 300-yard passing games have there been since #Bengals, Mike Zimmer last allowed one? Answer: 154.

This stat is amazing.

Colts were my big bet of the week, I think we have to admit that they are a sneaky good team who can beat anyone.

Totally agree. Not about your bet, but, I mean, that too I suppose. They'll throw up a couple of eggs no doubt, but they're able to get it done against pretty much anybody.

Last, "Stay classy, Denver." Hahahahahahahahaha.
[h=1]Lions investigating Dominic Raiola’s comments to Wisconsin band[/h]Posted by Michael David Smith on October 7, 2013, 12:36 PM EDT
Lions center Dominic Raiola has been accused of making obscene and homophobic remarks to Wisconsin band members who were performing during Sunday’s game at Green Bay, and the team is investigating the matter.
The Lions released a statement on Monday acknowledging that they’ve heard complaints about Raiola’s behavior at Lambeau Field.
“We are aware of the reports involving Dominic Raiola and the University of Wisconsin Marching Band,” the statement said. “Those reports are extremely inconsistent with the standard of behavior we expect from our players and from every member of our organization. We currently are gathering more information and will respond further when appropriate.”
Football blogger Tom Melton wrote on Monday that Raiola unleashed an unprovoked verbal assault on members of the Wisconsin band, calling them fat and using a couple of other F-words that we won’t repeat here.
This isn’t the first time Raiola has found himself in hot water for an encounter during a game. In 2008, the Lions fined Raiola $7,500 for giving fans the finger. At that time, Raiola was unapologetic. Perhaps it will take a suspension for Raiola to get the message. If the allegations that Raiola used a homophobic slur are accurate, a suspension would clearly be warranted.
I've learnt that no matter what line the bookies set for the Jags they cannot cover the fucking spread....fuck em I took the bullet and thought Rams have no business being that heavily favoured but in the end Jags stink.
I'm pretty positive that AS Roma could beat the Jags both types of football
I'm pretty positive that AS Roma could beat the Jags both types of football

This is a significant point and really should not be overlooked. Francesco Totti > Blaine Gabbert

In pretty much every way imaginable by man.
Yeah, last night I learned that the Falcons are the Texans.

I believed in this team this year, and maybe injuries did it, but I'm not totally sold on that argument.

This team reminds me of the Steelers team a few years back that I just wouldn't admit was bad. I kept thinking, 'no, they'll be all right, they'll be OK' and then I woke up and they were like 2-6 or something.

Point being, even talented teams have those seasons where they get hurt, the breaks go against them, they do dumb shit, and it all adds up to a shit season. I'm sure this team will be back, but what a terrible way for Tony G. to go out, on a team that came apart right out of the gate.
Yeah, last night I learned that the Falcons are the Texans.

I believed in this team this year, and maybe injuries did it, but I'm not totally sold on that argument.

This team reminds me of the Steelers team a few years back that I just wouldn't admit was bad. I kept thinking, 'no, they'll be all right, they'll be OK' and then I woke up and they were like 2-6 or something.

Point being, even talented teams have those seasons where they get hurt, the breaks go against them, they do dumb shit, and it all adds up to a shit season. I'm sure this team will be back, but what a terrible way for Tony G. to go out, on a team that came apart right out of the gate.

Yep. The reality of a Mike Smith coached team came to full force last night. They had a rookie QB coming into town without his best WR (questionable to call Santonio his 'best', I know) in a game they pretty much had to win and blew it. I don't believe injuries are an excuse to lose in football, they're a pain in the ass, sure but not an excuse. A good coach (ie Harbaugh, Hoody) has whatever personnel he has available ready to play, both the Pats and Niners have 'excuses' to lose but don't. Took the gamble last night that this talented admittedly short-handed team would unite and rattle the Jets and patchwork a convincing win but the overall reality is Mike Smith is really, really f**king bad. Was also a little shocked Geno walked all over a Mike Nolan D.
Falcons were officially pronounced dead tonight around 11:30pm eastern...

And how sweet it is really. This team has a buffoon for a coach, and an overrated QB. These guys were in dreamworld last year as they ran away with the division, as the Saints were crippled with a coaching execution and the worst D in history. They squeaked out so many wins last year, and Ryan just launches long passes praying his big receivers can get the ball or get a PI call....quite sickening. SJax has been no help and is shopworn at this point.

But back to the boob coach. There might not be a worse one in the NFL....this guy just doesn't learn lessons.

1 and fucking 4........losing at home as DD faves to a team many wrote off as a joke with a rookie QB

Today the air was a tad nicer....

sorry, short rant
I think the eagles should just hand over the reigns to Foles. You are not competing for a title this yr. Vick will never stay healthy plus he is older. He is not part of the future in Philly. Is foles? Let the last 10-11 games determine that
Loss of Matthews could really hurt the Packers defense. The few games I watched of theirs, their run defense might have been the best in the league. Their front 7, most notably the front 3 of Raji, Pickett and Sippin Syrup Johnny Jolly are the biggest starting D-Line in the league and they do an outstanding job of clogging up the blockers for the LB's. Matthews was very good in the run game as well.

Saints look like the most complete team in the NFC right now. Brees to Graham is nearly unstoppable. Rob Ryan's defense is looking good for the time being but we willl see how long that actually lasts.

P.S. Andy Dalton can go to hell. He is terrible.
Loss of Matthews could really hurt the Packers defense. The few games I watched of theirs, their run defense might have been the best in the league. Their front 7, most notably the front 3 of Raji, Pickett and Sippin Syrup Johnny Jolly are the biggest starting D-Line in the league and they do an outstanding job of clogging up the blockers for the LB's. Matthews was very good in the run game as well.

Saints look like the most complete team in the NFC right now. Brees to Graham is nearly unstoppable. Rob Ryan's defense is looking good for the time being but we willl see how long that actually lasts.

P.S. Andy Dalton can go to hell. He is terrible.
I dont think it is smoke and mirrors. I think the really good offenses could do some work on em, but it hasnt happened yet. And any team that has that offense has an average defense themselves. Save Seattle maybe...but even then. If the Saints run game gets going, they will be as dangerous as 09.

Speaking of, Pierre Thomas runs that screen pass to a science. And the blockers as well.
yall are sneak dissers

When did Twink give his login info to Alex and why?

I think the eagles should just hand over the reigns to Foles. You are not competing for a title this yr. Vick will never stay healthy plus he is older. He is not part of the future in Philly. Is foles? Let the last 10-11 games determine that

So, basically do what we all said they should do before they hired Chip Kelly?

Fine with me.

Or they could have brought in Josh Freeman to see if he was the right combination to run Kelly's offense while they coached up Barkley. Or they could just decide whether or not they want a guy who's mobile like Vick/Dixon or someone who's more of a standard dropback guy like Foles/Barkley. But I feel like they haven't made that call yet.
yall are sneak dissers

When did Twink give his login info to Alex and why?

I think the eagles should just hand over the reigns to Foles. You are not competing for a title this yr. Vick will never stay healthy plus he is older. He is not part of the future in Philly. Is foles? Let the last 10-11 games determine that

So, basically do what we all said they should do before they hired Chip Kelly?

Fine with me.

Or they could have brought in Josh Freeman to see if he was the right combination to run Kelly's offense while they coached up Barkley. Or they could just decide whether or not they want a guy who's mobile like Vick/Dixon or someone who's more of a standard dropback guy like Foles/Barkley. But I feel like they haven't made that call yet.

I.wanted nothing freeman
I thought Riggles' pre-game routine on Sunday with repsect to his eagles joke was pretty good. The Chip Kelly offense has revolutionized Vick's ability to turn the ball over (or something like that). I laughed out loud.
I.wanted nothing freeman

Here's the thing I don't get on Freeman. He showed potential before Schiano got there, and it's not as if he wasn't coveted in the draft.

I'm not saying he's the answer for every team, but there are certain teams he made a ton of sense for, if only for this year. In large part because he's not an unknown entity. You draft a guy you really don't know. With Freeman at least you know you have a guy with some upside who's won games in the league. How you coach him is up to you, but he shouldn't be a total disaster unless your system is wrong or your coaches are shit. With that, I think he had options.

Buffalo: As soon as Manuel went down I saw no better fit than Freeman. Freeman wants to be a free agent, Manuel is their guy for the future, it's win/win. The season doesn't go in the tank while Manuel is out. And if Freeman does well, you don't have to rush the guy back. It made too much sense.

Cleveland: You lose Steny Hoyer for the year. You need another backup, why not look at Freeman. Freeman may say he wants to start, OK, that's fine, you basically had an open competition based on what Hoyer did while Weeden was out. Why wouldn't you give him a shot at the job? Maybe then you don't have to look to the draft at QB.

Philly: Barkley may be the future, but for right now Vick is hurt—just like everybody knew he'd be—and if you were sold on Foles you never would have brought Vick back—or drafted Barkley in the first place. You obviously want competition at the position, why not have it in a season where nothing is expected of you?

Minny brought him in because, I guess, they're giving up on Ponder. So that part makes sense. Likewise, if they're giving him a shot at a long-term contract there that makes sense too. But it's hard to look at that team based on this move and think they have a plan at the position. That would have scared the shit out of me if I were Freeman.

But maybe he thinks that's the spot where he has the best chance to play and/or stay. But for someone who they say wants to test the FA market, I'd think you'd want to go where you knew you'd immediately start. For me I'd have thought that would be Buffalo—or maybe Philly simply because Kelly seems to want a mobile guy (though Philly may never have been interested). What's surprising to me is how many teams apparently wanted no part of him. Maybe I just haven't heard about his rep and everybody else has, but to me that was a surprise.
In shocking news

Jerry Jones said it was a moral victory for his team.

Been getting crucified n the local press