***SNF & MNF in-game***

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yeah it wasn't 4th and inches, it was at the 2 or 2.5 yard line. probably should've kicked the fg.
got some interesting news today. One of my clients owns (well owned) a yacht. It burned down. Will be a nice $24 million check from the company that was in the process of fixing it......
GLB, when does your episode of 90 Day Fiance air?


got some interesting news today. One of my clients owns (well owned) a yacht. It burned down. Will be a nice $24 million check from the company that was in the process of fixing it......

Nice little kick-back to the company will more than enough comp for the increased insurance rates.....
Get the feeling that Lou going to dominate and end up getting beat by one or two plays
Louisville could run a fake punt right up the middle - no one was on guard/center and at snap they all turned for return anyways. Something to keep an eye on later in the game.
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