So Michael Irvin stabbed some dude...


Eagles Fan
From Peter King's MMQB column:

I think Boys Will Be Boys, Jeff Pearlman's new book about the Dallas Cowboys in their glory days, and their decline from them, should not be dismissed as the rantings of a jaded sportswriter. Pearlman, obviously, has hit several nerves, and I applaud him for it.

Pearlman writes that Michael Irvin, incensed that tackle Everett McIver, in mid-haircut, would not leave a barber chair at training camp in 1998 so Irvin could get his haircut first, stabbed McIver in the neck. McIver was rushed to the hospital and survived, but not without losing a lot of blood. Irvin's silence on the charge has been deafening. I asked a Cowboy who played on that team if the story was true. "Absolutely,'' the Cowboy said. "I'm surprised it was kept quiet over the years.''

Pearlman writes in great detail about the White House, the house of ill repute Dallas players owned and managed near Valley Ranch, and he lampoons Deion Sanders, quoting Dallas corner Kevin Smith thusly: "When Deion came in, something changed for the worse. Guys who should have been studying football on a Wednesday at 12 o'clock were focused on other things. Deion was such a freaky athlete that he could shake one leg and be ready to cover anyone. But the guys following his lead weren't nearly as talented.'

In the first defensive team meeting Sanders attended, Pearlman writes, Sanders put his feet up on a table, and when defensive coordinator Dave Campo asked him to break down a play, Sanders said, "Hey, coach. I got that dude right there. Wherever he goes, I go. All that Cover Two stuff you're talking about -- y'all work that out.''

Pearlman writes that Troy Aikman was disgusted by Sanders. And Barry Switzer too. He also notes that Switzer's liquor tab during the week of the Pittsburgh-Dallas Super Bowl in Arizona was $100,000. That's a heck of an example to set, Barry. What a great hire.
I want an official apology from ESPN and everyone else who rips the Philly fans for cheering when that asshole was laying on the ground of the Vet with a potentially broken neck

that fucker had it coming to him
He also said Jimmie Johnson said Troy Aikman wouldn't amount to shit and that he didn't want Emmitt at all, the RB coach had to jump up and down on the table to get him to listen.

Fuckin Jimmie Johnson, super talent evaluator.
That stabbing wasn't exactly kept quiet. If you followed the team, you knew (read)that it happened.

Not blown out of proportion and made into a media circus might be a better word...
I want an official apology from ESPN and everyone else who rips the Philly fans for cheering when that asshole was laying on the ground of the Vet with a potentially broken neck

that fucker had it coming to him

Yeah. An apology for this kind of mentality is on the way, I'm sure.

Cheering when someone--anyone--that is lying motionless on the ground is bush-league by anyone's standards (well, apparently except in philly).
Philly fans think anything they do as "fans" not as people, is OK, as long as it's in support of the team.

It's a disgrace.

Karma has kept Philly fans from any titles for 25 years, except for minor titles in all those little sports.
"Hey, coach. I got that dude right there. Wherever he goes, I go. All that Cover Two stuff you're talking about -- y'all work that out.''

hahahahahha that is awesome. gotta love deion. there's not a god damn thing anybody could say about it either; because he did have that dude right there, and that cut passing game in half

[SIZE=+4]Seems[/SIZE][SIZE=+1] like Michael Irvin's in trouble again. On July 29th at training camp in Wichita Falls, Texas, Michael Irvin sliced a 2" cut in guard Everett McIver's neck which required 18 stitches. Irvin and McIver apparently got into an argument over which of the two would get their hair cut first. Irvin had a pair of barber's scissors in his hands and during the tussle that ensued sliced McIver's neck. The Dallas Morning News then stated that in 2 meetings with McIver's agent,[/SIZE]

<center></center>[SIZE=+1]Stephen Hayes, Jerry Jones brokered a $700,000 settlement in which Irvin paid McIver not to bring criminal charges, which would violate Irvin's parole for his '96 felony conviction of cocaine possession. After the incident McIver was immediately taken to his home in Dallas with no comment to reporters and Cowboy players were instructed not to speak about the incident to anyone. Officials at Midwestern State University (where the Cowboys hold their training camp) tried to investigate the incident but were told to back off by the Cowboys who stated that "this was their problem and they would deal with it." Several weeks after the incident the Cowboys made the announcement that Irvin was holding the scissors that accidentally cut McIver. However, it was an act of horseplay and that there was no argument or fight and the cut was a result of an accident, not from malicious intent on Irvin's part. That $700,000 lie just saved Irvin up to 20 years in prison - again. The Cowboys must really think they need Irvin to put up with all his crap. [/SIZE]
What a fucking loser. I'm sure he's still smoking crack on his off time. Just wondering, did anybody believe him when he said it was his nephew's drugs when they found it on him? hahaha.
This book is gonna be crazy.....

Jeff Pearlman has a new book coming out in September called Boys Will Be Boys, which chronicles the Cowboys during the Aikman-Smith-Irvin glory years. Tucked inside the book is a chapter called “The Last Naked Warrior,” which is a nickname defensive end Charles Haley used for himself. Haley, if you recall, was a goddamn beast of a pass rusher, and also a legendary asshole. But what you may not know about Haley is that he was: A) Legitimately insane
B) Hung like Milton Berle
C) Liked jacking off in front of teammates and coaches
And not playful jerking off. We’re talking the real, hardcore, I’m-home-and-my-wife-is-at-the-movies jerking off. I’ll let Pearlman fill you in:
Haley would stroll up to an unsuspecting (49er) teammate, whip out his phallus, and repeatedly stroke it in his face. Players initially laughed it off…
Hey look, it’s Charles’ huge erection! And he’s pleasuring himself! Man, that is funny.
But Haley refused to stop. He would jerk off in the locker room, in the trainer’s room. He’d wrap his hand around his penis, turn toward a Joe Montana or John Taylor, and bellow, ‘You know you wanna suck this!’
Well, it was San Francisco. I, for one, am glad to see that Haley liked to go native. I’m assuming Montana replied, “Really? I know I wanna suck that? Well, it hadn’t occurred to me before. But now that you’re masturbating right in front of me in a completely unprofessional manner, I can see your point.”
Pearlman also gets this quote from Michael Silver:
”Charles used to beat off in meetings while talking graphically about other players’ wives. It got to the point of ejaculation.”
Well, if you don’t reach the point of ejaculation, there IS no point. Am I right? Think about this quote for just a moment. You go to work. You go sit in a meeting. Then Bob from Accounting decides to take out his Frankencock and starts talking about banging your wife, and then orgasms right in front of you.
That’s… unusual. It won’t surprise you to know that Haley was also a raging homophobe, saying to a new Cowboy teammate once:
“You’re from California? You must be a fucking ******.”
And he would know! Because he was in California once, jerking off in front of large groups of other men. I haven’t seen a homosexual this insecure since Vin Diesel. Brady Quinn would like him to sign with the Browns ASAP.
”Charles used to beat off in meetings while talking graphically about other players’ wives. It got to the point of ejaculation.”

Well, if you don’t reach the point of ejaculation, there IS no point. Am I right? Think about this quote for just a moment. You go to work. You go sit in a meeting. Then Bob from Accounting decides to take out his Frankencock and starts talking about banging your wife, and then orgasms right in front of you.

That’s… unusual.

It won’t surprise you to know that Haley was also a raging homophobe, saying to a new Cowboy teammate once:

“You’re from California? You must be a fucking ******.”

And he would know! Because he was in California once, jerking off in front of large groups of other men. I haven’t seen a homosexual this insecure since Vin Diesel. Brady Quinn would like him to sign with the Browns ASAP.

Well, if you don’t reach the point of ejaculation, there IS no point. Am I right? Think about this quote for just a moment. You go to work. You go sit in a meeting. Then Bob from Accounting decides to take out his Frankencock and starts talking about banging your wife, and then orgasms right in front of you.
That’s… unusual.

This book is gonna be crazy.....

Jeff Pearlman has a new book coming out in September called Boys Will Be Boys, which chronicles the Cowboys during the Aikman-Smith-Irvin glory years. Tucked inside the book is a chapter called “The Last Naked Warrior,” which is a nickname defensive end Charles Haley used for himself. Haley, if you recall, was a goddamn beast of a pass rusher, and also a legendary asshole. But what you may not know about Haley is that he was: A) Legitimately insane
B) Hung like Milton Berle
C) Liked jacking off in front of teammates and coaches
And not playful jerking off. We’re talking the real, hardcore, I’m-home-and-my-wife-is-at-the-movies jerking off. I’ll let Pearlman fill you in:
Haley would stroll up to an unsuspecting (49er) teammate, whip out his phallus, and repeatedly stroke it in his face. Players initially laughed it off…
Hey look, it’s Charles’ huge erection! And he’s pleasuring himself! Man, that is funny.
But Haley refused to stop. He would jerk off in the locker room, in the trainer’s room. He’d wrap his hand around his penis, turn toward a Joe Montana or John Taylor, and bellow, ‘You know you wanna suck this!’
Well, it was San Francisco. I, for one, am glad to see that Haley liked to go native. I’m assuming Montana replied, “Really? I know I wanna suck that? Well, it hadn’t occurred to me before. But now that you’re masturbating right in front of me in a completely unprofessional manner, I can see your point.”
Pearlman also gets this quote from Michael Silver:
”Charles used to beat off in meetings while talking graphically about other players’ wives. It got to the point of ejaculation.”
Well, if you don’t reach the point of ejaculation, there IS no point. Am I right? Think about this quote for just a moment. You go to work. You go sit in a meeting. Then Bob from Accounting decides to take out his Frankencock and starts talking about banging your wife, and then orgasms right in front of you.
That’s… unusual. It won’t surprise you to know that Haley was also a raging homophobe, saying to a new Cowboy teammate once:
“You’re from California? You must be a fucking ******.”
And he would know! Because he was in California once, jerking off in front of large groups of other men. I haven’t seen a homosexual this insecure since Vin Diesel. Brady Quinn would like him to sign with the Browns ASAP.

Holy shit!

nothing surprises me with them dirty assed DEM BOYZ, they are truly in aleague of their own

jerry jones looks the other way and they do whatever the hell they want

i may read this book. just to see how much cocaine went through that facility... and hear about the leon lett/michael irvin 6 AM strip club adventures heading to practice in the AM hours later
nothing surprises me with them dirty assed DEM BOYZ, they are truly in aleague of their own

jerry jones looks the other way and they do whatever the hell they want

i may read this book. just to see how much cocaine went through that facility... and hear about the leon lett/michael irvin 6 AM strip club adventures heading to practice in the AM hours later

You honestly believe the Cowboys were the only NFL team to act this way? Or hell the only major sports team to act this way?

I could tell you some pretty crazy shit about current NFL & NBA teams/players that would blow your mind.
Im not saying they were the only ones, but if you pulled aside the average joe and asked him which team encompassed the most drug use, corruption, "self-governing" style, and off-field problems....

it would be the cowboys of the 90's

im not saying theyre the only ones... besides spygate, the NE patriots of the last 5 years or so have proven they will do ANYTHING to cut corners or gain an advantage. ie, steroid use by half the defensive unit

i think the difference between them is, the cowboys had a bunch of criminal-minded/impulsive individuals that happend to be excellent football players. they were undisciplined, and basically did whatever the hell they wanted, which lead to a lot of off-the-field drama/conflicts thats finally surfacing years later.

whereas, the patriots were just looking to gain an advantage wherever they could, playing dirty, juicing, videotaping practices/warmups...

which one is more wrong in your eyes?

as far the NBA, to be honest, i have no clue. maybe cuz im younger then most on here, id love to hear some teams that come to mind if you know em.

hell, you could even throw the bungals in there with all the drug use/arrests that went on.... i just dont think it went on as long as it did in dallas.
dallas was winning world championships, the players were icons and infamous in the city, plus they had loads of money.
whereas the bungal players were just baseheads/criminals.
i understand the "partying" concept, and just having a good time and celebrating.

and im not debating that dallas didnt have a dynasty in the late 90s, because they did. they were the team to beat. but the shit that went on was just crazy, and theirs 10000000 of things we dont even know about

i wish i could cite more examples, believe it or not, i read something in MAXIM about a year ago which was a couple of incidences that leaked.

only two i remember were:

-irvin snorting blow off a chippendale's dancers chest
- larry allen after being up all night from one of there all night adventures at the strip cliub.... came into practice strung out as fuck, got into an argument with jimmy johnson, and punched him square in the face

ill finish with this point, think of it this way:

the media was all over matt leinart for getting drunk and partying in HIS OWN HOME, with some sexy women. whats wrong in that? nothing.
thats a little different then blowing cocaine and partying till the AM at the strip clubs 5 nights a week.

sports icons you know are held to a higher standard then the rest of us, what i dont get is why all the shit that happened with this dallas franchise was kept under wraps and not dealt with or at least exploited by the media
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Picking up this book tommorow. Really looking forward to reading it. Should be a great one
You honestly believe the Cowboys were the only NFL team to act this way? Or hell the only major sports team to act this way?

I could tell you some pretty crazy shit about current NFL & NBA teams/players that would blow your mind.

Happens on every team just depends on how much the spotlight is on you. Know a ton of crazy shit about steelers, panthers and penguins. We ignore the Pirates but sometimes you hear shit about them too
ESPN is wac too, there is a book out on all the stuff, haven't read it. Here's an article about it and it was published before the Salisbury camera phone of his jewels or the Stu Scott booty call.

Last week, while discussing Harold Reynolds' firing from ESPN for sexual harassment, we — in retrospect, somewhat flippantly — pointed out that what Reynolds was accused of paled in comparison to some of the allegations against Mike Tirico in Mike Freeman's 2000 book ESPN: An Uncensored History. We'd read the book, so we assumed the passages about Tirico had entered the general lexicon. We were wrong; you pretty much can't find them anywhere on Google.
So, allow us to change that. The book — which was released in trade paperback by relatively small publishing company Taylor Trade Publishing — is in front of us, and we're summarize some fun passages for you. It's worth noting, by the way, that Tirico, ultimately, comes across positively in the book, as a family man who had a problem and did what he could to help himself get "well." And it still doesn't take down the classic "Gary Miller shaving his ass at a party" story, which is probably unbeatable.
But that doesn't make it any less salacious. After the jump, the book's top Tirico passages.
The first Tirico story involves him hitting on a woman and stalking her after a house party in fall 1992. The woman was a production assistant and "considered an up-and-coming talent," and Tirico went up to her at the party and said "you're the most beautiful woman in here." She walked away, but he kept following her around the party until she finally snapped, "Why don't you fuck off? Get away from me." As she and friends hopped in their car and pulled out of the party, Tirico stepped in front of the car and made the woman stop. "You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen and I think I'm in love with you," Tirico said. She tried to roll up her window and take off, but Tirico stuck his hand in and tried to wedge it between her thighs. She got away, and the next morning, when they saw each other in the ESPN parking lot, he walked up to her, and she expected him to apologize. Instead, he said, "all I did all day was think about you."
In another story, one female producer — who had been to dinner with Tirico and his fiancee — was startled to receive an email from him saying that he wanted to sleep with her. Later, when the staff went to a bar after a late night covering the NCAA tournament, Tirico approached her and said, "I wish I was single. If I were, I'd throw you on the table right here and fuck your brains out." After she tried to excuse him as drunk, he persisted: "I know you want to screw me. So let's leave." Later, he followed her on the highway and tried to get her to pull over, unsuccessfully.
Tirico was ultimately suspended for three months and is interviewed in the book, where he, like Reynolds, calls the incidents "misunderstandings." He is now doing "Monday Night Football" and is still married.
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I want an official apology from ESPN and everyone else who rips the Philly fans for cheering when that asshole was laying on the ground of the Vet with a potentially broken neck

that fucker had it coming to him

I'll rip Philly fans everytime, no fucking way you can justify cheering for that - classless