Should the Chiefs honor a murderer today?


Head of Loggerhead Turtle Society
See some players want to wear patches today etc..... Slippery slope for the NFL.. Last I checked the league has come down hard on domestic abuse in the past. And last I checked, murdering your domestic partner is the worst kind of abuse...

Be a sensitive topic--- but IMO and mention of his name in pregame ceromonies or the wearing of a patch would be a travesty..

wear patches for the 3 month old kid maybe, but not that piece of shit who left her without parents. people in this world have some fucked up priorities.
Imagine if it was your daughter he murdered and then give me your response.....makes it a no brainer IMO.
There are always 2 sides to every story. We don't know what was going on with his personal life and girlfriend. She could of been doing some unjust things to him but that does not give him the right to kill her and himself. Very selfish thing to do specially when a child is involved. Sad event for everyone involved but don't think wearing a patch is the right thing to do.

Bad move by KC, my opinion.
Honor the victims if anything. But definately don't honor the murderer. He's a piece of shit coward.
There are always 2 sides to every story. We don't know what was going on with his personal life and girlfriend. She could of been doing some unjust things to him.

I don't care what she may have done.... he MURDERED her. NOTHING justifies that.
right, i'm sure there is more to the story than, "he just shot her at her home" - but regardless he murdered her and left his daughter alone in this world, how in the fuck could you honor that?

and totally agree, any mention of this, any stunt that KC does should be for the little girl, kinda a no brainer...

H-Bomb puts it perfectly...
The shocking death of Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher is going to affect the team's players and staff in many different ways. For running back Jamaal Charles, the tragedy will hit particularly close to home.
NFL Network's Randy Moss reported on "NFL GameDay Morning" that the wife of Charles was cousins with Kasandra Perkins, who was killed by Belcher on Saturday. Perkins was the mother of Belcher's child and was introduced to Belcher through Charles.
Chiefs quarterback Brady Quinn spoke about how difficult it would be for the Chiefs to play the Carolina Pantherson Sunday after Belcher and Perkins' deaths. That will likely be especially true for Charles.
It is going to be a very different, and difficult Sunday in Kansas City.
I heard them say that his name will not be mentioned before the moment of silence. Just that a tragedy happened, yesterday.
One of my best friends in high school did something similar.. caught his wife with another guy (it had been going on awhile-- on and off kind of thing ).. Shot the guy (not her) with a 44, then himself... Funeral was difficult.. Was pissed at her for what she did, pissed at him... Still bothers me some 8 years later.. never properly grieved it I guess.. Didn't know what feelings to feel... What he did was wrong but I was so pissed at her for pushing him to the brink..couldnt even look at her at the funeral... Yet he was still a murderer.. not saying this was that but I know personally it brings multiple feelings to the surface...
Like I mentioned in another thread, they should just adopt the WWE approach like after Chris Benoit died...

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Since when do we honor a murderer? You pray for him and his family. Most of all, we honor the victim and the poor little baby for losing both of her parents. We should not being honoring this guy for horrificly affecting people's lives forever.
No way or how can you honor Belcher, he is a piece of shit murderer. No two ways about it, I don't care what she was doing to him, he murdered the mother of his 3 month old baby and then instead of face the jury and explain what caused him to snap he took the coward way out and killed himself.

I don't pretend to know what happened or why it happened but from everything I've read this is how it went down. If I'm the Chiefs I simply have a moment of silence for the "victims of yesterday's tragedy".
One of my best friends in high school did something similar.. caught his wife with another guy (it had been going on awhile-- on and off kind of thing ).. Shot the guy (not her) with a 44, then himself... Funeral was difficult.. Was pissed at her for what she did, pissed at him... Still bothers me some 8 years later.. never properly grieved it I guess.. Didn't know what feelings to feel... What he did was wrong but I was so pissed at her for pushing him to the brink..couldnt even look at her at the funeral... Yet he was still a murderer.. not saying this was that but I know personally it brings multiple feelings to the surface...

Tough indeed because it was your boy involved but separate yourself from it and say you read this story in the paper while you were having your morning coffee. It's a murder suicide. Who knows what pushes people's buttons like that but once those buttons have been pushed it is what it is IMO. Sorry you were even somewhat involved in that.