SNFF- big play


Head of Loggerhead Turtle Society
will have a big play in CFB this week as well as soon as I get my number.

waited this one out as long as I could:

Bears +9; 8 units
Bears ML +330, 3 units

cliff notes: Team I got is coming off horrible loss, off bye and getting dudes back. Pretty much in "can't afford another loss mode"... Team I'm against is banged up in offensive line and a QB with a gimpy hammy.. primetime in the NFL.. GB should win this for sure but doesn't always work that way in sunday league.. like the situation and on neutral I believe the talent is even.. Line play will be the key here and like my chances.. Cutler can trend both ways in extreme as we know--- my hope is its his turn to go the right way.. Play this situation everytime..
Good luck tee*dub, always good to see you posting, been in and out here and like your insights and plays:tiphat::cheers3: