Silky's Week 11 2014 CFB Diamonds


Imma sip this tea
aWelcome back folks. I’m by NO MEANS killing it. However I’ve seemed to stem the tide and have begun a lil 2 week bounceback. Now if I could avoid the shitty 2-8 week after a 2-3 wk good run, Id be doing swell. 13-8-1 the last 2 weeks, pretty good damned clip & hopefully a sign of things to come.

overall: 41-38 | 51.8% | -.15u

I rarely make more than 1 bet on a side in a game, but I in fact did so last week with FSU. Proved pretty wise. Is FSU the most dominant team this year? Nope, but there are no dominant teams. Are they the 1 team you’d put up your house on to cover the 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] half & win a game? Absolutely!

Last year when FSU was beating teams 58-10, the cry was “They have yet to be tested”. And while there is a modicum of truth to that, the 2013 FSU squad was historically good. Like some shit that will be talked about in 35yrs good. You can’t exactly “test” all-time great good ya know? Meanwhile the SEC’s Auburn was called a “team of destiny” for finding ways to win last year. It was of epic magical proportions, it somehow proved their “mettle”, their “worth”.

So then you move to this year and FSU is doing all the “team of destiny” shit, and what’s the narrative? “Oh they barely escaped”, “They look so beatable” etc etc etc. Folks are with a straight face saying things on the order of “They shouldn’t even be in the playoffs”. Seriously though? Lol You mean that? Breaking the news that Santa wasn’t real to those folks must’ve been an awful endeavor.

No doubt about it, the Noles have come out to awful, sluggish starts. But they are THROTTLING teams in the final 30mins!! Can this keep up? Ehh probably not, but does it deserve reverence? Absolutely. We’re talking about a team that’s going into the locker-room with every broke dick evil wisher smiling like a Cheshire cat(how's that tea Alex?) only to come out and blow the fucking doors of squads. I mean Notre Dame is using its loss to FSU as its sole reason for playoff relevance lol.

The elephant in the room is Jameis Winston. By now everyone pretty much knows if Jameis is playing FSU wins. I mean the kid has never lost. He’s gone in to the lockerroom down 21 to the best defense in the land & has come out a DD winner vs them. It’s a big reason every sad sack with erectile dysfunction, jumps on every bit of “news” about him. They absolutely cant stand the fact that the kid is playing the game at All Madden while everyone else at most plays at all pro.

“Oh he RAPED a girl”, errr sir have your actually READ the official info regarding that? Nevermind that he was never charged. GUILTY!!! Right? Smh.

“He Stole Crablegs!!!”, errr sir please tell me you didn’t cuff some food in college? I sure as hell know I DID! And really though? We talking bout crablegs (nevermind he WAS SUSPENDED from baseball for it).

“He shouted FUCK HER RIGHT IN THE PUSSY!!”, pssst come here lemme tell you a secret………. SO DID I and most every male with a bit of a sense of humor & somewhat of an extroverted personality under 50 in America. Sorry if your shitty job working for the man has made you feel like a turd. Maybe YOU should get good at something & capitalize off of it. You might focus on shit like not letting corps buy elections.

Now was it appropriate, prolly not, it prolly is offensive to women, so I don’t exactly think it speaks highly of he or I or any of the MILLIONS of American men who did the same. BAD US!!! But if THAT’S the worst thing he did as a college student, then maybe I should be serving a life sentence. Because I’ve done shit 1,000x worse. At the end of all this you really have to examine WHY you hate Jameis. And if you’re being real with yourself 90% of it is because YOU know he cant be beat, the other 10%, lets just say it speaks volumes about who you really are. Because you are witnessing a QB of the Ages, a College Peyton Manning, doing what a college Peyton Manning couldn’t do. WIN EVERYTHING!!

All this to say, if/when FSU finishes the schedule undefeated (Miami looking more and more like a tough game & the Gators finding some pride won’t make this a cakewalk), they’ll get a month off to get healthy again. Ohh you didn’t know FSU is without its starting Center, 6 of its 9 Scholarship LBs, Starting NG? That the 2 starting CBs are playing injured? Ohh you aint know that? Now you do, and guess what throughout all of that, they are still kicking ass & taking names. Prolly kicked your team’s ass, or will soon (if your team is good enough to make the playoffs).

No there are no great CFB teams this year, but with a month to get healthy, I’ll take the “team of destiny”, led by the QB of Ages…………….

oh yeah

Toledo -13
If FSU gets through the season undefeated, they def deserve to be in the playoffs. You can't keep them out...if the champs don't lose, they gotta be there. "You gotta beat the man to be the man", right? However, if and when they go undefeated and do get into the playoffs, they will most likely be one and done. I dont think they can beat miss st, auburn, bama, oregon, michigan st, or tcu on a neutral field. FSU has played absolutely nobody....would go about 9-3/8-4 in the sec west.
Smh lol, riiiiiiigggghhhhhttt

because yes!!! Those squads are unbeatable!!! Hail hail!!!

PS Bama still hasn't beaten a top 25 team. Also I'm pretty sure Notre Dame would only have 1 loss vs all those schedules, Clemson 2.
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FSU and AU are the only two teams in recent memory that continually get outplayed in games and still win. Moreso AU than FSU, but still. FSU does theirs in a more traditional sense in that they dominate a half, while AU finds ways to win that have never happened before. Can't discredit a team for finding ways to win. Law of averages says it catches up to you eventually, but is that this season? Maybe, maybe not. Two things: Louisville is not the best defense in the country. I don't care what the stats say. And Jameis is a dirtbag. You and every FSU fan knows it. Jimbo knows it. But he's y'alls dirtbag. Is he a criminal? I don't know. Hasn't been proven. But the circumstancial evidence points strongly to him being a pretty big POS everywhere but the locker room and field. Kid can flat ball, but all the FSU crowd (not you necessarily) talking about his character and integrity is insulting to the rest of us. It's not like other teams are full of choirboys. We had Rolando McLain. He was/is literally insane. We just didn't trumpet him up as some misunderstood guy. We did everything we could to keep him out of the spotlight except on the field. Shame the Raiders didn't give any effort to control him. My point is, lets just call him what he is: a dirtbag who is probably the best football player in the NCAA right now
FSU and AU are the only two teams in recent memory that continually get outplayed in games and still win. Moreso AU than FSU, but still. FSU does theirs in a more traditional sense in that they dominate a half, while AU finds ways to win that have never happened before. Can't discredit a team for finding ways to win. Law of averages says it catches up to you eventually, but is that this season? Maybe, maybe not. Two things: Louisville is not the best defense in the country. I don't care what the stats say. And Jameis is a dirtbag. You and every FSU fan knows it. Jimbo knows it. But he's y'alls dirtbag. Is he a criminal? I don't know. Hasn't been proven. But the circumstancial evidence points strongly to him being a pretty big POS everywhere but the locker room and field. Kid can flat ball, but all the FSU crowd (not you necessarily) talking about his character and integrity is insulting to the rest of us. It's not like other teams are full of choirboys. We had Rolando McLain. He was/is literally insane. We just didn't trumpet him up as some misunderstood guy. We did everything we could to keep him out of the spotlight except on the field. Shame the Raiders didn't give any effort to control him. My point is, lets just call him what he is: a dirtbag who is probably the best football player in the NCAA right now

THIS is well reasoned & I can dig it
Smh lol, riiiiiiigggghhhhhttt

because yes!!! Those squads are unbeatable!!! Hail hail!!!

PS Bama still hasn't beaten a top 25 team. Also I'm pretty sure Notre Dame would only have 1 loss vs all those schedules, Clemson 2.
So you're telling me ND would win all but one out of LSU, Miss St, Auburn, Bama, Ole Miss? You got any more good jokes? Personally, I think ND would have their hands full with Arkansas....and Clemson is weird bc they were almost unbeatable with Watson at QB and are having trouble not losing with Stoudt. Still think Clemson loses at least 3 conference games in sec west with or w/o Watson. To each his own, and we all have our blinkin and winkin when it comes to being a homer for our school. Not bashing you, FSU, or the acc for that matter. Just trying to have an intelligent football conversation with a fairly knowledgeable capper. Cheers mate! :shake:
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And I assume we're talking about current top 25 teams? What about WV? Who probably wont be in tomorrow's top 25. PS I'm an Auburn fan and I want Alabama to lose by 40 every week. But their schedule is in front of them and it's the easiest one left of the top 3 sec west teams...@LSU, miss st home, auburn home. State has @ bama and @ ole miss still. Auburn has A&M home,@ georgia and @ bama remaining. When its all said and done every sec west team will have played at least 3,and some 4, top 10 teams in the regular season and thats more than FSU's top 25 opponents. Just an observation...

PSS: sorry for clogging your thread. I'll shut up now
And I assume we're talking about current top 25 teams? What about WV? Who probably wont be in tomorrow's top 25. PS I'm an Auburn fan and I want Alabama to lose by 40 every week. But their schedule is in front of them and it's the easiest one left of the top 3 sec west teams...@LSU, miss st home, auburn home. State has @ bama and @ ole miss still. Auburn has A&M home,@ georgia and @ bama remaining. When its all said and done every sec west team will have played at least 3,and some 4, top 10 teams in the regular season and thats more than FSU's top 25 opponents. Just an observation...

PSS: sorry for clogging your thread. I'll shut up now

Hell no no don't shut up, I like this!! We are gonna get good discussion from this & I'm all for it:shake:

THIS is what makes CFB Great. We all have our own opinions but in the end 18-22yo (in Andre Dubose's case 25yo) decide it. I'm happy you chimed in
Jameis plays the villain so damn well....I love it. I'm dying for a FSU/SEC playoff semifinal matchup....going to be great theatre.

You think KSU has a shot at TCU?
There isn't a college QB in the past decade or so I'd rather have on the field than Jameis. He is clearly a leader and a motivator, he has fun, and his teammates love playing with him. There are just a lot of intangibles there that he has for a college QB, mixed with an awful lot of talent. But off the field, where there's smoke, there's fire. And when he leaves for the draft after this year it will be for the best, for everyone.
Jameis plays the villain so damn well....I love it. I'm dying for a FSU/SEC playoff semifinal matchup....going to be great theatre.

You think KSU has a shot at TCU?

Bill Snyder ALWAYS has a chance. That's the 1 school ID never want to see in a big game. Dude is a magician, a Svengali
There isn't a college QB in the past decade or so I'd rather have on the field than Jameis. He is clearly a leader and a motivator, he has fun, and his teammates love playing with him. There are just a lot of intangibles there that he has for a college QB, mixed with an awful lot of talent. But off the field, where there's smoke, there's fire. And when he leaves for the draft after this year it will be for the best, for everyone.
No doubt, I agree with this. When he leaves Tally it's best for all parties. Though i don't think he's any kind of bad dude. Just the biggest star in CFB who just so happens to leave his dorm in the social media age. There are only a few Andrew Luck, RGIII types who basically say eff being 20yo & the games biggest stars. Most are actually you know 20yo kids making mistakes.
And lol at FSU being a most-likely one-and-done in the playoff. Mississippi State isn't that good, folks. They caught LSU before (in my opinion anyways) LSU got their shit together. Then they beat a then-undefeated #6 Texas A&M which, I think we can all agree is about as good of a win as beating a Sun Belt team from Louisiana... and those two games alone vaulted them to #3 in the nation. Wow. Just, wow... I guess this is why SEC fans cheer for other SEC teams.

Bama lost their last two games last year... will have not beaten anyone in a calendar year worth mentioning by this weekend, and yet there they stand. Apparently worthy of a playoff spot. The double standard is comical.

I'll be the first to tell you we haven't looked great defensively, or in the 1st half of any game. We will get that together, we will get healthy, and when Mississippi State stumbles into the 1st round of the playoff as the 11-1 #4 seed against us.... with those HUGE wins over LSU, TAMU, AUB, and a depleted Ole Miss team in the egg bowl - we will wax their ass. That's if they can beat Ole Miss, which I don't know that they are good enough to do even with all their injuries in the first place.
And lol at FSU being a most-likely one-and-done in the playoff. Mississippi State isn't that good, folks. They caught LSU before (in my opinion anyways) LSU got their shit together. Then they beat a then-undefeated #6 Texas A&M which, I think we can all agree is about as good of a win as beating a Sun Belt team from Louisiana... and those two games alone vaulted them to #3 in the nation. Wow. Just, wow... I guess this is why SEC fans cheer for other SEC teams.

Bama lost their last two games last year... will have not beaten anyone in a calendar year worth mentioning by this weekend, and yet there they stand. Apparently worthy of a playoff spot. The double standard is comical.

I'll be the first to tell you we haven't looked great defensively, or in the 1st half of any game. We will get that together, we will get healthy, and when Mississippi State stumbles into the 1st round of the playoff as the 11-1 #4 seed against us.... with those HUGE wins over LSU, TAMU, AUB, and a depleted Ole Miss team in the egg bowl - we will wax their ass. That's if they can beat Ole Miss, which I don't know that they are good enough to do even with all their injuries in the first place.
just like Auburn's last year? yea what a blowout that was
And lol at FSU being a most-likely one-and-done in the playoff. Mississippi State isn't that good, folks. They caught LSU before (in my opinion anyways) LSU got their shit together. Then they beat a then-undefeated #6 Texas A&M which, I think we can all agree is about as good of a win as beating a Sun Belt team from Louisiana... and those two games alone vaulted them to #3 in the nation. Wow. Just, wow... I guess this is why SEC fans cheer for other SEC teams.

Bama lost their last two games last year... will have not beaten anyone in a calendar year worth mentioning by this weekend, and yet there they stand. Apparently worthy of a playoff spot. The double standard is comical.

I'll be the first to tell you we haven't looked great defensively, or in the 1st half of any game. We will get that together, we will get healthy, and when Mississippi State stumbles into the 1st round of the playoff as the 11-1 #4 seed against us.... with those HUGE wins over LSU, TAMU, AUB, and a depleted Ole Miss team in the egg bowl - we will wax their ass. That's if they can beat Ole Miss, which I don't know that they are good enough to do even with all their injuries in the first place.

We're 6th. Will possibly be 7th or 8th tomorrow. That's too high? If we beat LSU, Miss St, AU, UGA in the next 5 weeks, we don't belong in top 4? LOL

FSU got taken to the brink against an average ND team. Were dominated in the 1H against mediocre to bad teams. I think the point was that in the playoff, they'll be presumably be playing the best team they've played this season. FSU ain't good enough to spot Oregon/SEC 3-4 scores. Not this year
just like Auburn's last year? yea what a blowout that was

I'm not sure where Auburn fits into this conversation... but I guess, technically, since you are asking - I can make an argument that we waxed their ass for the final 32 minutes of the game? Outscoring them 31-10? Mr. Miyagi himself would consider that a waxing, I suppose.
And lol at FSU being a most-likely one-and-done in the playoff. Mississippi State isn't that good, folks. They caught LSU before (in my opinion anyways) LSU got their shit together. Then they beat a then-undefeated #6 Texas A&M which, I think we can all agree is about as good of a win as beating a Sun Belt team from Louisiana... and those two games alone vaulted them to #3 in the nation. Wow. Just, wow... I guess this is why SEC fans cheer for other SEC teams.

Bama lost their last two games last year... will have not beaten anyone in a calendar year worth mentioning by this weekend, and yet there they stand. Apparently worthy of a playoff spot. The double standard is comical.

I'll be the first to tell you we haven't looked great defensively, or in the 1st half of any game. We will get that together, we will get healthy, and when Mississippi State stumbles into the 1st round of the playoff as the 11-1 #4 seed against us.... with those HUGE wins over LSU, TAMU, AUB, and a depleted Ole Miss team in the egg bowl - we will wax their ass. That's if they can beat Ole Miss, which I don't know that they are good enough to do even with all their injuries in the first place.

think west virginia would apply
And lol at FSU being a most-likely one-and-done in the playoff. Mississippi State isn't that good, folks. They caught LSU before (in my opinion anyways) LSU got their shit together. Then they beat a then-undefeated #6 Texas A&M which, I think we can all agree is about as good of a win as beating a Sun Belt team from Louisiana... and those two games alone vaulted them to #3 in the nation. Wow. Just, wow... I guess this is why SEC fans cheer for other SEC teams.

Bama lost their last two games last year... will have not beaten anyone in a calendar year worth mentioning by this weekend, and yet there they stand. Apparently worthy of a playoff spot. The double standard is comical.

I'll be the first to tell you we haven't looked great defensively, or in the 1st half of any game. We will get that together, we will get healthy, and when Mississippi State stumbles into the 1st round of the playoff as the 11-1 #4 seed against us.... with those HUGE wins over LSU, TAMU, AUB, and a depleted Ole Miss team in the egg bowl - we will wax their ass. That's if they can beat Ole Miss, which I don't know that they are good enough to do even with all their injuries in the first place.
Say what you want but a&m would beat over half of the acc and they're in the bottom third? Of the sec. The overall point is the sec plays "quality"(used loosely) opponents at least half of their games. When the FSUs of the world can play the wakes and syracuses and va techs of the world and rest starters or banged up players for their 1-3 "big games" its like comparing apples to oranges when it comes to SOS. I wont argue with the fact that the SEC is "down" but the best 4 of the sec west are all top 10-12 teams in the country. Period.
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We're 6th. Will possibly be 7th or 8th tomorrow. That's too high? If we beat LSU, Miss St, AU, UGA in the next 5 weeks, we don't belong in top 4? LOL

FSU got taken to the brink against an average ND team. Were dominated in the 1H against mediocre to bad teams. I think the point was that in the playoff, they'll be presumably be playing the best team they've played this season. FSU ain't good enough to spot Oregon/SEC 3-4 scores. Not this year

Yes, if you guys win the next 3... no doubt. The committee has it correct as it currently stands. My argument is against those that have Bama in their top 4 now, which makes little sense to me. I *think* Bama is the best team in the SEC this year, I just want to see it play out. LSU is getting better every week, Miss St has momentum, and Auburn can beat anyone on a given day.

And I agree, ND isn't very good. Lousiville was a tough spot. They got healthy at the right time. Clemson is a top 10 team with Deshaun Watson playing QB in my opinion, and we dodged a bullet there. And Miami is also coming together and playing well just in time for our meeting next week. I'm not a PR, make my own numbers kind of guy, but I'd be interested to see what kind of line Miss St @ Miami would be at this point in time.

Of course we will be playing the best teams we play all year in the playoff... it should be the other 3 best teams in the country, I hope. But I can't say that we aren't good enough to spot Oregon/SEC 3 scores this year with any kind of confidence, and I don't think anyone else can can either. I have yet to see a team that plays defense well enough this year to keep a great offense from scoring. We did it to Auburn last year, and while we shouldn't make a habit of it, we have...

Do you really think that in matchup between a combination of Oregon/Auburn/Alabama/Miss St/FSU... if a team has a 20 point lead, it is definitively "safe?"
Yes, if you guys win the next 3... no doubt. The committee has it correct as it currently stands. My argument is against those that have Bama in their top 4 now, which makes little sense to me. I *think* Bama is the best team in the SEC this year, I just want to see it play out. LSU is getting better every week, Miss St has momentum, and Auburn can beat anyone on a given day.

And I agree, ND isn't very good. Lousiville was a tough spot. They got healthy at the right time. Clemson is a top 10 team with Deshaun Watson playing QB in my opinion, and we dodged a bullet there. And Miami is also coming together and playing well just in time for our meeting next week. I'm not a PR, make my own numbers kind of guy, but I'd be interested to see what kind of line Miss St @ Miami would be at this point in time.

Of course we will be playing the best teams we play all year in the playoff... it should be the other 3 best teams in the country, I hope. But I can't say that we aren't good enough to spot Oregon/SEC 3 scores this year with any kind of confidence, and I don't think anyone else can can either. I have yet to see a team that plays defense well enough this year to keep a great offense from scoring. We did it to Auburn last year, and while we shouldn't make a habit of it, we have...

Do you really think that in matchup between a combination of Oregon/Auburn/Alabama/Miss St/FSU... if a team has a 20 point lead, it is definitively "safe?"

I'm not sure Alabama could come back down 20 to any of those teams TBH. I guess they could, but just not how we're built. The rules are so skewed in favor of offenses, it's hard for any defense to dominate unless you get Alabama/LSU 2011 type defense against any team with a great offense.

And for the record, I don't think MSU is the best team in the SEC. Maybe 4th or 5th, but undefeated 10 weeks in gets you a top ranking. Plus they housed AU who may be one of the 2 or 3 best teams in the country, so they are deserving of their current ranking.
Say what you want but a&m would beat over half of the acc and they're in the bottom third? Of the sec. The overall point is the sec plays "quality"(used loosely) opponents at least half of their games. When the FSUs of the world can play the wakes and syracuses and va techs of the world and rest starters or banged up players for their 1-3 "big games" its like comparing apples to oranges when it comes to SOS. I wont argue with the fact that the SEC is "down" but the best 4 of the sec west are all top 10-12 teams in the country. Period.

The SEC West has all the talent in the world. But I could honestly care less how much better everyone thinks the 8th best team in the SEC is than however many conference's teams are as a majority. It's funny to me when people point that out. FSU, Michigan St., and Oregon have great football teams this year regardless of the opponents they have to play. If those 3 teams win out, they should be in the playoffs along with the SEC champ. Period.
Agree with Toledo, btw. On it myself at 13.5. Kent State is one of the worst FBS teams in football, IMO. Don't see how this one is kept within 3 scores.
GL Silk, like the Rockets. Congrats on FSU, champs are champs until somebody beats 'em
I'm not sure where Auburn fits into this conversation... but I guess, technically, since you are asking - I can make an argument that we waxed their ass for the final 32 minutes of the game? Outscoring them 31-10? Mr. Miyagi himself would consider that a waxing, I suppose.
you said an "ass waxing" talking Messy St in a play off spot

Aubbie refers to last years "play off", that wasn't an ass-waxing
Incidentally, one point of contention with what silky said ... We all did say that auburn was a luckbox, shit team the first half of last year. Fsu isnt even the luckiest team of 2014, yes i am talking to you blue devils.
Btw .... Read this thread at the airport and it was gold for entertainment. Also agree on toledo.
silky great job bol my man we have a big week a lot of games this week
you said an "ass waxing" talking Messy St in a play off spot

Aubbie refers to last years "play off", that wasn't an ass-waxing

I guess I'm just confused where myself or anyone else claimed to have done any waxing at all in last year's playoff. Either way, rooting for you to keep it within a TD this weekend. If not, I'll pay to see Bama actually win a game against a quality opponent for the first time since they got y'all last year.
I guess I'm just confused where myself or anyone else claimed to have done any waxing at all in last year's playoff. Either way, rooting for you to keep it within a TD this weekend. If not, I'll pay to see Bama actually win a game against a quality opponent for the first time since they got y'all last year.

:shake:pulling for the outright obv
I guess I'm just confused where myself or anyone else claimed to have done any waxing at all in last year's playoff. Either way, rooting for you to keep it within a TD this weekend. If not, I'll pay to see Bama actually win a game against a quality opponent for the first time since they got y'all last year.

i would be willing to wager that the committee would consider a team that lost to bama by 10, okla by 12, tcu by 1 and beat baylor, a quality opponent
Just saw on twitter that the expectation is that FSU will be an underdog at Miami next week. Surely this is wrong, right?
i would be willing to wager that the committee would consider a team that lost to bama by 10, okla by 12, tcu by 1 and beat baylor, a quality opponent

Think what they may, WVU just doesn't do it for me. FWIW, I wouldn't consider Duke or GT quality wins either for a top tier team (committee has WVU sandwiched between the two currently) so... There's that. Just one man's opinion that isn't on said committee.
We should be favored... Not by much though. 4-6 maybe?

Curious what people would make Miss St @ Miami right now?
Opens in the 6-7 range...strong reverse line movement all week ala louisville, fsu is down by 21 at half and miami holds on to win, picks shameis off on the last play of the game thus ruining fsu's season, winston's heisman hopes, and sends him out on a low note as the scumbag should be sent out...