So, what have we learned? - NFL Week 4

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
First off, I know I'm late to this party, but tonight was the first time I'd seen the Carrie Underwood open for SNF. Bleh. Really? This was a thing, like 'Wow, we have to have this person over—whoever the hell the other person was'? Jesus. Nothing sums up faux edginess more than that open. I watch shit like that and fear that the NFL's next stop is becoming the NBA.

By which I mean, professional wrestling, because Joe doesn't believe the NBA is legit any more. But what do I know.

All right, enough of that, let's talk about the games.

So I did something this weekend that I highly recommend. Yesterday I sat down with every schedule for every NFL team and looked at the next three weeks based on what we've seen the first three weeks. Save a couple of games today that I considered throw away games (e.g., Pitt/Minny in London) the weekend made much more sense to me after doing this.

Which isn't to say I'm a genius, just that the perspective helped.

Where didn't it help? Houston.

Well, sort of. I considered that game more of a tossup and played the ML for the value as much as anything. But here's the thing about the Texans, when they fire Gary Kubiak—and they will fire Gary Kubiak sooner than later—it's games like this that will cost him his job.

Now, when he's sitting in his La-Z-Boy watching the Sunday Ticket rather than coaching I'm sure he'll turn to Lovie Smith and say "That Matthew Kidman fucked, me, mommy. He fucked me so bad." And he won't exactly be wrong. But what in the holy fuck are you doing calling that pass play when you're trying to run the clock out?

Granted, Schaub has to know better than to try to throw back across his body, that's fair. But if you're his coach, you know Schaub does shit like that. You have to be smarter than he is. And you, Gary Kubiak NEVER are. Never.

The size of the moosecock that Houston ML backers took today was something you normally find when you click the wrong link on RedTube. Or, you know, the right link if you're Steed.


What a nightmare—and what a waste of a really strong day for the offense against a really good defense for the Texans. I mean, good lord, man, you put up 20 in the first half and can't even get a FG in the second half?

Also, what a swing in terms of my money, which doesn't help when it comes on the heels of running KK into AA last night to the tune of my entire stack. But that was my fault, has nothing to do with the Houston Texans and, really, I'm not sure why I brought it up. Because I'm obviously not still bitter about it or anything.

In a related story, I hope that tourist dropped the whole lot of it on Indy today or something. Because despite the fact that he's an obvious cocksucker, Joe wants everybody to have a great time in Vegas.

Great win by Seattle, though. Granted I think that was more of a loss by Houston, but the record book won't reflect that.

Seattle's good and you know they're good because good teams find a way to take advantage of mistakes by dumb teams and win games on days where they don't bring their A-game.

Last thing on this game from me, by the way, I'm a big believer in that idea that your record tends to be an accurate reflector of what kind of team you are, and we're getting to that point in the season now. To that end, I think 2-2 is fair for Houston. I don't think they finish 8-8, I think they're better than that, but today is a reminder that they're dumb enough to drop a couple of games they should win and finish 8-8 rather than 10-6. Conversely, Seattle busts their ass enough to win them games that they otherwise should have lost.

Speaking of games that are won by effort, let's talk about the Cleveland Football Browns.

I like Steny Hoyer. I like Brian Hoyer, too, but Steny's track record of getting shit done is better. Which is something important to remember when the Republicans in the House who can't even be bothered to come into work more than 130 days this year, pin the country down on the ground and ass-rape the economic recovery in an effort to try to deny Americans health care and deny women access to contraception this week. Because freedom isn't free, bitches.

Or something like that.

Which relates to football exactly how, you ask? Because Brian Steny Hoyer is all about freedom, and he trusts women to make their own decisions. You know that because he still throws balls to Greg Little, and that guy's become about as big of a vag as you can ask for.

Thankfully, and more importantly, Steny throws balls to Josh Gordon and Jordan Cameron—and suddenly the Browns have a passing game. Can you imagine what this offense would look like if they had a running back? That would be awe—oh, right.

Here's what I missed in this game and what I kind of don't get. I understand that Cincy scored a ton last week. I'm not sure anybody really needed them to score 30 today, but 6 was flat-out unacceptable. And what I don't get is, how can you not watch defensive tape on the Browns from the first three weeks and not see the gaping holes in their secondary?

Joe Hayden—who Joe loves and not just because of his name—looked like he was in Cincy's playbook all day today. Either that or Cincy's coaches (and/or Dalton) were (was) dumb enough to think, "Hey, the Browns have one really, really good player on defense, let's throw at him all day." What the fuck.

As I said earlier, I looked at the schedules for each team and maybe you make the argument that Cincy was looking ahead to NE next week, but this is a division game. You're 2-1 with a division win, beat Cleveland and you're 2-0 in the division, 3-1 to start the season and in great, great shape in the North. So how do you possibly look ahead here? I'm not buying that. I think they just got beat.

Which is amazing, because I'm not seeing the talent level with these teams as equal and yet ... 2-2.

Short version: The AFC North may suck out loud. And, honestly, the Browns may threaten .500 because of it.

How do you know this, because the Steez flew to England to get run over by AP and the Ravens went to Baltimore to lose to Buffalo.

I didn't watch a lot of the Steez, but I used the term "rebuilding" last week and I don't see any reason to go away from that.

I'll get back to the Ravens in a moment, but I used the same term with regard to the GMen last week and I don't see a reason to go away from it with them either.

But for the fact that the two divisions those teams play in blow goats you'd have to think these teams would be in that spot where giving up on the season becomes a serious consideration.

And yet, the records in the NFC East are abysmal. And the Steez, as bad as they are, are only two games back with only one loss in the division.

That said, they still suck. A lot. Let's see how they use the bye.

With the GMen, though, can the bye really even help that much? Aren't they just really banged up—like to the point that they need 2 months off not two weeks? As always, correct me if I'm wrong.

I said I'd get back to the Blackbirds and since I'm talking about rebuilding this is as good a time as any.

I feel like everybody knew this year would be a step back for them based on their talent losses. Their QB is better, but they feel a lot like the Vikings of the AFC. Great RB, a defense with good talent in spots, but gaping holes in others, and some people who can make plays but ...

This team feels like 7-9 to me. A lot like 7-9.

Good job by the Bills though. I don't really know if EJ Manuel is any good, but at least they're interesting. And they won again. I saw in passing that one of their corners went down, did he come back?

Oh, and lest someone bitches about it, yes Harbaugh > Leslie Fraiser. I'm dumb, not crazy. Wait. I mean, whatever, you know what I mean.

Speaking of the Vikes, fuck that team, they blow, but let's stay in their division.

I loved Detroit today. I don't know why I didn't single them for real money. I put them with other plays and whatnot, but again, if you look at their larger schedule, this was a game they should win—or, could win based on the spot—and it was a game they really needed to win given what comes next for both them and Chicago. Next, Detroit goes to GB where they should rightly lose, Chicago comes home for NO where they should rightly win, then Chicago gets the Giants in Chicago.

So if Detroit loses today, and the Bears go to 4-0, the Lions go to 2-2 and come Week 6 you're looking at 3-3 to their probable 6-0.

Do I think teams sit and obsess about the schedules of other teams? No. Do I think they give them a glance? Absolutely. Do I also think they know exactly who they play after the game they're in right now? Yes. So even if you ignore the Bears here, if you're Detroit you know this is the first of two in the division. You need to find a way today, and they did.

Conversely, I don't put a ton into this loss for the Bears. It's a division loss, yes, but they're still 1-1 there, it's not the end of the world. And when they wake up tomorrow they'll know that if they focus over the next 10 days they should still be 5-1 in two weeks.

Let's stay in the NFC and knock out the rest of this shitty NFC East.

The Eagles' defense is who you thought they were. Period. Dust off your 6-10 predictions, people, and cuddle up.

The Redskins aren't fooling me with this win today. Sorry, Silky & Doggy. I'm convinced this whole division is going to threaten going under .500.

Thankfully for the NFL's image the Cowboys will find a way to get to 8-8, probably 9-7, before Romo melts down and public bettors end up on their backs, again.

What I don't get about the Cowboys is, I stopped paying attention to that game when it was 21-10 Dallas. And then ... um, what the hell happened?

I saw the very end, where Dallas fumbled in the endzone to end it, but how the hell did they give up 20 unanswered points? How did they not score in the second half? What the hell happened?

I still don't like San Diego, though. Something about them bothers me. I feel like they're a fraud wrapped in an enigma wrapped in Phillp Rivers' pedo-stache.

To the team that used to be in Dallas before most of us were born, Kansas City did what good teams do. They beat up on a bad team.

I'm kind of shocked I just said that about Kansas City, but the truth is the truth. I like Kansas City, not as much as Fat Andy likes Arthur Bryant's and giving Eagles' fans brain aneurysms, but I do like 'em.

Denver. Jesus. Where does it end? When Peyton throws three INTs in the playoffs? Probably. But until then the official NFL franchise of Joe Public Sr. is making my old man happier than a two-hour comp at Happy Good Joy Joy, that Asian massage parlour down off Colfax that I swear I've never been to.

But if you go, ask for Sunny, because there'll be an 80% chance of handjob.

By the way, the total on that game today was basically 60 and Denver almost got there themselves. Unreal.

One team I did like today—and this is all Music City Gambler's fault—is Tennessee. Great job, great everything and then Jake Locker gets carted off into the night.

Funny thing, though? Joe loves Ryan Fitzpatrick. No reason, really, other than he refuses to leave the league and continues to find ways to be a starter in this league.

You're going to lose Locker's legs, but—and MCG can correct me if I'm wrong—I think Fitzy doesn't represent a dropoff in the passing game. I just don't.

Of course, the thing that always pisses me off is, in general, QB changes suggest laying off for a week at least, just to see what you're getting into.

Speaking of laying off, you couldn't have paid me to bet the Redbirds/Bucs game with BAR's money. Well, that's not entirely fair, if he'd have spotted me a nickel (chump change for him, by the way) I totally would have found a way to piss it away on this game.

I have no idea how Tampa Bay doesn't quit on this season at this point. Their front office is a mess, they throw away Josh Freeman so they can what, put up 10 points at home on the Cardinals and lose? Genius.

I think we can start taking bets on which college program Schiano takes over next year now.

Likewise, I feel like people may have been suckered in to Jax this week. Because, really, if there was a week to play Indy for a letdown this seemed like the spot. And then Jax lost by 35 or whatever it was.

Maybe they're trying to move to LA? I mean, they don't seem like they're trying to win.

Meanwhile Indy's good and Trent Richardson had 20 carries and a TD. Pretty solid for the 20th pick or whatever they'll end up trading Cleveland at the end of this year.

Oh, also, Thursday's game. Right. #EyeRoll

Last week the talking heads were all "OMG, how willz the Niners handle this criziz?" (Joe believes that most TV pundits intentionally talk like LOLcats in an effort to appeal to the lowest common denominator. See: Fox & Friends)

Anyway, so what did these same morons say immediately after the Niners won? "OMGZ, the Niners are back. They've solved all their problems and will win all of the Super Bowls."

Right. They played the Rams. Who suck out loud.

And they're down an alcoholic until further notice. Bet accordingly.

I'm done with tiers and whatever. That shit didn't work for me last year and it didn't work for me for the first few weeks. I'm trying to adjust. Because you either adjust or go broke running KK into AA. Or something like that.

Enough rambling from me, I guarantee I missed a ton of stuff in these games today so tell me what you saw.
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Defense is for real. They've had young talent in Ayers, Brown, Casey etc but needed coaching. Gregg Williams, my former youth basketball coach, is what they needed. Throw in Bernard Pollard for some attitude, on-field leadership and suddenly you get Michael Griffin play to his ability. Love this defense.

I'm going to disagree with you Joe on the Locker injury. There was some outstanding cohesion brewing between him and the WR corps. You don't make it through four games with zero turnovers without doing a lot right so I think it will hurt their passing game provided Locker is out for a long period(entirely possible). Fitzpatrick is a serviceable backup but as we know he doesn't sustain any long-term success over the course of a season, so I hope the injury situation isn't too grim for Locker, otherwise the upcoming stretch of Chiefs, Niners and at Seattle will be very tough.

Titans have great special teams and really have a lot to look forward to provided Locker can come back soon. They absolutely should be able to challenge for a playoff spot if Locker isn't out too long.

Other teams
I don't read much into Chicago's loss either. The Falcons are bad, they couldn't hit any big plays deep which is a bad thing when your running game is suspect. Still think New England is nowhere near as good as their record, but will probably improve as 12 gets more adjusted to his receiving corps. NFC East is LOL but I guess Romo and the Cowboys probably win the division with 7 or 8 wins.
Few thoughts without watching any replays:

- I actually think San Diego will contend for a Wild Card spot. They are very much like Houston in that they could be 4-0 or 0-4. They aren't as talented but Rivers seems to have regained some of his All-Pro form and will keep them in almost every game.

- The Chiefs defense was insane again today minus Brandon Flowers. Very good possibility that with him on the field today the Giants would not have scored a point again. They cannot beat Denver right now but the gap between the two teams isn't as wide as I thought.

- With that said, Denver is the new Pats 2007. They will give up points. But they will just outscore you no matter what you put up. Like that Pats though, there will be that one team that can get physical enough with them to be able to beat them.

- Like Detroit but agree that Chicago shouldn't be downgraded much for this loss. Lions are going to be very tough against anyone at home this season.

- The Jets fooled me. I bought those two wins as legit. They were really really bad today. Wasn't sure if they were bad or if Tennessee was so good. Little of both.

- Who the hell thought KC at Tennessee would be possibly the game of the week in Week 5.
Arizona has a good defense but Carson Palmer is going to turn it over way too many times and put them in bad spots for it to matter.
It amazes me how people can even consider wagering on Jacksonville. They took 19pts last week and got buried. They took a bunch of points today and got dumped. Oh wait, they play the Rams next week. Never mind, I'll take the Jags and all those free points!
All kidding aside, put Tom Brady in the Hall of Fame while he's still playing. What a master at the QB position. Hey Sum Badfraud, Tom is the one who has no weapons.
Atlanta and Houston remind me of each other. There's something these 2 teams lack and I think I have the answer. They lack the intelligence needed at QB. They don't quite have the intelligence in the head coaching department either. They're both 2nd tier.
Overall, the quality of play in the NFL is not good. Too many penalties, poor tackling, and kickoffs have become an absolutely useless part of the game. Why even have it?
Oh, back to what I saw. I saw where the Giants, Baltimore and Pittsburgh will be spending January on the outside looking in. Often times we think we know who is going to the Super Bowl by October and we're wrong, however this season has shown mostly to have mediocre teams except Seattle and Denver. I do see New England still playing a very good brand of football. SF could be another top tier but they're having problems at wideout and injuries are mounting. Outside of these 4 teams (we'll know more about the Saints and Dolphins tomorrow) the league really isn't that good. You want to throw in KC? Let's see them play Denver.
The funniest thing kept happening to me during the Bengals game, I was barking the name Kitna instead of Dalton. I don't normally watch the Bengals, today I was reminded why. They're a couple steps above watching the Rams but a few notches below the top tier teams.
Matt Flynn is not good. Redskins seemed to have found a rhythm on offense. They could be on the rise or was it the Raiders?
i think we'll see a well deserved QB change in Minnesota. Giants Oline is depleted.
Is there a sleeper team? I thought the sleeper team would be Dallas. They have all the elements needed but not the HC IMO.
The St Louis Rams did not lose today. It's the 1st Sunday since week 1 that Sum Badfraud looked good!
As far as Jax wise, situational NFL capping has racked me up over the years. Today the results weren't there obviously.

Not crying, but I take Jax and Hou type bets all day every week.....

The results were bad today, but still
To add on to what wiseplayer just said, serious question. Is Blaine Gabbert the worst QB you have ever seen? Gotta be top 5 at the very least no? That's a thread worth starting.
Note to self:

Wagering on Cowboys is truly "gambling", just walk into casino and bet 'red' and get it over with. I know this and forgot for this 1 day only.

Sad to say, Schaub just doesnt have the skills, fortitude, presence etc... Nice guy, but ya know what they say. He's catching hell here in Houston. At least I remembered this and stayed away.

Enjoy your comments and essay as always Joe
Raiders win today with Pryor as QB I think. It is not that TP is that much better, but as bad as the O-line is, you have to be able to move to get that Offense to go. Also, is Darren MacFadden hurt again? If so, my word that guy is snake bitten.

Said it all over today, but Jax is the worst team in NFL history. Gabbert blows, MJD is the worst fantasy rb(had to lol) and ffs team just blows.

Browns have life with this kid. Cinci has so much talent, they shouldnt be losing these games. Red Rider needs to look in the mirror.

Denver is sick.

Sorry Iggles fans......weak division so may have a shot there, but time for a new QB. And a defense.

Jets came back to Earth....and will continue to do so.

I like this Bills team. Manuel looks good at this point. Certainly better than I thought he would. Enjoy now, Sophmore year is tough kid..

KC is legit this year

Cowboys are just snake bitten....Romo too. Lotta names and talent, but feels like they have been like this since Romo started....They are(see below)

Cowboys are ATL Lite.....dont the Falcons feel like Dallas? Same team, same choke.

Chargers are interesting to say the least this year...

Steelers blow

Minny has a QB now....sorry Ponder

I wanna bang Rivera for the Raiders sister..

I learnt football is now like baseball re total results. Almost any quarter can salvage what seems like a dead under bet, much like any inning can (which is to say, this week made that perception crystal clear).
Dungy said it on SNF about next week

they were talking about the Sheriff and someone said they play Dallas next week, and I don't think I have ever heard Dungy so excited, said PM knows the cover 2 better than any defensive coaches know, he played against it in practice the entire time Dungy was there

thinks the Cowboys get routed
I want to talk about bad decisions. One was by a player and one by a coach. The player bad decision was Schaub just blindly throwing that ball up there where Sherman picked it off and took it to the house. Schaub was going to throw it no matter what, even if the guy was covered, and it cost him dearly.

The coaching bad decision was by Coach Allen of the Raiders. Down 10 pts and late in the 4th qtr, they faced a 4th and 1 well within fg range. For some dumbass reason, he decided to go for it rather then kick the fg to make it a one score game. They promptly fucked up the 4th down and got nothing essentially losing the game. I don't care what the fuck is going on there, you HAVE to kick the fg. Hope he learns from it.

Great thread as usual Joe.
I wanna bang Rivera for the Raiders sister.

This is also something I learned today.

Two other things from me.

1. Take more from the thread than from me. Last week I was 0-2, today with Atlanta coming apart, 0-3. Now, in fairness I have a teaser finishing with NO tomorrow that would get me about 2.5 units back (Thank God), but it's still nothing to write home about. Still, like Houston today, I feel like I take Atlanta in this spot most every time. -2.5 at home, with their home record, against a team that honestly hasn't looked that great down Amendola and Gronk ... whatever.

2. One more thing on the Browns. It's hard to trust this organization. Example #1338:

All week Billy Cundiff is hurt. It's a known fact. Now, Billy Cundiff isn't Phil Dawson. He has no history with the team, hell the guy was signed the weekend of Week One. Why the hell do you not bring in another kicker for a week? Try out guys and sign someone on Friday, sneak someone through waivers for the weekend. For God's sake cut Cundiff for a week—he's fucking hurt.

Or instead you could just figure, 'No, that's OK, I'm sure we'll be fine with a hurt kicker. How much of a problem could that really be anyway.'

Cut to: Cundiff missing not one, but two FGs in the first half today—badly. Did they come back to cost the team the game, no. Did he hit a FG later, yes. But it's not like the team put up 30+ today. You scored 17 today and this guy cost you six points because you, as an organization, couldn't get your head out of your ass. Which, by the way, is exactly how you started the season with regard to exactly the same position.

So while I'm happy the team is suddenly doing well, again, it's really hard to believe this organization knows what it's doing when you look at the questionable decisions they consistently make.
again no highlight for Titans? you mention them but got to put the Bold​! Come on Joe we spoke about this last week

I blame me.

It also explains so many of the unnecessary shots at Crystal Palace.

The funniest thing kept happening to me during the Bengals game, I was barking the name Kitna instead of Dalton.

Oh, I know why you were saying it. F'ing Dalton took the day off today.

Thanks for all the compliments, everybody.

So while I'm happy the team is suddenly doing well, again, it's really hard to believe this organization knows what it's doing when you look at the questionable decisions they consistently make.

Good to see you back posting, Joe. As for the quote, you're essentially saying the blind squirrel finally came across some nuts.
I think the Bears had about 26 points off turnovers..something crazy like that...agree bad spot for them tho.
Not sure what sort of talk this is getting over there, but KC are overrated

4 wins - 1 against a team worst then the 0-16 Lions, 2 against NFC East teams Fat Andy knows inside out, and one against the team he knows better anybody else in the league
Not sure what sort of talk this is getting over there, but KC are overrated

4 wins - 1 against a team worst then the 0-16 Lions, 2 against NFC East teams Fat Andy knows inside out, and one against the team he knows better anybody else in the league

my Titans will beat them :)
Just saying, I learned the Giants will be drafting top 10. Chip Kelly will soon be Texas head coach, Peyton Manning smeared his balls on the Philly D & Phillip Rivers went nuts on Dallas 401yds 83% 9.5ypa but ain't nobody say shit. Oh yeah & an 0-3 team ppl been selling stock on os 1gm out of 1st after their QB returned from injury and used games 1-3 as preseason
few thoughts...

I don't blame Kubiak like you do Joe. If he runs into the line of scrimage 3 times and gives the hawks the ball back and allows Wilson to lead a drive, hes criticized for being too conservative and playing not to lose. Matt Shaub is not a rookie. He has to know not to make that throw. I am ok with a coach allowing a veteran qb to win the game right there. But this is Shaub, as he has done in the past, proving he is in the tier of qbs that are good enough to win the games they should, but will never be spectacular and be able to win the big time games.

And I disagree and agree with you Twink. I will play Houstion in the spot anyday. However, I don't think there is any spot at all that you can play Jax. I will lay 27 points with Denver vs this team. This is the worst team I've ever seen
1. Take more from the thread than from me. Last week I was 0-2, today with Atlanta coming apart, 0-3. Now, in fairness I have a teaser finishing with NO tomorrow that would get me about 2.5 units back (Thank God), but it's still nothing to write home about. Still, like Houston today, I feel like I take Atlanta in this spot most every time. -2.5 at home, with their home record, against a team that honestly hasn't looked that great down Amendola and Gronk ... whatever.

Agree 100% and would still make those same two plays today. It's a positive EV in the long run.
that really sucks. he was coming into his own but lets be real, hes made of glass and is almost always gonna miss some time. The sad part is that this weeks game at home vs KC would have been very winnable with him. With Fitz, prob not.

The seattle and san fran games were probably losses no matter whos playing qb. If Fitz can win at saint louis then they get the jags and hopefully Locker can be back for the home game with Indy.
1. Take more from the thread than from me. Last week I was 0-2, today with Atlanta coming apart, 0-3. Now, in fairness I have a teaser finishing with NO tomorrow that would get me about 2.5 units back (Thank God), but it's still nothing to write home about. Still, like Houston today, I feel like I take Atlanta in this spot most every time. -2.5 at home, with their home record, against a team that honestly hasn't looked that great down Amendola and Gronk ... whatever.

Agree 100% and would still make those same two plays today. It's a positive EV in the long run.

did the Pats impress any of you? I still saw dropped passes and when they didn't throw towards Talib secondary looked pedestrian..alot of missed assignments and untimely penalties by dirtybirds as well..going into the game dirty birds averaged 3.4 penalties a game, i think they had 4 in the first q.. I didn't have a bet on the game, but I wasn't buying all the hype collingsworth and co. were giving the rooks. I'm not trying to water down the win, because to go in there with that spot and be able to win like that? I'll give you props, but weren't the dirty birds also missing 3 of their top defenders?
and yes the giants do suck, no pass protection anymore for Eli and 80% of his yards are to cruz
Chip Kelly will soon be Texas head coach

Such a great call right here. I think it would have to be on Kelly, though. I feel like the Birds give this guy two years no matter what the team does this year. But if you were Kelly and Texas was on the other end of the phone with an open checkbook ...

Agree 100% and would still make those same two plays today. It's a positive EV in the long run.

Appreciate this, Gandolf.

I don't blame Kubiak like you do Joe. If he runs into the line of scrimage 3 times and gives the hawks the ball back and allows Wilson to lead a drive, hes criticized for being too conservative and playing not to lose. Matt Shaub is not a rookie. He has to know not to make that throw.

Totally fair point. I'd say we're talking 65/35 in terms of Schaub/Kubiak blame. Trust your QB, fine. Maybe even roll him out, but if you do you need to know that he's not going to do something stupid—even if he doesn't. Meaning, if you have even the thought that rolling him out could lead to him throwing back across his body to the other side of the field rather than throwing the ball away, run the ball. Or drop him straight back. The reason I blame Kubiak a bit here is because in those situations I feel you need to be like an over-protective parent, not putting your kid in a position to do something really, really stupid.

But, of course, at the end of the day, it's the kid who either makes a smart decision or not.

did the Pats impress any of you?

Yes and no. Asante being out turned out to hurt a lot more than I'd expected. Suddenly the Falcons' defense looked like swiss cheese. Although maybe that was me ignoring the larger total of all their injuries, not just at CB.

What impressed me about NE? Brady. He had one of those games where he just picks apart a defense no matter who he's throwing to.

I like to think that on days like these, a group of us could line up on the outside with BAR in the slot (obviously) and Brady would still throw for 250 and 2 TDs—with 25 drops and at least one of us in the hospital, of course.
Not sure what sort of talk this is getting over there, but KC are overrated

4 wins - 1 against a team worst then the 0-16 Lions, 2 against NFC East teams Fat Andy knows inside out, and one against the team he knows better anybody else in the league

Is this an objective analysis? I tend to think when Fat Andy comes into play there was a little pre-bias cooking. KC is efficient on offense (best adjective I could use). On defense, there are few teams in the league that will score into the mid 20's on them this year. Because of the opponents they played I would say the defense is actually underrated. Once they shut down a few more teams I think you may feel otherwise.
Reggie Bush is still the most explosive and dangerous player in the league.

Matt Schaub is garbage. Him and Andy Dalton will never lead their team to a ring.

Denard Robinson is a not a football player: has played just 12 snaps all season, rushing for five yards on three carries out of the Wildcat. He's also returned a pair of kickoffs and lost a fumble.

Wes Welker and Peyton might be the 2 best at mastering their position.
There was a classic Phil Simms flip-flop curse in that London game. Vikes are up by 7 with just under 7 minutes left in the game, 4 and a long yard at the Steelers 27, when it looks like the Vikings are lining up to go for it.

Simms says something to the effect "I like this move, 4th and a little more than a yard, they have a chance to get the first down, run more clock and put this game away right now."

Only they weren't going for it, instead they were just trying to get the Steelers to jump offsides. The shenanigans fail, Vikes call timeout.

After the timeout commercials, Simms says "Forget everything I said about going for it, kicking the field goal is the smart play, that was closer to fourth and two."

At which point Walsh misses the field goal! Total fail!
last night, Miami coaches made some boneheaded decisions. down 7-0, they have 3rd n inches, yes inches. so take your athletic QB tannehill run a sneak? nah too easy. they run a deep handoff outside strech play that gets blown up for a loss..
overthinking shit, settled for 3 pts.
then they had 4th n half yard from near midfield in second qu., go for it, your are playing the saints who put up points, have some confidence in your offense. nah lets punt and then the saints drive for a TD.
We live in a league where in order to get an inch or two, you run a play for your RB and have him stand 5 yards deep behind the line of scrimmage. Happens all too often. The only dude to master the art of 3rd or 4th and short is Hoody, everyone else is yet to figure it out.

Garrett is a muppet.

Already hate Chip Kelly.