So much for Peterson Browns grab Lewis.

See, Horn likes it.

Maybe I'm wrong. He's 27. Maybe he revives his career and I'm wrong.

But I don't like this on the surface.
I've got -150 that Grossi in the PD rips this.

Maybe not shreds it, but I think he whines about it being more of the same from this organization.

Just watch.
Not sure what to think of this honestly. Its better then what they currently have but I'd prefer Peterson. Really depends on what they do in the draft cause Jamal has been avg since 2003 when he had his monster year. He's avg 3.4 and 3.6 ypc in each of the last two seasons.
Apparently it's only a one year deal, so I'm liking this a little more now.

This doesn't rule out them drafting Peterson, but it still pretty much seals the fate of Ruben. He was all but gone anyway, but now he's really going to be gone.

A one year deal makes me feel better about this for a couple of reasons, even if he's not good, one, he forces the Ravens to go spend money or do something at the position. Two, the Browns have those second, change of pace backs, so if they don't do anything more at RB, they have the heavy, hard runner in Lewis and the change of pace guys behind him. Which is all to say, the Browns can't really run any worse with Lewis than they did with Ruben and replacing Jamal Lewis is going to cost the Ravens.

And, really, if he runs well he'll have earned an extension and if he doesn't the Browns can walk away from him.

Not as awful as I'd thought.
I don't think it rules out Peterson at all - and I'm not a "draft-Peterson" guy as my first preference. The NFL offenses are using two backs almost across the board these days. The 25-carry back is a dying breed. If the Browns draft Peterson at #3, he and Lewis become the ol' "thunder and lightning" backfield. I like this signing just because I always thought Lewis was the quintessential AFC Central RB. Hope he's got another year in the tank.
the browns need so much help on D its sickening, so I like the move simply because it opens up the draft for them, imo
I think it was smart on the browns part because it still gives uncertainty which way they are going to go. They could give tampa the fake and pretend they are going to draft Calvin Johnson. Would be a great pickup or would be a better trade down.

I wonder what tampa would give up to move up one spot in the draft to get the player they need and want.

Also, atlanta and houston may be thinking they may have to give up more in order to get the browns spot at #3 overall.

Very interesting move by GM Phil Savage, I am sure there is some maddness to his actions, b/c i think Jamal Lewis has at least a few good years left in him.
I would have rather had Thomas Jones.

That said, it's a one year deal so I'm pretty OK with it. I really don't think he's got much left, but I didn't think Ruben was all that great a deal when we got him and he put in one really good year.

I still think it's all about trading down.

That said, if Horn is right and all the experts are right, and Peterson really is that good, maybe Savage really does know what he's doing.
I would have rather had Thomas Jones.

That said, it's a one year deal so I'm pretty OK with it. I really don't think he's got much left, but I didn't think Ruben was all that great a deal when we got him and he put in one really good year.

I still think it's all about trading down.

That said, if Horn is right and all the experts are right, and Peterson really is that good, maybe Savage really does know what he's doing.

I agree with Jones being the better...

I do think it is ironic that he is going to the team he loves to destroy, but I just cannot see this as the answer for the Browns...

he's a straight up power runner with nothing fancy about him... throw in the fact that the two years following his big 2,000 yard season, he only had 11 tds in 27 games....

he did have 9 more last season, so 20 tds in the last 43 games sound a bit better, but not too much... the thing is... he hasn't averages over 4 yards per carry since 3 years ago... Jones, on the other hand, hasn't been under 4 yards per carry since he was with the Cardinals 5 years ago....

but stats aside, I think Jones style of running would have had more to offer.

The Ravens are better off with McGahee now.
I totally agree, B.

By the way, not to say 'I told you so,' but Grossi didn't pull many punches on this trade which is really more funny to me than anything else. One of these days I think that guy might actually burst a vessel he's so frustrated with this team.

Very rarely do retread runners work. The two examples I can think of where careers were basically reborn are Corey Dillon and Curtis Martin. Though Martin came to the Jets at the height of his career, not on the way down, and wasn't a power runner. Dillion, like Lewis, was a power runner, but he'd never had the injury issues Lewis has had. He was shipped out because they had his replacement chomping at the bit and because Dillion wanted out of Cincy to the point where he was becoming a problem in the room.

I really think this is the Browns simply liking a guy because he's, one, cheap, two, someone who's eaten them up over the last few years.

But, again, maybe I'm wrong.

I just want this team to start getting better with the help of young talent, is that so wrong.
there were two playmakers in this draft..and it should have been 1 and 2.

CJ and AD

I'd bump some more threads, but too lazy.

I knew this guy was the best player in the draft hands down.
McFadden is the next superstar. These two will be the decade's Barry and Emmit.
In retrospect, knowing what I know now, I still think the Browns made the right pick with Joe Thomas.

Right now both picks two and three look like the right ones.
hunt, the sad thing is this kid was a diehard Hornfan all his life and wanted to go to Texas. If OU didn't destroy Texas 63-14 his senior year we would've saw a backfield of Peterson and VY in college.

My lord.
In regards to Mcfadden I thought he was a lock for my Cowboys but damn the Browns have been winning some games.
A backfield of VY and AD would have been the best college backfield of all time.
Damn I wanted Raiders to take Peterson bad

He was 1 on my draft board with Calvin

damn Raiders should have took him
In retrospect, knowing what I know now, I still think the Browns made the right pick with Joe Thomas.

Right now both picks two and three look like the right ones.

He has been so solid this year. You have to think to yourself, would the line be as good as it has been without drafting Thomas? He is looking to be a franchise LT, I hope he keeps it up!!!!
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He has been very good this year and other than the first game the line itself has been very good. I'd say they've been improving every week.

Actually one of my favorite parts of the game yesterday was how in the second half the commentators started lamenting how this line was still without LeCharles at center only to then have to praise Fraley up and down for getting out in front and making the blocks that got Jamal Lewis that huge play in OT.
AP is much better than Jamal Lewis, we all know that. But the MINN Oline is run blocking dominant... maybe the best in the NFL. Its hard to compare what MINN RBs should be able to do vs CLEV RBs
If Peterson was running behind Clevelands line minus Thomas, no way does he have this kind of success..Browns made the right decision.Thomas has been a stud too
Jim's got it, to this point they've both been excellent picks for the respective teams.

If the Browns took AP without a solid line it'd be the same story we've seen for years. First the Browns needed the line, then they needed the runner, not the other way around. As for Minny, they had exactly that, they had the line, they just needed to have it healthy and then get the runner.

Great draft for both teams so far.

Not to mention, Eric Wright for the Browns looks like he's panning out, too.

At this point, if both he and Thomas stay on the path they're on, it almost doesn't matter if Quinn pans out or not.