So I'm beginning to think you could make a living through BetUS


Pretty much a regular
By middling baseball games.

I know it's a piece of shit site, and it's nearly impossible to get a payout - but if one day all this Neteller stuff gets resolved, and there is a reliable method of depositing/withdrawing money, this is a very realistic opportunity.

Does anyone bet at BetUS? If so, have you ever compared their lines to other books? The middling opportunities are absurd. Today, at about 2 PM, I logged on there to look at games, and saw the San Diego/Baltimore line at -130/+120, where it was -107/-103 at 5Dimes. I saw the Chicago/Texas line at -150/+135, where it was -124/+114 at 5Dimes. I middled both to ensure the same amount of profit either way, and made about 0.1 units with hardly any work.

I got on there tonight, and found Milwaukee/Kansas City at -200/+170, when it was -160/+155 at 5Dimes. New York/San Francisco stood at -130/+120, when it was -114/+109 at 5Dimes. There were also about 3-4 other games where the underdog price was the exact same as the favorite price on 5Dimes, just a few cents away from an easy middle.

And these aren't just mistakes, either. They inflate favorites almost every time - and every public bet/team you can think of is usually open for a middle. This isn't something that takes any skill or fortune to do; you could simply log onto BetUS and any site that has reasonable lines and make money in a matter of minutes.

Think about it - if you make 0.1 units a day, every day for a month, you're up 3 units in that month. If you do that every day from the beginning of April to the end of September during baseball season, a span of 6 months, you're up 18 units.

And what if you're betting $5,000 per game while doing it? Well, +18 units gives you an annual income of $90k. Can you afford to bet $10,000 per game? If so, that would give you an annual income of $180k.

Obviously it's a stretch, as there are no real ways to put money on or take money off, and you may not reach the +18 units I mentioned above. But, doing this on a daily basis for 6 months, you could make a lot of dough, especially if you can afford to bet a few grand every time.

Just a thought...

I was just looking over at Covers baseball forum for first time in awhile and found your thread on page 4 talking about this. Your very astute for a young buck...

Now your making me miss Neteller though :(

I was just looking over at Covers baseball forum for first time in awhile and found your thread on page 4 talking about this. Your very astute for a young buck...

Now your making me miss Neteller though :(

theres that word again this time i know what it means.
this is called scalping. +112 on team a, +101 on team b

middling is when you have a spread and can go 2-0 ats. -6.5 and +7.5.
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I'd heard the term scalping, but I thought middling was the same thing...thanks.

I'll run down how I made 0.2 units's what I bet and where I bet it, and the amount I bet.

Last night I bet the following:

Milwaukee -161 (5Dimes): 1.666u to win 1.035u
Kansas City +170 (BetUS): 1u to win 1.7u

New York -114 (5Dimes): 1.172u to win 1.028u
San Francisco +120 (BetUS): 1u to win 1.2u

So as you can see, I'm guaranteed 0.034u or 0.035u on the MIL/KC game, and 0.028u on the NY/SF game - so I'm +0.062 so far.

Here's what I took today:

Los Angeles -139 (5Dimes): 1.454u to win 1.046u
Tampa Bay +150 (BetUS): 1u to win 1.5u

Cleveland -166 (5Dimes): 1.685u to win 1.015u
Washington +170 (BetUS): 1u to win 1.7u

Minnesota +102 (5Dimes): 1.015u to win 1.035u
Florida +105 (BetUS): 1u to win 1.05u

Philadelphia +100 (5Dimes): 1.05u to win 1.05u
St. Louis +110 (BetUS): 1u to win 1.1u

I'm guaranteed 0.046u on LA/TB, 0.015u on CLE/WAS, 0.035 on MIN/FLA, and 0.05 on PHI/STL. That's +0.146u, and +0.208u overall.

Too easy...
bluemyboy will appreciate this thread and prolly comment on it once he comes cross it.

be nice to lay some big money on these games.

this same shit happens on wallstreet.

good stuff linde.
This obviously works but the downsides are that it takes a decent amount of time and you need to play with large units in order to make any significant profit.
It's really just guess and check. I just plug in numbers until I get it right...just takes a little bit of thinking and math in your head.
So, I'm beginning to think you could make a living through Betus by middling baseball games.

scalping is the correct term for bases in terms of MLs. and yes I agree.

I know it's a piece of shit site, and it's nearly impossible to get a payout - but if one day all this Neteller stuff gets resolved, and there is a reliable method of depositing/withdrawing money, this is a very realistic opportunity.
I used BETUS for about a year and never had a problem with them, they were a little slow from time to time, but for me that is no biggie. I have heard tons of horror stories about them, but I was straight with them and tried nothing sneaky and was just fine. I think there are better options out there depending on how much you bet. To name a few dog or off books: SIA, bodog, exchanges, cascade, 5dimes, and most low vig shops are doable.

Does anyone bet at BetUS? If so, have you ever compared their lines to other books?

Again, I did play with them, and might look back into it for football, I stay away from bases, but love dog books during foots and am willing to take possible no pay risks, although the only book I have ever had a no-pay from is BOS. There is belief amoung some that the problem is that these shit books get the raw end of the middle or scalp in the long run and so basically you are paying off the "sharper" books for more security and thus cutting into your profits. This is also one of the reasons (beyond having 100K to gamble with) I have not tried to arbitrage on a smaller scale.

And these aren't just mistakes, either. They inflate favorites almost every time - and every public bet/team you can think of is usually open for a middle. This isn't something that takes any skill or fortune to do; you could simply log onto BetUS and any site that has reasonable lines and make money in a matter of minutes.

shhhhhh...... just playin. spot on. There are 3 types of books I recomend having and having at least 2 of each kind if one is truly serious about maxing their efforts. 1. dog book- usually not good vig, but you can get lines off sometimes one point or more, plus they are usually slower. 2. sharp books, must be low vigs and faster moving lines, prime example was Pin. 3. exchanges, books of the future, er' present; they offer extremely low vig and the awesome power to throw out your own lines.

And what if you're betting $5,000 per game while doing it? Well, +18 units gives you an annual income of $90k. Can you afford to bet $10,000 per game? If so, that would give you an annual income of $180k.

more money you throw around the higher your risk is to be kicked out and/or have a book no-pay/slow-pay. plus the more you spend the more you will be looked at and at that point books will first try and beat you, dual lines are common, and then possibly kick you out or really tail down your limits.

Now your making me miss Neteller though

Life was sooo nice with NT

This obviously works but the downsides are that it takes a decent amount of time and you need to play with large units in order to make any significant profit.

time not so much esspecially now imo, but your right still you need to be looking at your reward for time spent. Also downsides, is betting becomes not as interesting and some people like that edge. Also I kinda believe it cuts unto your profits by buying back at the sharper price.... but that is definately debatable.

I'd heard the term scalping, but I thought middling was the same thing...thanks.

scalp: bases where you get a sure profit. ex: -150 and +155
middle: where you are hoping your game lands on a exact outcome that is +ev. ex: +7 -110 and -6 -110

---also you can buy down vig on a side you want by scalping off the vig to make your desired outcome +ev.

bluemyboy will appreciate this thread and prolly comment on it once he comes cross it.

yeah.... I love this kinda stuff, wish I could make a career out of it. alas it is off to work for me. later guys.