Shut-out 2 Games Straight Stats - 2007


CTG Big Brother
These results are from the start of the 2002 season onwards.

Only instances from regular seasons are included.

Straight-up Results

Overall ................................................................ 45-35

Teams who finished w/winning season records ............. 21-15
Teams who finished w/.500 or worse season records ..... 24-20

Not suprisingly, good teams bounce back better off consecutive shut-outs than bad teams do. But even for teams who finish .500 or (most often) worse on a season, even they play around .500 ball off such a wretched couple of days.

Sequence Results

Facing the team who shut them out twice .................. 13-11
Facing the team who shut them out the 2nd time .......... 8-12
Playing a team who didnt execute the shut-outs .......... 24-12

Getting away from the team who executed the shut-outs seems to be the best tonic for any team.


Sequence Results tied to teams final record

Teams finishing w/winning season records -

Facing the team who shut them out twice ................... 6-2
Facing the team who shut them out the 2nd time ......... 4-5
Playing a team who didnt execute the shut-outs ......... 11-8

Good teams fare best when facing the opponent who has delivered both the shut-outs. They have the most difficult time being shut out then moving on to a new series where they then get shut-out in game 1.

Teams finishing w/.500 or worse season records -

Facing the team who shut them out twice ................... 7-9
Facing the team who shut them out the 2nd time ......... 4-7
Playing a team who didnt execute the shut-outs ......... 13-4

Bad teams fare best getting away from the the team who shut them down. A new opponent seems to be a breath of fresh air. Facing the same team who shut them out in the previous game is simply bad news for bad teams.

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Bump with Colorado off being shut-out 2 days straight.


I'd surmise Colorado end this season with a losing/even record (currently 49-49 entering the series w/SD), which means they match-up with the statistically best situation for such teams off being shut-out 2 straight: getting away from the team who shut them out, and facing a new opponent. It also helps the Rocks that they go from being on the road to back home.

Thou I do point out its my practice not to place a bet based on 1 angle alone. What's here, to me, is simply the starting point for a potential play on the Rocks.
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Should have restickied this yesterday, but as LA got shut-out again I did everyone a favour by not doing so.

Here are LA's offensive boxscores from their last 10 games....

0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 2
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 x
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 1 4 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

LA .....

- has been shut out 3 straight games

- has been shut out in 4 of their last 5 games.

- has not scored a run in the 1st 3 innings of a game for 6 straight games

- has scored a total of 7 runs in the 1st 5 innings of their last 10 games, that's an obvious average of
0.70 team runs after 5 innings.

- inning by inning average over this stretch

1st - 0.10 runs
2nd - 0.10 runs
3rd - 0.10 runs
4th - 0.30 runs
5th - 0.10 runs
6th - 0.20 runs
7th - 0.70 runs
8th - 0.50 runs
9th - 0.33 runs

man, they really bomb it in the 7th:36_11_6:

All of that said, teams who finish the season w/winning records, facing the team who shut them out twice, are 5-1 since 02 (not incl. any results from this season).
Not a perfect match for your profile because there is no plus for the other team in continuing to win.
Incredibly interesting post and very informative. Actually printed this out to put with my baseball shit for reference down the line. Thank you very much sir.
no problem, vegas. All the stat categories have been updated, and this thread - unlike at a certain other place - wont be wiped before next season, so it'll be on the spot next time it's needed:shake: