So I called a 1-800 tout line for an underdog winner and this is what I learned...


So I called for the free recorded message winner. Not surprisingly, an actual human answered the phone. They asked me if I was looking for my free Underdog winner! I said yes sir!

So yeah I know I know. But the phone I'm using is going to be done today so why not they can call this number I won't be around anymore.

Anyway he asked me if I have a pen and paper I say I do. He says I want you to write my name and phone number down I pretend to do just that. And he says okay now here is your free Underdog play winner. Take Notre Dame plus four and a half.

So I thank him and he says but wait there's more. Usually I will charge $299 but today for only $99 I'll give you a week of my picks.

Well thank you but I'm going to see how your free play does first. Well you shouldn't judge me on my free play he says you should judge me on this absolute money line Underdog winner I got for you. For just $99 I'll give you a whole week of my pics. I am so confident in this play I'm betting my entire bankroll. This Underdog will win by a touchdown!

Again, thank you for your time and I'll see how Notre Dame does today. But wait he says. You don't understand this team is going to win by three touchdowns. Strange I know he said a touchdown now it's three touchdowns.

So I said thank you anyway I'll see how Notre Dame does you have a nice day
He asked me what my average bet was and I said $100. He sounded disappointed. He then told me that $99 isn't anything like a life-changing moment for him but it could be for me.
Did anyone else read that story and hear Stu Finer and Jack Price voice in your head?

I have fun memories from the days we were involved with the touts back in the mid 90s. Being told things like "grab your balls" "what's the most you can bet" "we're going to bury your bookie". It was all pretty fun, mistakes were made, but that is part of life.

One time they told me to write something down and I acted like I did, then he said "read it back to me", damn I was busted.
I used to love watching Pro-line back in the mid 90s or so. Dave Cokin, Wayne Allyn Root, Scott Spritzer. That was appointment TV viewing every Saturday morning on USA. Usually came on about an hour or so before Gameday
I used to love watching Pro-line back in the mid 90s or so. Dave Cokin, Wayne Allyn Root, Scott Spritzer. That was appointment TV viewing every Saturday morning on USA. Usually came on about an hour or so before Gameday
Smokin' Dave Cokin is the only one I ever called, he was on some show with Jim Feist and fortunately learned at a young age, so gambles were small, that guaranteed 5-0 ended up in a significant credit card bill when it went 1-4
Smokin' Dave Cokin is the only one I ever called, he was on some show with Jim Feist and fortunately learned at a young age, so gambles were small, that guaranteed 5-0 ended up in a significant credit card bill when it went 1-4
I can't believe I forgot to mention Jim Feist
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Cokin used to do a cf radio show called Stardust Line from Stardust on Sunday nights from 10pm to midnight in the 90s. He and the host would go through every game and then cokin would make 3 picks at end. Id barely get the show from San Diego on AM radio.

Cokin was money in the bank. Awesome record and analysis. Best ive ever heard. Never did his Feist tout thing on the show.

Anyway like many i tried touts at beginning and learned fast. But i never understood cokin with Feist. He was simply the best at handicapping cf those years. Guess the tout money was too much to pass up. But man he was money on that show.
Cokin and Feist were literally printing money in the 90's....
By the time I was listening to the Stardust Line show I'd learned touts were rip offs (only good one I ever have seen is Edward at RAS). So I never bought Cokin's picks on Feist's watch but was tempted because his CF record was so good on this show. I know he did NFL and Baseball with Feist as well maybe hoops too. I always wondered if he won on the picks he did for Feist??

But again, he was the best I've seen in handicapping CF on that show - maybe Crimson K on here a few years back was in same boat. I guess when you have that kind of talent how else are you going to make money except for going tout (and of course betting yourself). But I could never reconcile the Cokin on the Stardust Line with the Cokin aligned with Feist.
I can't help myself I'm listening to the radio again. Two interesting ones he said he's got a small dog that will win in a blowout. And a small favorite that will win by 40. Also he said his tagline is. Bet with your head not over it. This is for entertainment purposes only.
With sports gambling becoming largely legal in US there is an interesting subtext issue about whether there will be any push to regulate the tout business in some a basic level, there are a lot of parallels with the investment advisory business.....if nothing else, I could see some basic licensing or notice filing requirements and basic record keeping/disclosure requirements......