Should The Eagles Fire Chip Kelly?


In transit, arriving late.
Tough one. If you told me the division would lose Tony Romo for the year and the Iggles might not win it, I woulda called bullshit.

I think his problem is he got rid of good players to get HIS guys, and it aint fact failing badly

How long has he been here? Do they cut bait?
Tough one. If you told me the division would lose Tony Romo for the year and the Iggles might not win it, I woulda called bullshit.

I think his problem is he got rid of good players to get HIS guys, and it aint fact failing badly

How long has he been here? Do they cut bait?

yo dont know how long he has been there but ask if he should be fired.. ok
so I ask you wade, should he be?

I know this is a wild thought and no one is talking about it. Sorry so out of left field.

Mods should we erase it?
I am not too happy with Chip Kelly. He got rid of talent, still pissed he got rid of Evan Mathis. The OL is bad, could have used the money they gave Murray for OL help. Bradford is not he answer, I never thought he was, he is a pussy. Plain n simple.
Unless Chip decides to walk on his own, thats the only way he leaves right now
Lurie will give him next season, if its another shit show then you have to move on

and he better be told he has to fire Billy Davis the DC, guy is a joke
I didn't keep up with it, but the whole Bradford for Noles thing has always baffled me.
so I ask you wade, should he be?

I know this is a wild thought and no one is talking about it. Sorry so out of left field.

Mods should we erase it?

This topic has come up about a half dozen times on here alone, and from the sounds of it that's all they're talking about in Philly. Lots of people are talking about it, it's not out of left field at all...sounds like a pretty good discussion coming up...

No, I don't think he should be fired. But I absolutely hate when teams hire and then fire coaches all the time, it makes no sense to me (most times). All it does is set your team back, leaves your team with no continuity, and many times (most times?) a new coach doesn't make things better and you're right back where you are now in 2-3 years. He went 10-6 in his first 2 seasons. Sure, he's made some questionable moves, but which coach/GM doesn't? Trading McCoy is at the top of most people's list, but they did get Murray to replace him, so that move really doesn't need the scrutiny it has faced.
A matter of time before he is gone. QB is bad and they miss MACLAIN at WR. They used to be fun to watch now its painful.
This topic has come up about a half dozen times on here alone, and from the sounds of it that's all they're talking about in Philly. Lots of people are talking about it, it's not out of left field at all...sounds like a pretty good discussion coming up...

No, I don't think he should be fired. But I absolutely hate when teams hire and then fire coaches all the time, it makes no sense to me (most times). All it does is set your team back, leaves your team with no continuity, and many times (most times?) a new coach doesn't make things better and you're right back where you are now in 2-3 years. He went 10-6 in his first 2 seasons. Sure, he's made some questionable moves, but which coach/GM doesn't? Trading McCoy is at the top of most people's list, but they did get Murray to replace him, so that move really doesn't need the scrutiny it has faced.

There's something to be said for stability, see the Browns' two-and-done plan in recent years. Chip's kind of a different case though, it's always an experiment to bring in the new best thing from college football and see if it plays in the NFL. I don't know if they will fire him, but they should. The experiment isn't trending well, why not get your next coach a year earlier than the inevitable axe during next season's bye week when it still won't be working?
He needs to take his ego out of Philly ASAP. Who blows up a team that goes 20-12 in two seasons? Look at how dysfunctional the NFC east is, Eagles could've run away with the division for the next couple of years. Shady/Djax/Foles/Maclin etc etc.
I am not too happy with Chip Kelly. He got rid of talent, still pissed he got rid of Evan Mathis. The OL is bad, could have used the money they gave Murray for OL help. Bradford is not he answer, I never thought he was, he is a pussy. Plain n simple.
Unless Chip decides to walk on his own, thats the only way he leaves right now
Lurie will give him next season, if its another shit show then you have to move on

and he better be told he has to fire Billy Davis the DC, guy is a joke

Wow. A formulated and relevant opinion from someone who follows the program closely. Good points brought up and a great post.

Was it that fucking hard? Jesus....
This topic has come up about a half dozen times on here alone, and from the sounds of it that's all they're talking about in Philly. Lots of people are talking about it, it's not out of left field at all...sounds like a pretty good discussion coming up...

No, I don't think he should be fired. But I absolutely hate when teams hire and then fire coaches all the time, it makes no sense to me (most times). All it does is set your team back, leaves your team with no continuity, and many times (most times?) a new coach doesn't make things better and you're right back where you are now in 2-3 years. He went 10-6 in his first 2 seasons. Sure, he's made some questionable moves, but which coach/GM doesn't? Trading McCoy is at the top of most people's list, but they did get Murray to replace him, so that move really doesn't need the scrutiny it has faced.

:shake:making sure I wasn't crazy
I didn't keep up with it, but the whole Bradford for Noles thing has always baffled me.

Bradford is certainly the better QB so talent wise it makes sense. When you consider contracts & Bradford's injury history maybe not so much. Kelly knew Noles wasn't the answer and couldn't give up what Tenn wanted for the Mariota draft pick when he had a team that was supposed to win NOW so he rolled the dice that Bradford could stay on the field.

As for how long he lasts with the Eagles, well, he did win 10 games two years in a row with Andy Reid's players so ownership will give him at least one more season and I don't think his ego will allow him to quit yet. Another season like this though and he'll take the first high profile, big money college job offered him.
Absolutely, and they will. He has a lot of the same problems that Fat Andy did, but unlike FA Chip Kelly did not have Jim Johnson as his DC to carry him through his first few years.
He needs to take his ego out of Philly ASAP. Who blows up a team that goes 20-12 in two seasons? Look at how dysfunctional the NFC east is, Eagles could've run away with the division for the next couple of years. Shady/Djax/Foles/Maclin etc etc.

This line of thinking is so common and so wrong. Shady DJax and Maclin were all commanding 8 figure salaries this season and look what each has produced for their new teams. Hardly $10 million+ numbers. As far as Foles, he couldn't even make it through a full season this year without getting benched, so I think it's fair to say that he wasn't the answer at QB. Letting go of Mathis I didn't like but apparently he was a pain in the ass in the locker room like Shady and DJax so I guess Chip was at least being consistent there.

The area where he has really failed has been the draft IMO. Of the 21 draft picks Chip has made during his tenure, only 10 were on the active roster to start the season. Of the 3 first round picks he has made, only 1 (Lane Johnson) was not a huge reach pick and, not surprisingly, he is the only one playing like a first rounder, as the other two (Marcus Smith and Nelson Agholor) look like busts. The only other draft picks that see playing time are Bennie Logan (who was Chips only great pick, he has produced well beyond his 3rd round expectations), Zach Ertz ( has been average but not lived up to expectations, he still hasn't learned how to block), Jordan Matthews (has been decent but inconsistent, he's a solid #2 WR but can't be the go-to guy they wanted him to be this year, he just doesn't have the talent), and Josh Huff (one of Chips Oregon guys, he's a good return man and a #3 or #4 WR but does not have the size or discipline to be anything more than that). If what I just listed is the best you can get out of 3 years of drafts and only have average success with free agency, you are not going to trend positively as a team.