Should be Muggy this weekend


Dawg Fan
Just a few plays I locked in. I'll spare any writeups as these have been spoken about plenty.

USC -8
Houston -13
Indy -3
Wisc -10 (looked good a week ago)
SJS +19
Minn -16.5 (damn)
Nebby -21
ISU -7

Vacillated on the rest of todays program............decided on a teaser for entertainments sake.

BC -5
Ball +1.5
NW +1.5
ISU -2.5

GL all........:cheers:
Hey mugg

What do you look for out of Udub this year? I guess they HAVE to be better, and Stanback is solid. Im on SJSU with you but im holding out hope people will pound it to 20+
Looks good, Mugg! Enjoy the weekend, dude!
Thanks Sooner.....B.A.R.

Nick........they've been talkin tough, saying they expect to go bowling this year. Honestly, I can't see it. The rest of the pac10 is on the rise for the most part & they're just too thin on the lines............have a couple of true frosh on the 2-deep in some cases. Solid but somewhat underwhelming at the skills. It's tough to gauge a lot right now due to the closed practices, but in TW's 2nd season they should be improved. Look for Stanback to go deep more this year. He has a good arm though its been used sparingly to this pt. He'll need time to throw & that looks like it could be a problem.

I'd say they might be decent defensively but unless they grow up fast they'll struggle vs good defensive teams. I'll be looking to get pts with them this year. But the fact that they're layin this many to SJS tells me LV expects more from them than I do...........right now anyhow.

Like I said, it's tough to get a good read on them right now............hopefully they'll surprise me. But I try not to make hope be my plan.
thanks for the info mugg. Yeah id have to agree they have their work cut out to make a bowl in the Pac 10 this year lol. TW year 2 they obviously appear to expect to win more than 3 games so thats good. I'll be rooting for them.
Thanks chalk......back at ya

Gotta add..........

UCLA/UTAH O54 +110........neither will completely shut down the other.......new rules didn't seem to affect much Thursday.......3 units
i like it

Mugg said:
Thanks chalk......back at ya

Gotta add..........

UCLA/UTAH O54 +110........neither will completely shut down the other.......new rules didn't seem to affect much Thursday.......3 units

and will definitely take another look. i'm all over the stanford/oregon over already. cardinals have no defense...oregon lost most of theirs.
Good Luck on the rest of the card Mugg... somehow I overlooked a card by one of the top cappers on the net. I'm hoping my boys can do something for you Saturday.
Hey MUGG! I like the rest of your plays. GL to you this Saturday! :shake:

"Is it MUGGY in here, or is it just him?..."
Thanks gentlemen.......:shake:

Yanks.......I added a small play on UO/Stan as well.......good call IMO

You're too kind Fondy. I hope your boys give me a no-sweat type of game.

Aztec......tough game last night.....thought Palmer was gonna give it back for a bit there. SDS should be money this year..........ISU sure pissed me off last night