Shark's WK12


Youngest guy on the forum
wk1 6-2
wk2 5-3
wk3 6-1
wk4 4-4

wk6 7-2
wk7 5-5
WK9 2-6
WK10 5-3
WK11 2-6


Minny +2 @ Detroit
Washington +6.5 @ Dallas
Colts +15.5 U 54.5 (6pt tease)
Thanks guys. Sorry if I've been a little slow in here. I'm kind of going through some tough times with my father in law. I found him at his home on the bedroom floor. He had been laying there for at least 4 days and practically dead. I got him to the hospital and he's been in intensive care. Long story short, if and when he recovers he is going to come live with my wife and I. I'm all over the place right now so sorry if I don't respond right away.
Wow Shark, horrible to hear that news. Best to your father in law, you, and family .. prayers for all !
Wow, thank you for the concerns. It's been quite an emotional roller-coaster lately. My father in law is such a great gentleman. Stands at 6'5" and not a single mean bone in his body. He has been like a real dad to me. He turns 80 in a couple of months. He still drove and worked. He decided to keep working after his wife died about 6 years ago. According to the doctors, it seems that his hip hurt him and he fell and was unable to reach the phone. He didn't suffer a stroke or heart attack although he's already had a quintuple bypass. I noticed he had started walking slower and shuffling his feet a little. Turns out the doctor said he looks like he is in the first stages of dementia. Really sad cause he has such a sharp mind. Anyways, he went into renal failure which isn't good and also needs to be on antibiotics because of a sore on his bottom that he got from laying there and got infected from his own feces and urine. It's going to be a long road but he is recovering.
My wife's brother and 3 sisters are as useless as tits on a boy hog. They didn't even offer to take him in so I did. There is no way I'm putting him in a home. So now my house has to be made handicap accessible for him. I have a tub/shower on that side of the house so the tub has to come out and a shower constructed. Also my son's old bedroom will be his but needs to be re-finished cause that kid tore it up. I painted it and got new flooring and baseboards put in yesterday and today.
Tomorrow is my last day at the fire department. I was looking forward to retirement. Life throws curves at you, we just have to do the best we can and push forward. Everything will be alright.
Thanks to all,
shark, i wish you all the best, you are doing the right thing and you will be remembered for kindness and efforts, god bless
Thankfully you have the time now to be able to give him the time he deserves. You're a good man shark. Dementia runs heavy in my family. Patience good sir.
Things will be true. What you are doing and what his other children are doing is not going unnoticed. You will be rewarded in the end. Have gone through very similar events on both sides of our family. May God bless you
Sorry to hear about your father-in-law shark, but it sounds like you saved him just in time. Old age sucks for sure. My Mom's 84 and my Dad's 93 and I talk to them on the phone a couple of times a week. This last September, I drove back for a surprise visit to my sister's house in NW Indiana where they live. My Mom was ecstatic, while my Dad didn't know who I was in person. I walked outside and cried like a baby.

Congratulations on your retirement and for your years of service.

Sorry to hear about your father-in-law shark, but it sounds like you saved him just in time. Old age sucks for sure. My Mom's 84 and my Dad's 93 and I talk to them on the phone a couple of times a week. This last September, I drove back for a surprise visit to my sister's house in NW Indiana where they live. My Mom was ecstatic, while my Dad didn't know who I was in person. I walked outside and cried like a baby.

Congratulations on your retirement and for your years of service.

I'm so sorry man. Your story made me tear up. Yes, getting old sucks. :shake2:
Thanks to all of you for the nice comments. My father in law will be coming home this Saturday. And yes, I am now OFFICIALLY RETIRED!
Thanks to all of you for the nice comments. My father in law will be coming home this Saturday. And yes, I am now OFFICIALLY RETIRED!
sorry to hear about your father-in-law. at our age it happens...same stuff on my end.

congrats on the retirement...have to stay in touch & let me know if you like it. I'm trying to quit, but can't pull trigger.
Congrats on that retirement shark. Enjoy the time off. You've earned it. And sorry about the father in law.