Showtime CFL Week 5

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LOL-it couldn't have been more obvious. he signed up right after we banned the keith.line name and was viewing his own threads...been waiting for him to post for 4-5 days now.
hahaha on another site he just put "100 units" on baltimore

he claims this unknown sportsbook in alberta accepts $10k wagers

I noticed he stopped posting his units...and postd just 10-7 and percentage after losing those 39 units on the one game...


Yeah thats why he got banned outstanding...he was trying to pimp members to his hilarious lines book
he posted his MLB record it was like 100-65 @ 98 units. posted his "100" unit play today and is now 198 units
he posted his MLB record it was like 100-65 @ 98 units. posted his "100" unit play today and is now 198 units

Hell...must be nice to throw out 100,000 on a game when your a 100 per unit bettor.

You know whats funny..and this shows why Covers is so shady. We don;t try and hide stuff here.

The RickeyShowtime moniker signed up at Covers last weekend. His first and only post was in Covers Help asking Covers how he could advertise with them...and saying he had about 40,000 he wanted to use to invest. Covers team told him to email support or whatever.

Amazingly that post dissapeared a few days ago as well as anything from "rickeyshowtime"

For tracking purposes, I believe people should really only post units won or lost based on a one unit play.

Hell...must be nice to throw out 100,000 on a game when your a 100 per unit bettor.

ya 1000 buck unit and i am gonna play 100k. sure deal.

But as far as i am concerned from a tracking standpoint, i really only want to see how someone has done from 1 unit standpoint. In fact often times one unit may equal the maximum a book will take on a specific event and then they move the line. therefore , while i feel it is ok for folks to post their actual results (including multi unit plays , 2 units, 5 units whatever) , it really isn't indicative of true results for a "follower". much like someone saying " i am 60-40 in major league baseball this year" , when they fail to mention they have been laying 220 every game. if someone says "i am 60-40 in baseball and ahead 23 units" ... this too has little meaning if the units are ranged 1-10 or 1-5 imo. I am a pretty strong believer in mostly flat betting though i have placed different sized wagers on games in the past. I am probably in the minority in this opinion but i really think from a tracking of someones capping , I am really only interested in the one unit equivalent of all the plays.
I follow some picks from time to time. I wish I was following Hile75 totals for sure. I do my own capping and I am satisfied with that but I also have a guy who I know is an expert on the Big12 so I sometimes follow his picks there and that has also been succesful. My point on following wasn't really about the actual following of anothers picks ... my gosh could we get a good thread on that...... I was only saying that when people make ridiculous 100 unit plays or 10 unit plays that it makes their overall record and units won/lost meaningless. For an accurate portrayal of their capping, a record of their overall su win loss coupled with a "1 unit" basis for accounting is best. Or perhaps give a breakdown on how you have done at each unit level of betting. Just my opinion. of course, Someone could go back over the posts and figure that out if they had the time.
In addition, you also tend to see people find more multi unit plays when they are running bad overall or in a losing streak. curious.
guy posted this AIM log with keith line...keith wanted the guy to give him like $5000 to help startup a service site

i like the part:

Guaranteed picks

then below

Our cappers are experts, "we go through losing streaks too" and "we hit 55%"

We guarantee you will win...55% of the time