So, what have we learned - NFL playoffs Week 1 (mini-edition)

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
Joe actually watched football for the first time in a few weeks this weekend. It just worked out that way. So did his teaser on the Pack/Black birds. Woohoo, thank you Gambling Gods.

OK, what did we see. And by 'we' I mean me.

I find Houston to be really, really predictable right now. Not exactly in the plays they'll run, but what you'll get from them at the end of the game.

Right now Houston is good for 20 points. Maybe 24 or so if they can get some turnovers. Why does this matter? Because in the first half of the season they were good for 30 points. Or at least they should have been from week to week.

There was a point yesterday when they were up like 9-7, then they failed to put any points up right before half.

In the first half of the season that wouldn't have been 9, it would have been 17 at least, maybe 20.

They're not cashing in like the team they were and I don't think you can bet them to be that 30 point team any more—which I think the line in that game reflected. What's sort of weird about that to me is, if you watched the game, Houston moved the ball really well between the 20s.

They just couldn't finish—just like their last six weeks have been.

More on how I think that affects Houston in NE in a minute, but first one thing on Cincy.

Does anybody really think Marvin Lewis is anything but a .500 coach? Cincy was running well yesterday. BJGE averaged over 5.5 yards per carry. And how many times did he get the ball? Oh, you know, eleven. Ugh.

Gresham had, I believe one or no catches in the second half. Down six the Bengals had zero urgency when they got the ball back with 6:30 to go. Spread it out, work the middle of the field because Houston's LBs are gone and at the very least you can cut it to 3 before the two minute warning with all your timeouts. But no dice.

Jump can come correct me, but I think it's consistent with the Bengals and it's more apparent in the postseason, their coaching costs them points every week. Not a ton, but at least three, every game.

In Green Bay, I think it's hard to take a lot from that win. It was a terrible spot for Minny made all the worse when they have to pull Ponder at the 11th hour. Just a nightmare spot.

That said, Green Bay getting people back for them right now is huge. HUGE.

I am not crazy about their matchup this week, I liked their chances at Atlanta much better—but if they get by SF that's where I expect them to be so we can jump off that bridge then.

Speaking of Atlanta, I'm going to stay in the NFC because I have more to say about the AFC than Seabags/Dirty Birds.

Seattle played really strong today, again it was kind of the game everybody expected save the start, but they're a much tougher team now than they've probably been at any time in the last 10 years. Yes, I'm including their SB year.

Nobody has been afraid of Seattle outside of Seattle in a long time. But this team beats you up pretty good, it's pretty impressive.

Thing is, I hate their matchup next week. It looks like they may lose Clemmons on the DL, and even if he's only slowed, Wash ran well on them. I think Atlanta can spread them out and move the ball. It's also a big game for Atlanta. They need a playoff win to prove they're not a paper tiger as a franchise.

Meanwhile, yes, obviously it's a big game for Seattle as it's the playoffs, but today was one of those emotionally exhausting games, not to mention the pounding they took. Now they get on a plane, fly across the country. Then they get back on a plane, fly back across the country to play a 10am pacific time game. I hate this spot for the Seahags. I just hate it.

Onto the Black Birds.

I realized during this game, not just because I had money on B'more, that I want this team to do well in the playoffs this year.

This is really hard for me being a Browns fan and seeing that fucking 'Art' thing on their jerseys and field. He's dead and I've (mostly) forgiven him because he's gone and it's not healthy to hold grudges forever. But there's still a part of me that would like to see both him and that franchise get ass-raped with a broomstick. Repeatedly.

But I've liked Ray Rice since Rutgers, and I've always liked Boldin. He's just such a stud. When he went to the Black Birds instead of the Birds Birds a small piece of my heart wept.

All that said, this score was deceiving and Baltimore is still not that good.

Look at the yardage from today's game. Indy had over 400 yards of offense.

Now the temptation will be to say, 'well, they were down 24-9 so Luck was throwing the ball and that total is inflated.'

But if you watched the game you know that isn't true. Indy moved the ball well on Baltimore all day. Honestly, as shaky as Luck has been on the road, Indy moved it much better than I thought they would.

Not only that, take away the true beast of a performance Boldin had today and this is a six point, maybe three point game.

People will see that TD and think it was amazing, because he caught both the ball and the guy's arm and controlled them both to the ground. But don't forget about the over the shoulder catch on the sidelines where Flacco actually over-threw Boldin and he found a 5th gear to go get that ball.

That catch is so difficult to make. And those were only two of the tough catches he made today—and here's my point. As good as that guy is, you can't essentially carry your QB every week. Just ask Megatron.

Today was an incredibly complete, incredibly emotional game from the Ravens. Yet they still had to grind it out vs. a team they are honestly significantly better than.

My point: All that sets up Peyton to just kill this team next week.

The downside: This line sucks balls.

During the 2nd half in my head I put Broncos/Colts at a -7.5. Maybe a -9. I put Broncos/Ravens at -6.5/7 at worst. Mostly based on their meeting earlier and Denver having HFA.

But -9???

This has to be for teasers and the like. Or something.

I hate, hate, hate this number. It's like Peyton is now getting that Farve 3 tacked on to his spreads simply because he's starting. All this probably means Denver covers it with ease, but I hate the number. I wanted a mistake here the other way from the linesmakers, not this way.

Why will they probably cover it? Again, if you watched this game—or really the Ravens' season—you saw something pretty dramatic out there. Their defense is old. Ray Lewis, who you kind of have to root for right now, (unless, you know, you're still hung up on the fact that he essentially let a murderer go free), he looked old. He made tackles, yes. His instincts are still there, yes, but to me his speed isn't. And he's not alone.

And if Andrew Luck can work the middle of the field on Baltimore, Manning with two weeks to prepare is going to put it in their pooper with no vaseline for three plus hours.

An aside, the good news for Indy is that if they draft right this year, shore up some of their weaknesses, it's hard to see them not threatening nine-plus wins for years to come barring injury. Luck really is just that good.

My first, early, probably wrong reads on next week are that you have to look at the dogs. Bet 'em all blind and you probably go 2-2 at worst with at least one ML win.

This weekend favorites were 4-0 ATS and the under was 4-0.

Next week that has to balance out because BetCrimes' head will explode if it doesn't.

I like Houston a lot next week. I have no idea what to do with the total because I think one of two things happens. Either Schaub goes all shootout with Brady and that thing ends 34-31 or the Texans man up and they run Foster down NE's throat all day to keep Brady off the field and the game ends 23-17, 20-17, 24-17, something like that.

Either way, I think I may have to do a Houston spread/ML split here. I just feel it sets up really well for them.

What scares me is that I like both Atlanta and Denver to win the game, so betting those dogs blind may be tough for me.

GB, though, I can see it. Last week I didn't like 'em in SF, but if they are getting healthy, it's still Kap's first dance in the playoffs. Against GB's defense I think that's going to matter.

That really should be the game of the week if both teams play to their potential.

But, again, that's just me. What about you, what did you see?
Seattle beating a Wash. with a banged up RG3 might have them a bit overrated. In the 2nd half when Wash. couldn't get out of their half of the field. Sea. finally wore down the skins D and won by 10.
In the 2nd half when Wash. couldn't get out of their half of the field.

So, so true.

They got new life when they forced that fumble on the goalline. But then in the next drive they really should have changed field position, but essentially didn't. They kept having to start from inside their own 10.

You knew if they couldn't flip the field or mount an 80 yard drive for some points, any points, eventually Seattle was going to wear down that defense and get some points.
I really think the pass interference on 3rd down killed the skins which shouldn't have been called followed by a 3rd and 12 converted by Zac Miller that just ended the game
I really think the pass interference on 3rd down killed the skins which shouldn't have been called followed by a 3rd and 12 converted by Zac Miller that just ended the game

Yep, terrible call.

This is the problem with the NFL right now. I feel like there was one of those in the Balty game as well. Just a really cheap defensive holding call to extend a drive.

Sometimes it ends up not mattering, but many times these calls end up at the very least affecting the spread. It's just a killer.

It's one of the things that has made the NFL so much harder for me. Because it's obvious that the refs don't entirely know. There's no consistency to it.

Oh, wait, it wasn't a defensive holding call I'm thinking of in Balty—though that may have happened in the 2nd half as well. It was that hit on Wayne. Perfect legal hit with the shoulder, 15 yards. Sigh.

That fumble by Wilson and subsequent recover and run by Skittles at a crucial point of the game summed up the Seahawks for me.

They have 'it' this season and it's not the first time the bounce of the ball has gone their way as we all know.

They just went across the country and played a team in the midst of a 7 game winning streak on a fucking swamp and won, all this after falling behind 14 zip and having not won a road playoff game in the last 29 years. Yet it seems most are willing to discount this remarkable feat because of the status of one RG3.
seattle one of only teams that can match up corner wise with falcons big two, and falcons sans a run game tend to become a bit one dimensional. must get 3 or more with seattle though, which is offered at -135 at 5d right now. clemons loss is big, he isnt playing from what i hear, but flip side falcons rush d has gotten gashed all year to the tune of 5ypc. Beat Mode and Turbin can carry the rock. Another very very dangerous game for ATL at home off a bye. Ton of pressure on them to win this time around.

any word on abraham, saw him get the cart off in wk 17?
Joe Marvin has literally nothing o do with he play calling or how many times BJGe gets the ball...

What I count on you for, Jump. Thanks for setting me straight.
Em makes a really good point.

Every year there's one team in the playoffs I totally misjudge. The Seahags could be that team this year. I generally make up for it by losing on them in round two, then winning on them in week three. Either that or I stubbornly refuse to acknowledge my mistake and chase the loss all the way down.

That said, I feel like it was mentioned last week. This was a pretty good spot for Seattle. Despite the travel, it was still a late game. It was also the week after a really, really emotional game for the Skins. Add to that a gimpy RGIII. It set up well for them.

I'm not sure next week sets up well for them much at all.
Sea/Atl the toughest game to figure out next week for sure. You can go point/counterpoint on that game all day. Best play might be dog teased up as it should be a close game. Atl may finally win a playoff game, but They aren't getting over that hump easily.
By the way, does anyone else think Den/NE might be the most popular teaser play ever??? Can it really be that easy?? Which one of these dogs has the best chance to pull the upset? Neither one played that well this weekend and their wins were more a factor of playing at home against lesser competition. I would have to say Balt because of Ray Rice and the fact they have done it (win a road game as a dog in the playoffs) before. Plus, Hou has layed some real eggs this year (v GB, at NE) and hasn't beaten a good team in a long time.
This might be the perfect matchup for Seattle. ATL can't stop the run and they sure as hell can't stop the read option. On the other side of the ball, Seattles DB's probably match up better with ATL's receivers than anyone else in the league.

I think ATL is a paper tiger - I have all year. They were in this same spot a few years ago and the Packers came in there and blew the doors off of them. I don't see that here, but ATL is far from a sure thing at home in the playoffs as long as Mike Smith is the coach and as long as they can't run out the clock in games because their running game sucks.
We learned Ray Lewis gave God all the glory twice (unsolicited) in the post game on the field and not one person has acknowledged it positively or negatively. Good for him as my point wasn't to bash it all. #Tebow
That fumble by Wilson and subsequent recover and run by Skittles at a crucial point of the game summed up the Seahawks for me.

They have 'it' this season and it's not the first time the bounce of the ball has gone their way as we all know.

They just went across the country and played a team in the midst of a 7 game winning streak on a fucking swamp and won, all this after falling behind 14 zip and having not won a road playoff game in the last 29 years. Yet it seems most are willing to discount this remarkable feat because of the status of one RG3.

How is not a contributing factor in the game? You most certainly have to bring it up. They couldn't do dog doo doo after he initially re-injured himself. He is the main reason they made the playoffs and it was deflating - team wise - to see it.
By the way, does anyone else think Den/NE might be the most popular teaser play ever??? Can it really be that easy?? Which one of these dogs has the best chance to pull the upset? Neither one played that well this weekend and their wins were more a factor of playing at home against lesser competition. I would have to say Balt because of Ray Rice and the fact they have done it (win a road game as a dog in the playoffs) before. Plus, Hou has layed some real eggs this year (v GB, at NE) and hasn't beaten a good team in a long time.

At first thought I would pick Hou instead of Balt. But I think we may be getting a few extra points with Bodymore due to a couple of fumbles by #27.
Plus the thought of taking Schaub/Foster/#80 vs. Tom/Gronk/Welker/Hernandez scares me.
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First - JoeP with an uncensored "fucked" and an "ass-rape" reference in the same post. Are you running with a bad crowd these days Joe?

I can't stand that Seattle is getting so much credit for yesterday's game. They wouldn't even be here if the replacement refs hadn't handed them the GB game, and while they are in the playoffs and they did get a win yesterday, if Griffin doesn't get hurt, its hard to envision Washington not getting another score or two through three quarters... And yes, this is the Skins fan in me coming out and venting, so I'll stop. Time to forget it and look at next week.

Are we sure that they are going back to Seattle, and then coming back East? I know there are some teams who will skip the trip home in this situation. Can Seattle do it two weeks in a row on the road? I doubt it. We know Sea has had issues on the road in the past, and Atlanta is a much different team at home. The Falcons will have issues stopping Lynch, but unless Sea can get insane pressure on Ryan (doubtful with Clemons gimpy), there is no chance they will cover these receivers. Maybe an over play is in order here, but I'll pay to see the Seahawks do this again on the road.

Houston can not, will not, and should not come withing two TD's of beating NE. Unless you think Kubiak is some genius who has been holding something back for 7 weeks just so he can unveil it for this game - there is no reason to believe this score will be any different than the game between these teams a month ago. Not even worth discussing. Schaub just has the look of a guy who is playing scared. He looks discouraged, even when they are winning and clearly lacks confidence. The frustration on Johnson's face is clear. Not a good mentality to take to Foxboro in January.

Baltimore covered yesterday, but like many have pointed out - they didn't look good doing it. Boldin made good catches. SIde note - I almost spit out my Zima when Phil Simms said Flacco throws a better high deep ball than any QB in the league. Baltimore won because Boldin made sick catches, and they were able to run the ball. I don't see them running that way on the third best rush D in the NFL next week. If you are betting on Baltimore to win next week you are betting on Flacco doing it on the road against the third best pass defense in the league. So either you have giant balls or you're a moron. I see Denver smashing them.

C-man made a good point about the NE, Denver tease getting a ton of bettors - and its always tough to play those popular teasers, but it worked out well for those who teased GB and Balt, which were popular plays this week. Even better if you parlayed them laying points. I see these two games playing out the same way.

GB beat Minny, but its almost a curse that they didn't play Ponder this week. The sleepwalked through the second half and now go on the road to play a Frisco team that already beat them in Lambeau this year. While its hard to beat a good team twice, I just see San Fran as a more complete team in all facets of the game. Running, defense, special teams. Sure GB can throw better than SF, but that's it. SF is better at every other category you can think of, and they have a very good secondary (4th best in the NFL this season against the pass). This is a nightmare matchup for GB, and while it may be one of the best games of the week, unless Kaepernick completely shits all over himself, I think SF wears them down in the second half and wins by 7-14 points.
We learned Ray Lewis gave God all the glory twice (unsolicited) in the post game on the field and not one person has acknowledged it positively or negatively. Good for him as my point wasn't to bash it all. #Tebow

Hahahahahaha. Right hand to God I thought of you when I watched that interview. First thing that came to my mind.

For the record, I also looked up Psalms 91 which was on his shirt. So there. =)
First - JoeP with an uncensored "fucked" and an "ass-rape" reference in the same post. Are you running with a bad crowd these days Joe?

When Steed finally fixes the site, I swear to God I'm going to link all of these comments back to my election post. Ha. =)
Are we sure that they are going back to Seattle, and then coming back East?

I am not. I assume it, but I think they had a trip earlier this year where they did not. Though that may have been SF. Some team in that division played Chicago then the Giants or something and laid-over in Ohio between games. Something like that.

I assume Seattle goes home, but do not know for sure.

I almost spit out my Zima when Phil Simms said Flacco throws a better high deep ball than any QB in the league.

I didn't hear this, but when you said it I almost threw something at the wall. How can Simms not see how bad a throw that deep ball to Boldin was? That was the old 'Imma throw it as far as I can and you go run under it' throw. Without a superhuman effort to accelerate to that ball, not to mention then make a ridiculously difficult over the shoulder catch on it, that throw is a 60 yard incompletion and it's totally on Flacco—as most of them are.

Flacco has hit a plateau. It's the most obvious plateau of any of that generation of QBs (Ryan, Schaub, etc.). Where the other guys seem to be able to get over the hump in multiple games a year (mostly at home), Flacco still struggles. I'm not sure if that's on the coaching or on him or both, but it's true. Who here really trusts that guy to get it done?

If Ray Rice were to go down, granted they have that kid who had a good game yesterday and has some great burst to him, but without a better than average running game Joe Flacco is watching the playoffs with a 7-9 record this year.

As a steelers fan, I wholeheartedly concur with the ravens ass-raping with a broomstick comment above. I honestly don't know what was funnier, that or the thought of Doggy drinking a Zima. Brings back fond memories of my college days working at a local nightclub in Pittsburgh when cheesedick guys actually thought it was acceptable to order Zima with a shot of chambord in it.
Who had the best win last week?

Houston, Seattle, Bodymore, or Green Bay?

I think Houston did. They beat the best defensive team out of Indy, Minn, and Was. They beat the best QB-WR combo in Dalton/Green. And I think the other wins were tarnished by injuries, RG3 was not the same after the first hit, and Joe Webb is not an NFL QB. I think Baltimore beat up on Indy and the final score did not reflect that due to 2 fumbles by #27.
I think Baltimore hangs close......their first matchup w/ Denver they were not healthy at all. I learned last week that Ellerbe is a stud for Balty.
a local nightclub in Pittsburgh when cheesedick guys actually thought it was acceptable to order Zima with a shot of chambord in it.

And Gruv wonders why his man-card is constantly in question.
I realize that balty left a ton of points off the board but so did the colts. The constant referencing of the Rice fumbles is warranted but can't be stated without mentioning the drops and bad easy throws in the red zone by the colts or the untimely sacks that Luck took on the edge of fg range.
A rookie QB—granted a really, really good rookie QB, but a rookie QB—went into Baltimore to play a team on as emotional a high as they've easily had all season, and that rookie QB moved the ball up and down the field all day with relative ease.

Now, that same team that was on such an emotional high last week, that allowed this rookie to put up 400 yards of offense on them, goes on the road to face Peyton Manning.

Good luck.
For the record, I don't drink Zima.

Agree with these last two posts. If Viniateri doesn't miss that FG, it would have been 17-12 late in the game. Baltimore's win was very unimpressive. In fact the only win last week that impressed me at all was Seattle's. And that one didn't impress me because of the injury.

I'm pretty close to adding Denver
Rice's first fumble wasn't really recovered by Indy anyway. They blew that call. Not that it changes the fact he fumbled twice, but wanted to bring that call up because it was horrible. The NFL needs to do something to get their games better officiated. It's an embarrassment for a $9B/yr business that they trot out subpar officiating every week.

The fact that they have "all star" crews out there, who haven't worked together all year long makes absolutely no sense to me at all. Pick the best crews from the year to do the playoff games. Officials who have worked together for the entire season, will undoubtedly call a better game than a bunch of "all stars" thrown together from different crews.