Silly Houston Trend

Stroman on 5 2-1 5.58 ERA 15 ERA at Houston based on 3 innings
Fisteris better on 4 and the day and is bouncing off a bad game. Toronto has seen him a lot. He is 8-5 at night 4.02 ERA. Was supposed to be skipped for an expectant wife .2-2 4.01 ERA vs Toronto.
So far no bets. Clear lean to CL RL and Houston----Over? Not sure. Houston pen edge but Fister has not impressed
Some lean to Mets. With Beltran gone ---but Sabathia is good at night. Much hinges on refs here.
Maybe a simple parlay of Cleveland and Washington
Archer has good history with Carlson.
Carlson stinks for small home favorites and Duffy wins on all splits
Small bet on KC
Have small bets on
Houston plus 2
Was intending to wait on Houston but 13-2 last 2 years as a home dog says play me
thinking about Cleveland but will be involved
in games Salazar started and Cleveland won the RL is 12-1...1st loss came in his last em too but still waiting