So What Do You Think? A-Roid Gets The Lifer?

doesn't matter

he will never play in the majors again

he's a pathological drug addict in my eyes
I was a huge A-Rod fan back in the day. Thought he could have been the best all time. But man did he turn into a some sort of whack job.
<header style="width: 640px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;">[h=1]Report: MLB prepared to ban A-Rod for life[/h]By Mike Axisa | Baseball Writer

<time class="storyDate" pubdate="" datetime="2013-07-31T23:27:08Z" style="display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 10px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-style: italic; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);">July 31, 2013 7:27 pm ET</time>
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Commissioner Bud Selig is prepared to levy a lifetime ban on Alex Rodriguez following MLB's investigation into the South Florida anti-aging clinic Biogenesis, reports Bob Nightengale of USA Today. No announcement is expected until Thursday or Friday.
David Cornwell, Rodriguez's attorney, says they will appeal any suspension, regardless of length. Eight other players are expected to be suspended due to their ties to Biognesis, but they will only receive 50-game suspension. Ryan Braun agreed to a 65-game ban as part of a plea agreement earlier this month.
By banning A-Rod for life, Selig will be using a power granted through the Collective Bargaining Agreement that allows the commissioner to preserve the integrity of the game. The Joint Drug Agreement stipulates punishments for drug-related offenses.
He's still worth 300 mill, I'm sure he would do it all over again if he had tha choice.
The daily updates on this A-Rod saga are getting ridiculous. There has been a new "report" every single day, each one basically contradicting one of the other "reports." Oh what our fucking sports media has become. Can they not just wait until the punishment is handed out, and then report on it? Seeing as how they are reporters and all, unless they've changed their occupations to read "rumor mongerers" and I missed it.