Side bets that I win this contest?

Capt. Slap

1st year apprentice of Sammy
I'm willing to place some X-Bets with people that I win this MLB Baseball contest

I'll bet up to 200 max total (Example - Four 50 dollar bets)

Someone give me some odds and I'll take them if I like them

I got this idea from tru...but then he bitched out and says he doesnt wanna bet anymore cause he knows whats good

I take that back I diddnt look at the updated contest standings. If they run one next month Ill take Fondy even money for the month
Yes you can, feild at -500

Pthpt, I need to use a better book.


(Honestly, I haven't even looked at the standings, I just figured I could get a few different horses at a cheap price.)
So I finally looked at the standings. You are in great position. You and a couple of others, including Hunt, by the way, really have a shot to steal this thing at the wire.

I haven't followed anybody's picks at all, probably because it involves, ack, betting on baseball. The very thought makes me shudder a bit.

Tell you what, instead of betting against you, 'cause that's bad karma, I'll root for you.

Good luck.

But next month I'm rooting for Fondy, because unless I'm mistaken he's promised free Arby's to the entire forum for a day if he wins one of these things. And damn it all if I can't get enough Arby's.