Shocking news!!!


Pretty much a regular
Mike Goldberg removed from Fox's NFL broadcast booth for Sunday
Shutdown Corner
Eric Edholm 2 hours 14 minutes ago
Mike Goldberg's debut as an NFL broadcaster might fall under the category of inauspicious.

In fact, his first NFL broadcast might be his only broadcast.

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Goldberg, who had a rough call in the Week 6 game between the Minnesota Vikings and Detroit Lions with several missed calls and misidentified names, made things worse when he vented (to put it kindly) to fans on Twitter afterward.

Fox now has removed Goldberg from its NFL booth, per Pro Football Talk. He had been scheduled to call the Vikings-Buffalo Bills game in Week 7, but that assignment now will go to veteran Tim Brando. Brendan Ayanbadejo, who, to be fair, was far from perfect in his call last week, as well, will remain on that call with Brando.

Goldberg is most famous for being a UFC announcer, and he also previously has called the NHL's Minnesota Wild games, some college football and — most notably, of course — the Lingerie Football League's championship game.

But his NFL days very well might be in the one-and-done category. You'd have to think that Fox executives were more upset at his social-media rantings than his struggles in the booth, although neither helped his cause. You can't say that Golden Tate is a Vikings receiver and that Norv Turner coaches for the Lions; that doesn't fly on this level.

Let this be the launching pad for the "Free Gus Johnson" folks out there. Start the campaign now. Johnson might be the lead college football announcer for Fox, but you just know there is a strong contingent of his supporters who would love to see him return to calling NFL games in his own inimitable and epic style.
ons fan website "Pride of Detroit" described the performance as "the worst broadcast of a football game I have ever witnessed in my life," and that came from the vantage point of a team that won 17-3.

FOX managed to outdo itself on Sunday with the worst broadcast of a football game I have ever witnessed in my life. The announcers, Mike Goldberg and Brendon Ayanbadejo, had no business calling an NFL game, as evidenced by their constant mistakes. They repeatedly misidentified coaches and players -- no, Golden Tate and Sam Martin aren't on the Vikings -- and it felt like they did zero preparation for this game. Actually, it felt like they were reading from an error-filled script and had no prior knowledge of either team. It was painful to listen to them on Sunday.
The worst reported mistakes by Goldberg in Sunday's game included the broadcaster saying, "The intended receiver was Golden Tate," on an incomplete pass from Vikings quarterback Teddy Bridgewater to Greg Jennings. While both players wear No. 15, Tate is Detroit's leading receiver. Likewise, Goldberg allegedly named Minnesota offensive coordinator Norv Turner as a member of the Lions staff.

Naturally, several observers took the opportunity to take Goldberg to task on Twitter, and the announcer didn't react too kindly to the criticism. He responded to one harsh critic with, "Dude [expletive] you," and called another a "douche" — probably not the best decision if he wants to remain in an NFL booth.

@towle_mark I hope you never waste my time again
wish I could have heard even a quarter of that game, sounds epically awful
I heard bits and pieces on red zone I thought the color guy who was working with him was awful... Bar was complaining about it in the in-game
anywhere you can pull up some audio of some of this?
would love to hear it
it was really bad, I only saw RZ like Braves but I couldnt imagine being a fan who had that on the main channel
I heard bits and pieces on red zone I thought the color guy who was working with him was awful... Bar was complaining about it in the in-game

I had planned to send a letter to Fox today, so this is really funny.

Dude had no clue. It was awful. The color guy was really bad too.

I had no idea it was his first broadcast, that makes sense.
The thing I kept thinking is with the bye weeks etc how this tandem was even on the air. It is not like it was a FOX-heavy schedule.
.. Most of the decent ones are doing college I guess.

Out of all the major sports NFL announcers are easily the worst.

Trent green is another guy who really needs some work, he is pretty poor
I had planned to send a letter to Fox today, so this is really funny.

Dude had no clue. It was awful. The color guy was really bad too.

I had no idea it was his first broadcast, that makes sense.


This really made you all hot and bothered.
.. Most of the decent ones are doing college I guess.

Out of all the major sports NFL announcers are easily the worst.

Trent green is another guy who really needs some work, he is pretty poor

I still cant believe they have Siragusa involved

Here's an actual transcript of Siragusa talking on live television:
"Talked to coach Mark Trestman a ... about, you know, about he said to me I said you know this first half was pretty crazy, outrageous, he said as crazy and outrageous as it was, we're only down seven points."
This took approximately 30 seconds for him to say
No surprise, despite calling the sport for over a decade, Goldy appears to know little to nothing about MMA and the UFC. Fans of that sport hate him as well, which makes me question why he still has a job in broadcasting at all


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