So much for that quickie in Moscow...just say NO!


SpongeBob Squarecapper

On Wednesday, a senior lawmaker in Moscow urged all Russian women to avoid sex with non-white foreign men during the football World Cup because they could become single mothers to mixed race children. Tamara Pletnyova, head of the Family, Women and Children’s Affairs committee, dropped this news some 24 hours before the biggest day of the year as Russia began its duties as host of the World Cup. Pletnyova claims she’s in favor of Russian women marrying “out of love regardless of their ethnicity,” and insists that she is concerned about the well-being of mix-raced children who could face discrimination.

“We must give birth to our children. These [mixed race] kids suffer and have suffered since Soviet times,” Pletnyova told Govorit Moskva radio station. “It’s one thing if they’re of the same race but quite another if they’re of a different race. I’m not a nationalist, but nevertheless I know that children suffer. They are abandoned, and that’s it, they stay here with mum,” she said.
Another lawmaker took it a step further and stated foreign fans could bring viruses to the World Cup and infect Russians. In comments to Govorit Moskva radio station, Alexander Sherin also said Russians should be careful in their interactions with foreigners as they might try to circulate banned substances at the tournament.